4 Post – 68 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Freelance 2D and 3D animator & graphic designer.

find me and my art on Instagram @cryshlee

Sometimes I post my art and animation process in Blender on YouTube @cryshleeTV

Everyone here is so kind it’s making me cry even harder, lmao. Thank you. Thank you so much for your perspective, and for your encouragement. Your confidence in me makes me feel a lot stronger. my mind gets really caught up in what ifs and just general dread around the future when what I need to do is just be present in the now.

Just wish the right now wasn’t so lonely.

Not sure if you read the article but in this specific instance I believe they are denouncing studios ability to copy their likeness and voice without their consent. Think deepfakes and simulated voices such as elevenlabs’ AI voice tool. That is something that is actively being tested and actors and voice actors want control of how their likeness and voice are used.

I think this is a reasonable and valid argument and should be protected.

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Yeah. I’ve been talking to my sister and best friend about it. It’s late though, and they need to sleep so I’m also trying not to bother them too much right now. The loneliness and pain is honestly just overwhelming. I haven’t felt this bad since I lost my dog and that absolutely destroyed me. The night I lost her I drank until I passed out and I think I did that for the next couple of weeks.

I don’t want to do that again but I do need to numb the pain or I’ll lose my mind from lack of sleep

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This constant gamma-ray flux—which does not pose a threat to life on our planet—is far brighter than expected based on models of the Sun’s behavior, raising new questions about the mechanisms that are fueling the radiant glow.

Could they not have led with that? I hate that sites feel they need to imply an existential threat to drive clicks to a science article.

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I didn’t even know it was humanly possible to not like music at all. What were they like? Like their personalities? Did they seem sociopathic or were they generally “normal”?

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Oh how I would love to be a fly on the fucking wall at Reddit HQ. I must know what is going through their brains at this moment as things begin to implode and melt into unmoderated madness. I’m dying to know what is being said about r/Blind and r/IAMA and if they are prepared for the ongoing fallout or desperately trying to salvage what they can to still manage to package and sell to some fool

It’s even more hideous than I was expecting. How is that even possible

Ohhhh. Oh. That was not what I was thinking at all. Lmao

It’s unimaginably hard to process. But it’s a very small solace knowing that I didn’t have to go without knowing for very long. I had to practically drag it out of him. Its scary thinking about if I had found out a month or two down the line, but it’s also kind of reassuring in a way, kind of like ‘I could be hurting wayyyy worse’.

I also think being around people would be helpful for me. Focusing on other social relationships. It’s just personally hard for me to connect with others. Everything I do feels forced. I wish I had let down my guard with others enough to be able have plans with someone every day. This is the goal I will have to focus on from now on so I don’t have to feel this way in the future.

This is the second time this week I’ve ever heard this phrase in my entire life. I feel like I know what it means but I’m afraid to ask

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Initially I thought this was his concern but he never mentioned anything gender specific, just that humans as a whole shouldn’t eat soy as it’s “not food”…as though it’s plastic or something. I agree that it’s probably a result of the social media telephone game, though. I just wish I could find the original source so I can prepare a good argument

Sorry, Memmy’s comment bug has me fucked up

You’re right, it does say Noble Thief Auto! It’s definitely Grand Theft Auto, nice catch

I recently built a PC for the very first time and am very ashamed to admit I had to visit old threads to help me get up and running. It’s such a tragedy what they’ve done to the site, its communities had and still have so much value. Heartbreaking that they’re so determined to run it into the ground and personally nail its own coffin shut.

Godddd, this happened to me twice this week. THE POPE NEEDED ME TO SAVE HIM AND I CANT GO BACK 😩

Thank you so much for this perspective. Thinking about it like that makes it easier to think about the future and be aware in my present. That being said, I’m hoping this is the highest peak because if it isn’t, I am not going to make it. My threshold for pain is in the negative digits.

I know I need to feel feelings to actually process them. I don’t think it’s fully hit me yet how drastically my life just changed. It makes me feel destructive and defeated at the same time. I want to jump out of my skin.

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This must be it. I didn’t think it would be so simple so I completely disregarded this game 😭😩

Thank you for the kindness you’ve shared with me. I guess deep down I knew that this wasn’t the love it should have been, and I don’t want him to be stuck in a relationship he wasn’t getting any happiness out of. I don’t think I’ll ever stop loving him, but he absolutely has a right to his own happiness and love.

My mind knows this. My body hasn’t got the memo. I can’t stop crying.

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I had to double check if this was the onion cause this is EXACTLY like Joan is Awful


what a great way to encourage a mass uninstall

Thank you for your thoughtful response. I am not a social person by default (he was the extrovert), so it’s difficult for me to be more social than I am now. I do have a lot of insecurities which makes that harder but I’ve been trying to see myself in a more positive light lately.

