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Joined 12 months ago

To all the people in this thread saying this was probably an accident:

Imagine you're an operator inside a totalitarian regime, and you want someone assassinated. Maybe this person isn't themself a critical target, your objective is to instill fear in a particular department to increase compliance on a morally abhorrent skunkworks project. You already know everything about this person, of course including details of their personal life and hobbies. Hey they're a mushroom hunter. Mycotoxins are readily available and can be lethal in small, undetectable doses. Not difficult to figure out what happens from there. Everyone who knows Vitaly knows, hey he wouldn't pick and eat a poisonous mushroom. The message is sent to the people who you want to hear it.

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'Killed her 14 month old dog for misbehaving' is the clicky headline. But the subtext is, this person might be the republican running mate, and her story is presented as a parable about how killing is 'a job that needs to be done'. It's not crazy to put those pieces together and be anxious about the direction they point in.

I can see where you're coming from. You're right that her story is divisive. I think that's the objective. It's an engineered, populist, fascist move to present the story in the way that she does. No one in the public eye writes that kind of thing in a book and expects it to fly under the radar.

You're also right that there's a strong rural/urban ideological division. Best way to fix that I think is to talk to each other more, IRL, and try to honestly understand the perspectives of others, especially if they're different from our own. My 2¢.

Microsoft OS workload on an AI-optimized chip:

(5%) consumer benefit - users can get access to Clippy+ with a Microsoft premium account subscription, that if users aren't subscribed, they're reminded every time they go into the settings application

(15%) anti-piracy & copyright protection

(70%) harvesting and categorizing all user activities, for indiscriminate internal use, sale to other companies, and delivery to governments

(10%) Uninstallable OEM bloatware that does the same, but with easily exploited security flaws that are never effectively patched

"We don't understand. Why aren't people simply searching for Taylor Swift"

I care. Charging for high API use wasn't an unreasonable move in principle, just, the details were bullshit and it got rolled out in a totally donkey brained way. But that wasn't necessarily a deal breaker for me in and of itself. I stopped using reddit because of the temper tantrum & threats that the admins threw at mods and their coordination efforts.

And anyway it's death by a thousand cuts. Over time, all these little changes to the platform slowly make it worse for the user. The big social media companies have completely lost touch. They're more concerned with these abstract concepts like engagement and growth, instead of focusing on nurturing a good place for users to be. Well, what do they think? That the users are hostage? That we can't leave?

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Would also need to get a burner phone number w/ answering machine to take calls from 240 million grandmas, cheapskate businesses and cash-strapped public schools for any & all tech support questions until the end of time, because if there was an issue with system stability in any way whatsoever, or if the router went down or the printer stopped working, they'd assume it was the fault of 'the guy who changed everything'.

Linux is great & everything, but this sounds like a recipe for utter disaster, not a way to make an easy buck.

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Before this is all over, MS will be charging users to extract their snapshots from a proprietary cloud-only one drive account. The recovery process will take about 3 hours, and involve scrolling through ai-authored help articles that don't lay out clearly and methodically how to access the old snapshots. The comments on the help articles will begin with "Hello sir, can you confirm that you have followed the steps at this link?". The link, before delivering you to an irrelevant solution, will shunt you to a landing page that forces you to log into your microsoft account before you can see the answer.

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"Thousands of customers were told there is nothing wrong with their car" by advisers who had never run diagnostics, Reuters quoted a source as saying. Advisers offered tips to customers on how to increase their mileage by changing driving habits

Holy shit, can you imagine being told this by your vehicle manufacturer when requesting a service appointment?

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Just kind of dawned on me while looking at the number, Reddit's licensing deal with Google is valued at $60 million per year. That's really not very much money at all, considering the amount of data Reddit has and continues to accumulate. And chump change for Google, no doubt. Reveals how little leverage Reddit actually has at this point. This was their flagship deal, and the best they could get was $60mil per year.

Also puts the API fiasco in a new light. "Look, we need to charge for API calls, because we need to restrict public access to data as a precondition of selling all your shit in a few months to Google, for the financial equivalent of a cup of coffee."

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Oh look, the sequel to birth certificate.

$330m is not nothing. But, with a funding split between a telecom CEO, and a shipping & logistics CEO - person has to wonder what sort of direction & tuning the team might be encouraged to explore. How will they stack up against existing & proven open source non-profits with impressive releases like EleutherAI?

These open source projects are neat, in that they give the average person the opportunity to peek under the hood of an LLM that they'd never be able to run on consumer level hardware. There are some interesting things to find, especially in the dataset snapshots that Eleuther made available.

In general, kind of cool to see France being on the cutting edge of these things. And I think it's worth saluting any project that moves to decentralize power from states and megacorps, who seal wonderful, powerful things in black boxes.

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14 is code for 'the fourteen words', a racist white separatist slogan that I won't reproduce here. 88 is a symbol for nazism - h is the 8th letter of the alphabet, hence, 88=hh, or heil hitler. If you see someone with an 88 tattoo, this is what they are signaling.

