
1 Post – 97 Comments
Joined 3 weeks ago

Why don't you try emulation? Most phones nowadays are capable of emulating easily up until Gamecube

I'm in Europe and things aren't really better here... Putin on the east, LePen and Meloni on the west...

"I think we need a balance between the system that wants to oppress workers to maximise profit, and the system which wants workers to control their own lives"

That's a policy issue, not one of engineering or physical constraints.

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No, you just don't understand that "means of production" doesn't exclusively apply to industrial production, it talks about all capital, including financial. Lenin talks about this extensively as far back as the early 1900s, and it applies extremely well.

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You know that Switzerland, a country in the literal Alps, has one of the best train infrastructures on Earth?

As the other comment said, of course there are fringe cases. There shouldn't even be a city in Dubai, let alone trains getting there, but fortunately, most cities on earth are in accessible places because, well, otherwise why would thousands upon thousands of people go there.

Copyright was never about defending the creators, its origin is the industrial revolution and it was a tool of companies to protect "their" inventions (the ones of their workers actually). It was NEVER about defending the small person who actually creates things.

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Oh golly, I sure wish we had a word to refer to antisemitic anti-LGTBQ+ people...

The fact that anyone, let alone LGBTQ+ people, can go to the streets holding a "Lockheed Martin" sign and not get shamed into dropping it, shows we're failing as a society

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That already happens. People who research normally do it under a wage and the invention goes to the company paying the wage. If not, a small inventor doesn't have the financial means and the lawyers to fight a big company copying their idea. The small person is never defended.

I know right? The very idea of copyright is so fucking abstract, absurd and far-fetched. For the most part, it amounts to:

"NOOOOO YOU CAN'T PLACE THE ATOMS IN THIS ORDER BECAUSE ANOTHER PERSON DID IT BEFORE YOU!!!11!1!1!" (When it comes to scientific or engineering parents)




So yeah, fuck that shit

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Bold of you to assume that there's no cause-effect relation between what Lockheed-Martin execs deem profitable, and whatever policy the US takes. Lobbying is a thing, and the same investors that put money in military conglomerates, put money into lobbying and into media. If you can't see how the existence of powerful capitalist companies that make weapons is detrimental to a democracy, I don't know what to tell you.

What's this bullshit? Now we can't criticise the military conglomerates because "they're just companies doing company things"? Nah fuck that and fuck Lockheed Martin, selling weapons to an imperialist government makes you as bad as the imperialist government.

Be fucking accurate

They approximately are, you just can't read. They claimed there's an Oct 7th per WEEK, not per day. If you divide your final number by 7, you get approximately 40k, which is very close to the 35k+ VIOLENTLY murdered by Israel since Oct 7th (not counting all the thousands that have died since as a consequence of hunger and preventable diseases).

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Going back to the cold-war era where the USSR had to manufacture and provide mostly every single consumer good for its own citizens due to economic sanctions and isolation. You can't compare luxury goods made all over the entire world for a wealthy minority, designed by experts from all other industrialized countries, against soviet-made mass-produced items which were meant to be able to be produced in as many units as possible using the least amount of resources possible. It's just different manufacturing paradigms.

The USSR was what is called a "shortage economy" as opposed to western capitalism's "surplus economy". In capitalism, an abundance of competing companies in the same field leads to overproduction of most goods in a way that some products from some brands end up on the shelves of stores and storage houses collecting dust, and companies who manufacture a lot of these non-desired products, disappear. This leads to an inefficient waste of resources and labour, since it leads to unused goods and services.

The USSR, on the other hand, had a state-planned economy in which, using predictions of the planned output of raw materials, decided what to produce with these materials. Producing 10 more drills, meant that you had to produce 10 fewer units of something else. Hence, the economy was optimized so that only as many as strictly necessary of most goods would be manufactured. Additionally, the products were design to require the least amount of labour and resources necessary to be manufactured, taking into account mostly long-life and easy repairability to prevent inefficiencies. It was the only way that the USSR could, as a less industrialized state than for example Germany or the US or Britain (which had started industrialising around one century before the USSR did), could provide goods for everyone, and for the most part it did. The quality of products may not have been as high as high-quality consumer goods in the west, but that's simply a combination of design choice to be available to cover more goods with similar amounts of raw materials and labour, of fewer experts in design and manufacturing than worldwide due to the size of the soviet block and their economical embargos.

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Communism is when you perpetuate the class relations of your country in an authoritarian manner. Oh wait, or was it backwards...

Medical and psychological consensus says we shouldn't allow children to marry or drink alcohol or do drugs. Where's the medical consensus that we shouldn't allow GRT?

Our side you mean the side of imperialism and neocolonialism, of the invasion of Iraq, of the bombing of Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Korea, and the interventionism in Chile, Libya, Iran (Mosaddegh era), and the support of the banana republics? Fuck that, that's not my side.

