Vivia 🦆🍵🦀

@Vivia 🦆🍵🦀
1 Post – 15 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Earlier this year I was given one of those XPS machines with Ubuntu and decided to install Debian on it. The camera driver was so bad - I can't remember technical details but you can't simply get it to run on another kernel, it was a mess of hacks to get it to work. I decided I won't get a camera driver. "We ship a laptop with Ubuntu" does not necessarily mean working Linux drivers.

EDIT: To add insult to injury, the touch bar suddenly decided to stop responding to input. It's already bad enough to not have tactile feedback for Esc / Fn keys / Delete / Print Screen.

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You needed: kernel driver, closed source userspace driver, GStreamer plugin, v4l2 loopback driver, v4l2 relay daemon copying frames from the GStreamer source into v4l2 loopback. Technically I could have made it work, I just decided not to.

Nextcloud Tasks?

Well, maybe you are:

  • Planning a surprise party
  • Leaving a job
  • Trying to escape an abusive relationship
  • Famous
  • Writing a detective novel
  • A writer without a publisher
  • Searching about an embarrassing medical condition
  • Having a crush in someone
  • In the closet
  • A teenager with controlling parents
  • Having a hobby that's considered embarrassing or childish
  • Having a psycho stalker
  • Buying a present from Santa
  • A reporter who doesn't want to reveal their sources
  • Buying a toilet and you don't want toilet recommendations for the rest of your life
  • Lending your computer to someone, and you don't want your recommended videos to change
  • Under an NDA

... Or maybe you're talking with someone who's in one of those categories.

We have to normalise privacy in order to keep these people safe. For instance, it's a stupid example but it works, if I always use private browser windows, my husband won't suspect anything when I'm looking for a gift for him.

That's only the tip of the iceberg and it's not even touching some bigger problems:

  • You can be profiled based on your likes, social media posts, purchase history, etc, and maybe used for election results manipulation, or who knows what else. That's not a conspiracy theory, it has happened, see for instance Cambridge Analytica.
  • Maybe the political situation will change in the future. Oops, now your data is suddenly in the hands of a malicious dictator.
  • If you keep a backdoor open to let the "good and trusted" actors in, there's no way to not let malicious actors in as well.

Fair enough. I guess it was so common when I was growing up that I never realised it.

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Doomscrolling is difficult right now. Images should be big enough, so that you can stay on Subscribed or All while looking at funny or cute pictures. Right now they're tiny and you have to click on them one by one.

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  • Two NextCloud instances, one is a RPi4 with a big external HDD which I use for backups, the other one contains everything else, including PhoneTrack. Happy to have a self-hosted privacy-friendly way to share my location with family.
  • Email using mailcow.
  • Jabber server using prosody. Using it with immediate family and two friends. Still super happy.
  • Web server including personal blogs. Currently looking to migrate away from Wordpress into something static without comments.
  • pihole
  • Half-finished home automation stuff.

Well, it's a Tuesday so that means I can get fresh fish in my local street market. Nothing much going on otherwise.

Well, at least you could send a link to a friend who doesn't have a Reddit account and they could view it. Now they'd be greeted with a friendly "install the app or get out" screen, and let's be real, they wouldn't install a whole app just to view the occasional link you'd send them.

I use NextCloud News, it's super convenient and also syncs between my phone and computer. I use it for reading the news (playing hide and seek with one news site after another when they inevitably disconnect their RSS/Atom support), for the webcomics I follow, and for keeping up with friends' blogs.

For my server I use duplicity, with a daily incremental backup and sending the encrypted diffs away. I researched a few more options some time ago but nothing really fit my use case, but I'm also not super happy with duplicity. Thanks for suggesting borgbackup.

For my personal data I have a NextCloud on a RPi4 at my parents' place, which also syncs between my laptop that I've left there. For an offline and off-site storage, I use the good old strategy where I bring over an external hard drive, rsync it, and bring it back.

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I find the old Reddit UI to work better when browsing through a list of articles or stories. For images, it interrupts the nice flow I have when I have a bigger image size. I have the same configuration on my RSS feed reader btw: showing the full article in my "webcomics" folder and just title+short preview in my "news" folder.

I also use them on both, KDE has default bindings.

Ah, maybe the difference is that my parents smoked when I was very small. Eventually they both quit and now they both hate the smell. But yes, I also grew up before the smoking ban.

Another happy mailcow user here. I used to have everything set up manually until a few months ago when I decided to migrate into a bigger hardware instance.

My only complaint is that I can't find a self-hosted way to protect the actual mailbox with 2FA. IMAP/SMTP have plain username/password authentication.