Church: since gay people should properly be seeking God's mercy, we will now choose not to subject the gays to an exhaustive moral analysis, (that anyway if performed, would of course find them lacking). With that in mind, please feel free to approach your priest and request his blessing!

What a fucking insult.

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Well said. We're onto something good here. The discussions are great, & I think part of the reason is because comments aren't getting upvoted like crazy or downvoted into oblivion, nobody is karma whoring with stupid puns or references. Anyone here is just hanging out and shooting the breeze, it's goddamn refreshing. It won't keep that underground feel forever, but I'm glad to be here right now.

All sweeping generalizations are bad!

Rep. Raskin got his JD from Harvard, where did you get yours?

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All I want is a search engine that 1. doesn't make moral judgements on the results relevant to a search, 2. filters out ai and ad farm results by default, and 3. can be toggled to effectively search web 1.0-style forums.

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Not sure if you already know, but - sophisticated large language models can be run locally on basic consumer-grade hardware right now. LM Studio, which I've been playing with a bit, is a host for insanely powerful, free, and unrestricted LLMs.

I'm not a fan of either of those individuals. I know Stone has claimed to have played a part (he claims a lot of things and frankly I don't trust a word that comes out of his mouth), but are you saying Trump was tied to the Brooks Brothers riot in 2000? That's news to me, and I would be interested to read more about that if you could point me in the right direction.

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Managed a shop for over 10 years and took on duties to the point that the owner was only there for a few hours a week in the morning to check emails. The store did record business during the early covid days, and never closed the doors for a single day. The staff was stretched thin, stressed, and everyone was working like crazy and a bit nervous about health because we had a couple older guys working with us and nobody knew the harm profile of covid at that time. The owner bought expensive store improvements (with profits, and fraudulently claimed federal covid benefits) instead of paying the staff, or even saying thanks in any way. See ya!

I want to report them for the fraud thing, but I'm the only one who knows about it aside from the owner, so they'd know it was me who reported it.

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NOC's vocalizations were recorded and studied by a team of biologists from the National Marine Mammal Foundation (NMMF) led by Sam Ridgway. In 1984, Ridgway and others at the NMMF began to hear peculiar sounds coming from the whale and dolphin enclosure. They were reminiscent of two people talking in the distance, the words just beyond the limit of comprehension.[5] Later, a diver working in the enclosure came to the surface after he heard someone cry "out, out, out!"[1] After he asked his colleagues "Who told me to get out?", they realized it had been NOC.


It's so baffling though. Sincerely believing "these are just left wing accusations" and maga/swamp slogans, maps onto "the judge had a conflict of interest, this was a witch hunt" etc., by the exact same route of illusion.

The only way I can make sense of this, is to assume that we're not really dealing with sincere belief. It's hard to imagine a rational Republican that stood behind the former president through everything since the birth certificate thing, and are now somehow chastened. Maybe they simply think it'll be a bad look for their guy to be wearing an ankle bracelet on inauguration day / in the first 100 days in office, and it will compromise their party's future election chances. A question of 'ick' factor, and not some extension of actual values and beliefs, like we might hope. "Convicted felon" is a soft Dean scream, maybe.

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Time to dust off the tennis ball walker.

I take your anti-corporate point. However, I believe pro-doping would totally work if it was a gladiatorial bloodbath decathalon within the olympics itself. And if you get caught doping in the non-doping sports, you're forced to compete in the decathalon with the juiced up killers. Jousting, Barenuckle boxing, Pride rules MMA, Hell in a Cell, no rules water polo, shit like that.

we’d need to make our society one that’s less hostile to having kids

You allude to some of this, but in addition, and as a precondition, we need to make our society one that's less hostile to the people that currently exist in it.

The moral of the stone soup story is that greedy people can and should be tricked into sharing. Everything old is new again.

I think when companies that originally offered something unique and desirable get large enough, they necessarily lose touch with what made them indispensable. Dollar signs lead to a notion of growth that summons a many-tentacled cocaine-caked Moloch of feature creep, tech bandwagon hopping, information siloing, data harvesting, advertiser worshiping, and corporate evil that is, at best, indifferent to user experience, but more typically actively antagonistic to it.

I think "they're just words, get over it" is a good argument in favour of pronoun declaration, no?

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Mmm. I grew up in a different time too. Makes me ponder how the software circumstances of that time built in us a very different idea of what an iteration actually is, when it comes to writing. The fact that we couldn't go back and atomically dissect the history of a piece. That a draft, and an edit, were something heavier. Maybe we'd have to think a bit more slowly and carefully before irreversibly casting a previous version into the ether.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not making a "gen z bad" post. Just reflecting on how things are different these days, and maybe it leads to a different kind of work.

Not attacking, just thought I'd mention. Have a good night, happy new year.

Anyone have a link to the actual police report? Asking for a friend.