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Millennials discover surplus value (1850s concept)

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If you're not fucking ASHAMED of parading with a Lockheed Martin banner, you're a disgusting human being. Change my mind

As they already do, you mean? Like, look at the recent Spotify scandal, with artists complaining that they don't earn enough and a higher up of Spotify saying that "nowadays content creation is very inexpensive", basically implying that Spotify deserves to keep most of the money since the artists' job is super easy. Most musicians already get most of their money through concerts and merchandising. Copyright already de-facto doesn't protect the artists nor the scientists.

China bad, what other source do you need?

This. Not talking about starvation and disease, which are the most common causes of death during conflicts like this (especially in this case where Gazans are subjected to inhumane conditions), is simply doing a favor to the genociders.

But there are employees of the company who apparently support both (and good for them)

God, what the fuck is wrong with you people. "Good for people to be able to both be supportive of LGBTQ+ and support the military industry of an imperialist country like the US!!". Fuck you, honestly

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Call me crazy, but if you save a granny from getting run over by a car, and the next thing you do is pull out a gun and shoot a pregnant woman in the face, I don't think people are just gonna forget the latter act of violence because of your former act of compassion.

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"Corporate shouldn't be criticised for selling weapons to murderous governments because they're just trying to make a profit". What an absolute shit of a take

Prices are already included in the graph, that's the meaning of "real" wages, i.e. inflation-adjusted

I know it's not the fault of American citizens, hence I didn't accuse them. Talking about American imperialism isn't saying "American citizens suck", I'm European myself and I'm fully aware of the actions of my government and the EU. The fact that I'm looking forwards to the end of western imperialism doesn't mean I wish any evil on the citizens of the west since they're not to blame for this system. I'm just saying it's hard to beat US and European imperialism in being evil.

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You mean tankie


You didn't get their point. The only children who are getting gender reassignment surgery are the ones who right wing doctors are trying to assign a gender to, despite medical consensus that it's unnecessary, he's calling the right wing misinformed and hypocritical

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Imagine you write a movie to sell and Amazon steals that exact movie but uses their resources to market it as their own and sell over seas

Imagine this thing actually happens because you're hired for Amazon as a screenwriter and you're paid a salary of 3k a month making shows that make Amazon 3 million a month, and Amazon, not the screenwriter, owns the rights to the show. Tell me in which world that's fair.

Only a moron thinks a free market economy actually works.

Thank you, that's why I'm a communist.

History has shown that not only do corporations NOT care about rules and regulations

"Copyright rules are necessary because corporations don't care about rules and regulations" isn't as solid an argument as you think it is

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"sometimes they kill the right people, sometimes they don't, not their fault for producing weapons fully knowing that"

"supporting the military conglomerates is just a matter of ideology, don't criticise it pls!" Fuck that lukewarm shit, every exec at Lockheed Martin should be tossed in jail

Musk is abso-fucking-lutely NOT responsible for the tax incentives, private investment or low interest loans that Tesla got, he's only been good as an eccentric personality to convince investors that he's the best and full self driving will be a thing the following year... For the past 7 years.

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Are you suggesting that republicans want to spend taxpayer money on mental treatment of homeless people? Are you really that fucking dense??

Planned obsolescence is a direct consequence of capitalism, and it gets worse the more capitalism develops. Capitalism, through competition and markets, makes some companies triumph and some companies to be outcompeted by the ones that triumph. This, coupled with ever-increasing capital investment by the companies that get the most profits, leads unequivocally and necessarily to increasing concentration of capital in the hands of a few companies in a given sector: oligopoly and monopoly. And when a sector is dominated by oligopoly and monopoly, it means competition between companies, the whole premise of capitalism, disappears. And it is at that point when malpractice such as planned obsolescence becomes a thing, because consumers literally don't have a choice.

You're absolutely right that it would be great to go back to times before planned obsolescence, but the only possible way to do so is politically, by eliminating the very system that leads to planned obsolescence.

Being able to purchase some models of some products here and there doesn't mean you can sustain a segment of the industry through imports

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I swear it's always the same in .world

Post: "America proven to have done yet another thing wrong"

First comment: "BuT rUsSiA aNd ChInA?!!?!!!1!!11!"

For the record, this is a report coming from Reuters, the reports that Russia spread misinformation about COVID came from the State Department's Global Engagement Center

Insane degrees of whataboutism

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"pseudo science"

It's a website with "wtf" in its name, chill. It just shows the degradation of purchase power firstly as a consequence of the 70s oil crisis, and then as a consequence of increased neoliberalism.

Again, I don't blame the general populace. What you say of "Americans have ourselves to look at", it's not that easy. These things don't happen in a vacuum, the context of Americans and Europeans (and Canadians and Aussies and even Russians) not looking inwards and realising imperialism, isn't a consequence of lack of self-awareness that these countries have and the rest don't. It's just a consequence of the system we happen to live in, which propagandizes certain points of view, talking points, and controls media to serve the interests of capital. It's hardly useful IMO to blame the majority for issues that could be solved "simply" by changing the ownership structure of media outlets, for example.

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What's this nonsense? How does reducing military expenditure lead to imprisonment and lynching of queer people? Is the only thing keeping the Military Industrial Complex from murdering queer people giving the former enough money?

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