I really like what you said about roots and connecting with the things I used to love. He was so intertwined with my life and hobbies that it’s hard to find something that doesn’t have to do with him or the both of us. I feel like I need a 180 degree, blank slate/reset. I don’t know where to start with that.

I will…keep that in mind, thank you

I guess a better phrasing would be “do my eyes deceive me or is the entirety of Hawaii lit the fuck up”

I fucking knew it. Something told me there was no way he hired an actual designer to design shit.

Lmao is it just me or is the entirety of Hawaii lit the fuck up

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I plan to. It sucks because we’ve also been working closely together on a lot of dream projects and I have to decide whether to give that up and destroy what we built, or stick around and torture myself and my sanity. I can’t make that decision.

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Im so sorry to hear that. That’s awful to be that close to marriage and just leaving everything you built together. I’ve gone no contact with most of my friends and family from my past because of some serious abuse issues, and have been living alone for the past three years. Prior to this he had been semi-living with me. We’d been best friends for the last 6 years. I’m a pretty solitary/private person, yet we were inseparable. Just thinking about having to be alone right now is killing me, nevermind the future.

That’s a good and valid point. Self-hosted/open-source access to AI absolutely levels the playing field and could create economic equity at a level we haven’t seen before in recent human history. They’re terrified.

This may not be the best advice here, but as someone who has struggled with making friends here in America, the one thing I know for certain works is befriending your coworkers. Some of my dearest friends, to this day, are people I met on the job 6 years ago!

This depends entirely on your work environment/climate, but there’s something about shared work stress that makes after hours bonding a lot easier. I know you don’t drink or go to bars due to religious reasons, so this may be more difficult for you. Instead of a bar, maybe propose something fun like laser tag or an escape room after work or for a staff outing!

It’s easier to find shared interests/make friends at that point because you’ll have been working together for at least a little bit, so the initial hurdle of “meeting someone new” has already been taken care of!

Anyway, I said all that to say, start with the people around you. Maybeeee not your neighbors, though, unless they’re having a yard sale/block party.

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It really feels good. Somehow I feel like we ended up closer as a United community even across different instances

It’s really interesting to me because you don’t really see that same kind of vitriol directed at oat milk or almond milk! I just don’t understand how they can look at hundreds of years of soybean culture and come to the conclusion of ‘yeah, we totally should not be eating that’.

Personally, I can’t stand plant-based meat alternatives simply because I prefer to just eat vegetables as vegetables…but I fucking love miso, tofu and all the different ways you can prepare it, doenjang jigae…the list goes on. I feel like omnivores who preach this don’t grasp how many different foods soy is a part of…even meat based ones!

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I haven’t seen anyone recommend this yet but for your body itself, try using peppermint castille soap. There’s a brand here called dr.bronners, not sure if you have it in your area but you might be able to find it on Amazon. Really helps keep skin cool, sometimes I’ll just bathe my feet in it if I’ve already showered and just need to cool off a bit.

Also lose the socks and general clothing if you’re at home. A wet rag over a fan may help as well. Drink lots and lots of water. Horror movies also sometimes give me a bit of a chill! Good luck!

I don’t disagree (I actually do the exact same thing when I see the word “baffled”) but I’m interested in your distinction between researchers and scientists. Is it a common tactic for news articles to use “scientists”as a buzzword instead of “researchers”?

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I agree with your points. The term “AI” is a buzzword, and “machine learning” is the correct term for what most people consider things like chatGPT or Midjourney to be. I think it’s very important to differentiate between the different tools and not use a catchall term such as “AI” because this leads to widespread demonization of all tools that use machine learning when the truth is that some models are exploitative while others are not.

I think working towards accurate language should be a priority when litigating the use of machine learning but people also have a responsibility to do their due diligence in learning about what machine learning is and what it can do.

Those pizza pochettes look straight fire

I just had a huge McDonald’s order. I haven’t had McDonald’s in years

It’s so good 😭😩

The look on the piggy’s face is sending me

I feel that in order for that to happen, we really need younger representatives who have an understanding of how AI works and its current/potential impacts. I really don’t see any of the older politicians having anywhere close to the understanding or willingness to learn about this kind of technology in a way that would lead to productive discourse and regulation.

This is what I have been trying to figure out

The possibility that disembodied neurons prefer synchronized “soothing” pulses as opposed to chaotic noise is infinitely more interesting to me than this article.

Goddamnit. I had no idea Big Dairy was a thing 🤦‍♀️