Absolutely. There's nothing special about YouTube's frontend - it can be replicated by someone with no coding experience, in an afternoon, for free, via a Softaculous module. On the inside, it's the Library of Alexandria. And unfortunately, it's owned by a company that understands that reality only as a means to a nefarious end, which is to develop a detailed psychological profile on its users that can be sold to advertisers.

My hope is that the cost of server storage and delivery will become inexpensive enough that YouTube can be forked and maintained by a nonprofit like the Wikimedia Foundation, who sees user generated content as a means to the enrichment of human experience. I'm not optimistic though, the history of the Library of Alexandria is instructive.

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I've read good moral arguments for a veganism. I think it's the right thing to do when it comes to diet. For what it's worth, this isn't really a discussion about diet.

It isn't a decision between a lentil burger and a beef burger, this is an animal resource that can assist in saving human lives. There are other clotting factors used in medicine, and that's great, let's use and develop those. But suppose something more lethal and dangerous than COVID comes along, and vaccines need to be produced quickly and globally. I think it would be foolish to wince if we needed to take crab blood to roll out a program that would save human lives.

Interesting thoughts. I suppose Meta will collect what they want to collect, it's what they do, and this is all public discussion, anyone can collect it for any reason. And I don't doubt that their involvement in the fediverse is secretly nefarious in one way or another.

Where I think our current situation is different from the Google/XMPP thing, is that, a bunch of platforms are going down the tubes really quickly and lots of people are looking for the next thing all at the same time. It gives a lot of room for a good platform like this one to gain ground rapidly. As far as I'm concerned, if for example instagram federated, and I could browse some good feeds outside of meta's app & privacy permissions hell, that would be a plus for me. If they subsequently pulled what Google did with XMPP and suddenly backed out, I wouldn't react by moving to instagram exclusively and I can't really see why any user would make such a move.

One variable that I think doesn't get looked at seriously is class size and school funding. Ask any North American teacher, and you'll get a grim assessment on the trajectory of schooling since the 90's. When teachers have more students than they can handle, it's no surprise that things get out of hand.

I'd argue that part of the solution is more teachers per student. This enables better relationships between faculty and students, and better opportunities for mentorship. Build more schools, hire more teachers, pay them well, make school a place where teachers want to be, and where kids can thrive.

But reforming the existing system is a hot potato that neither the left nor right wants to hold, so, here we are. The system itself is degraded to the point that it doesn't have the resources to self-correct. We need vision, wisdom, funding, and leadership, to steer things in a new direction. I think that would go a long way in preventing a misguided kid from fermenting the idea that murdering people, or their own classmates, is an answer to their problems.

I don't mean to paint school shootings as simply a rebellion against a malfunctioning system, but, we really need to look at the system and make sure it's serving the students that have no choice but to be there.

By proclaiming Newton is wrong, it leads to people concluding that all science is wrong, because there is always someone working on the next iteration

I've never had sympathy for this line of thinking. Is the average person truly too ignorant to understand that science is a constantly developing process of better understanding our universe, not some set of unimpeachable rules carved into stone tablets once and forever? The fact that science can be updated, changed, revolutionized, is what makes it powerful.

If people need to be 'protected' from that fact, there is something fundamentally wrong with the way science is taught in schools. I can't accept that the average person can't comprehend such a simple idea that would take less than an hour to convincingly communicate.

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Uncarbonated liquids are dead simple to titrate, it's true. For a carbonated product like beer, it's actually a much more complicated problem than it seems. The amount of foam you get on a keg pour of beer is effected by a lot of variables - how clean the lines are, how cold the lines are, how long the lines are, the diameter of the lines, whether you're using beergas or co2, how old the beer is, if it's keg conditioned or force carbonated, how recently the keg was moved into refrigeration, how cold the beer itself is, if it's the first pour of the day or if the tap has been running frequently, the mechanical design of the faucet, the temperature, cleanliness, shape, and size of the glass it's going into, and more. It's really fiddly business, I can't see how a push button system could take everything into account and render less wastage than a human operator with a feel for the system. Draft systems are voodoo, ask me how I know.

Anyway companies typically have an unrealistic expectation of what draft wastage ought to be. I would advise any bar to expect something like 15% wastage at minimum on professional draft equipment, more if they're using bargain grade hardware anywhere in the system, but ownership doesn't want to hear that.

I think karma whoring is a real problem for that site. Any post that reaches a popular critical mass gets slammed with people trying to make a quick joke or pun for upvotes, and so even commentary on popular news stories was filled with fluff, memes, or basic circlejerking. The karma system also incentivizes this really shitty dunking culture that is so bad for discourse.

It might come here eventually if lemmy gets popular enough. But even if it does the platform as a whole is just more righteous and worthwhile. It doesn't exist as a commercial entity to drive engagement in order to satisfy advertisers, and that's something really unique and different in our day & age.

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all it took to convince them evolution is completely wrong is a couple paragraphs about Lamarck and giraffes and Haeckel and embryos

That's incredibly shocking and concerning.

better tools for moderation

Where have I heard that before?