1 Post – 70 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Anna's archive

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All three major GPU manufacturers support ray tracing and variable refresh rate on Linux. When playing windows games, ray tracing has to be handled through VKD3D, which AFAIK supports most but not all DXR features. I haven't had any problems with it though.

The one thing that can still completely make or break your (Windows games on Linux) gaming experience is anti-cheat software, since it's up to the game developers to enable it for wine. The major anti cheat providers offer solutions for this, but not all game studios are interested in their games running on platforms other than windows. Games like valorant will probably never work. Good riddance though.

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It is well known that Tim Sweeney has an unfounded hate for Linux in general and routinely makes up lies to support his idiotic views.

Especially in the case of a game like Fortnite, which uses EAC, it would require enabling a checkbox and recompiling once to make it compatible with proton, which in itself is a rather unnecessary measure imposed by Epic.

So no, it's not simplistic, it's literally how it would work in this case. As demonstrated by the countless other games which use EAC and did just that.

Obvious troll account imo

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Yeah sure, exclusive deals excluding even those who pre-ordered games on other platforms are "not bad".

Taking games (looking at you, Fall Guys) which were available on other platforms for years off those platforms to make them exclusive after the fact is "not bad".

Adding restrictive anti cheat measures to games which worked perfectly on Linux before is "not bad".

No it's not. Arm is a RISC architecture. RISC-V also is a RISC architecture.

Arm is explicitly not RISC-V.

More like JRRM captured a fundamental reality

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This account keeps spamming low quality articles by "newsline paper", seems like an ad campaign to me.

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In Uganda.

I think if you want a model that outputs sound in a way that only you can hear it, your best bet will be bone conduction.

Example (not tested by me, just the first search hit):

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Which version of raspberry pi?

Assuming it's a 4, you could probably use LibreELEC. There is a plugin for moonlight game streaming.

Kodi, a very popular and highly extensible Media Center which acts as the GUI of LibreELEC, can play just about any media. Airplay seems to be supported as well.

There is a plugin for Netflix, however note that you will be limited to 720p since you can't use widevine levels above l3.

I am not advocating for the "alternatives" (i.e. Instagram and the likes), however I think banning a Chinese PSYOP indoctrinating a whole generation with far-right ideas can only be positive for society. Hopefully the EU does something similar.

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PSA: Business insider belongs to Axel Springer, the German pendant to Murdoch. Take everything you read from any of their publications with a 1MT brick of salt.

Any Irish here to provide some context?

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Seconded, just regarding sshfs

Sure you can, why though?

I assume you are referring to Ghassan Abu-Sittah, although I can't find anything tying him to the University of Glasgow.

The person whose video message triggered the ban of the event, however, was Salman Abu Sitta. Different person.

Missed opportunity to call it lostlemmings imo, but nice that this exists in any case

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While it's true that their tutorial contains some errors, it's not all that hard to set up imo.

Basically, they expose the wrong ports in the nginx section (should be 80, not the ui / backend ports). Also, the compose file assumes you are building the Lemmy image yourself, to change this, you have to comment out the lines in the "build" section under Lemmy and enable the "image" line. And you have to set the database user and pw in the Lemmy config file.

Regarding your usage of nginx: while I use apache myself, the config should be comparable and comes down to setting up a reverse proxy to the port which you have bound the nginx container to (so whatever you expose container port 80 as). While this means that you will effectively have two instances of nginx running, one as the internal proxy for Lemmy and one as the reverse proxy for external access, it will work flawlessly in my experience.

Not a solution, just a suggestion: in my experience, Organic Maps is the far superior Open Street Maps navigation application on Android.

What an utterly dumb thing to say.

It was two weeks though.

Edit: nevermind, OP says two weeks, article says march. My bad.

Conveniently left out of the not at all biased article: the congress was canceled because it explicitly broke the conditions under which it was allowed to be held. They aired the live stream of a hate speaker who is banned from political appearances in Germany, because he has broken hate speech laws in the past.

The organizers were explicitly warned against airing this speaker and ignored it - can't act surprised when the congress is cancelled.

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Seems AI generated.

I'm not the first person to note this:

Just gotta block lemmygrad and about half of

While it does not answer your question directly (sorry), my suggestion would be to just use Firefox for everything. Setting up PWAs in Firefox requires a small amount of preparation work, but once the extension and runtime are installed it's all pretty smooth.

An all-encompassing assistant will probably be a ways off. But LLM-based tools that can process visual inputs are already available to the general customer, e.g. LLava.

The Verfassungsschutz is nothing like the Secret Service, it's more like Homeland Security or the FBI.

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No need to be vegan to acknowledge that animals are thinking and feeling beings who deserve rights.

Yours is the take of a person without empathy or conscience.

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Seems like the usual person / bot who used to post these garbage articles got blocked by too many people and saw their votes decrease, so they made a new account.

The more important meaning in this context, imo, is the first one. Unlike solar, wind, hydroelectric power etc., nuclear energy is fossil in the sense that it uses a finite resource which cannot be replenished.

Immich all the way. It is very similar to Google photos in terms of UI and features and is being actively developed. You can create shared albums with unlimited contributors and also share an album by its link.

I have used Nextcloud before, but the feature set (even of the memories addon, which is supposed to be better than the default photos app) is severely lacking and Nextcloud is incredibly slow compared to immich.

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Paradox doesn't really bother.

Even the games that have native Linux ports regularly have massive issues. Currently you can't play CK3 multiplayer since it immediately goes out of sync, works fine with proton though. The Linux version also crashes much more.

Similar story with Stellaris, where every other update the clients become completely incompatible.

What a garbage source.

Better one, since for once, RAiR isn't just wildly making shit up:

I think there was a mixup, we received all that snow in Germany for some reason

Yeeeeah totally intentional

Few people know the actual spelling is Jorge

Can't speak for other countries, but Germany explicitly warns about the danger of sexual violence: Ausländer, insbesondere allein oder in kleinen Gruppen reisende Frauen, sind vereinzelt von gewaltsamen, auch sexuellen Übergriffen betroffen, auch in Touristenzentren. Dazu werden teilweise Drogen oder K.-o.-Tropfen über Getränke verabreicht.

"Foreigners, especially women traveling alone or in small groups, are occasionally affected by violent, including sexual, attacks, including in tourist centers. Drugs or knockout drops are sometimes administered through drinks."

Musicbrainz is such a database, but I am unsure whether it can be used with short snippets of music.

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My bad, I was thinking of AcoustID.