
8 Post – 87 Comments
Joined 3 years ago

Something kind of ironic, is that a lot of the YouTube channels I used to watch have at some point had some pretty terrible things come out about them, mostly after I had already stopped watching them. Boogie2988, Mini Ladd, GeePM and Rooster Teeth are some of the ones I can remember.

For Boogie and Mini Ladd, I don't remember the specific reason I stopped watching them but I do know that I stopped watching them well before all of the information about them was released.

For Rooster Teeth, there was only two things I watched them for and that was Fails of the Week, which they silently canceled and never gave a reason why, and the other was RWBY which they decided to move it from YouTube to their own website which was so terrible that the episodes would have severe buffering issues at 240p. I don't remember what the last volume was that I watched but I know I never watched everything.

For GeePM, I watched him pretty much up until the day when he tried to cancel Vinny (Vinesause). In response, people were quick to bring out information about some pretty terrible things that GeePM was doing behind the scenes. I don't think I've ever seen a YouTuber just completely vanish from the internet that quickly.

I know for sure that there are more but those are the ones I remember the most and think they are the most notable.

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There was a few things, I can't remember all of the details but here's what I remember:

The CEO was arrested for abusing his wife.

One of their content creators, James Ryan Haywood, was accused of having very inappropriate interactions with multiple fans. Some of which being of questionable age.

There were also staff members who alleged that there was a toxic work environment. I don't remember if it was misogyny, racism or both.

Then there were allegations that the team that worked on RWBY were severely underpaid, with most of them not getting paid at all.

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I had completely forgotten how bad it was. I'll edit my previous comment to fix that error.

I didn't see anyone else mention this but, as someone who uses Linux Mint, if you are going to install software through the Software Manager, read the reviews for the app you want before downloading it. Linux Mint's Software Manager is full of apps that are so outdated that some of them aren't even compatible with the current version of Linux Mint. There are other issues as well, like how there are at least 20 different versions of Wine and most of them are very old versions. I'd understand if they want to keep legacy apps for the older, still supported, versions of Linux Mint but it can be confusing to use sometimes.

I know it's probably an odd choice, but ChromeOS. It has the potential to be not just a good starting point for new Linux users but also a distro that could allow Linux to be a lot more accessible to people who aren't as technologically capable. The main problem is that, similar to android, Google prevents ChromeOS from being used as a proper Linux distro. Right now, it might be a good alternative to Windows and MacOS but as a Linux distro, it's just not worth using. Especially considering that Linux already has some options available for running android apps, such as Waydroid, that work pretty well.

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Would it lick me clean or would I still have to wipe myself?

Fake Gamer

I once saw a video where a guy was talking to his sister's best friend about Fallout 3. He didn't know how to leave the vault without killing the overseer and she said that she would only help him if he banged her.

I've forgotten the name but there was an "adult" MMO made for android devices that I played a while back. After I completed the tutorial, I was shown the announcements and it stated that the the game's service was to end in about week.

I feel like I should have more but I can't remember anything else.

I do what I can to just ignore it. Sure, I don't have a lot and my life is pretty shitty but I always remember that someone somewhere else probably has it significantly worse. Also, while I know it's morbid to think like this, I know that if things get really bad, there will always be a way out.

To name something that hasn't been mentioned yet, ArcaOS, which based on OS/2. It supports modern hardware and in addition to some preinstalled software, it also has some compatibility layers to run software from other OSs.

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It might be subjective but for me the most disturbing thing was the alarming amount of spider porn/hentai. Like, are there actually people out there who fantasize about being mounted by a spider the size of a car? As someone who has arachnophobia, I really don't understand it.

I started using Lemmy a few years ago because of the blackout that happened then (the one that started because they hired a known pedophile apologist as an admin). When Reddit fired her and made what they considered an apology, I continued to use both just simply because I didn't like the fact that their apology sounded like they were disappointed in the community for not supporting pedophilia.

When the second blackout happened (the one caused by the API changes) I didn't support the statements that Spez was spouting about the app developers. At first I waited to see what their response was to the blackout but they, more specifically Spez, made it obvious that they didn't care, so I deleted my Reddit account and started only using Lemmy.

Ok, I'm actually in the process of filling out the bug report right now.

Have they ever? ChromeOS's original "app store" was just Chrome's extension store. It's been awhile since I've checked but Google doesn't (or at least didn't) officially support running android apps in ChromeOS Flex. Instead of focusing on getting more apps running on ChromeOS, they're actively working on Google Play Games for Windows (which also hurts android). For which I think I saw that there are games that work in Google Play Games but they don't work in ChromeOS for some reason. I'd imagine that there are a lot of other weird things but it's been a while since I've actually used it.

It's just one of those things where, ChromeOS has the potential to be a good competitor to Windows and MacOS (and maybe even a good Linux distro) but for some reason Google does nothing with it to make it worth using and actually seems to be actively harming it.

How similar to VirtualBox is virt-manager? I've only ever used VirtualBox but if virt-manager is easy to use, I have no problem trying it out.

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Assuming you're counting stories where the villain did very bad things for the purpose of a doing something good, there is an anime from 2005 called Speed Grapher.

Ok but how do I do that?

I recently found out about PeaZip, it's a Foss compression tool that can compress and uncompress a wide variety of compression formats. For some formats, like 7z, it also has some pretty advanced options to help maximize compression ratios, if you know what you are doing of course.

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RIght, I forgot that 64-bit binaries use more ram. And seeing that the 64-bit version does work fine with 1 GB of ram, in the off chance that there is something that should work but requires a 64-bit OS, I would still have the option to use the 64-bit version.

There are three things, off the top of my head, that I can recall buying but either not using very much or not for it's intended purpose. The first item is a portable bluetooth keyboard, I got it for the purpose of playing games on my android devices with it but the problem is that I haven't found many games that actually even have keyboard support. The second item is a portable bluetooth mouse, it's the same as the keyboard but with the additional issue of not working with my tablet for some reason. The third item is a DS flashcart, I forgot what it's called but it's the one from Datel and I had so many problems with it that I've been using it's "Gigapack" for transferring small files between my two computers.

I have two that I use to transfer files from one computer to another. I did think about using one of them for actually listening to music again but the device keeps crashing, the battery doesn't last very long anymore and I lost the software required to convert videos and I think it's too old and obscure to find it again.

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I don't know what that means, is there a way I can find out?

I'd imagine so but I don't currently listen to any artists that have done anything bad as far as I'm aware.

That's one of the solutions I saw that I currently can't do because I have no other device that I can use for that.

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It stated that they were already installed so I went through the process of re-installing them and rebooting the computer, which seems to have fixed the problem. I wont really be able to test it much right now because of how late it is for me but I was able to at least start the installation for Windows XP.

It's been a while since I've had tea and it's not fancy or anything but what I did was I would start off with either an unsweetened green or black tea bag (just whatever I had at the time) and steep it in twice as much water that was recommended on the box. After I removed the tea bag, I would then add a lemonade drink mix and either 1 packet of sugar for green tea or 2 packets of sugar for black tea.

I don't remember any specific combinations of brands but I think I remember sweeter lemonades working better with green tea and tart lemonades working better with black tea. Just avoid True Lemon, I haven't tried their other drink mixes but I remember the regular lemonade drink mix being terrible in tea.

So I tried virt-manager but it's giving me an error message about not being able to connect to "libvirt qemu:///system" and it wont let me install a virtual machine. I'm assuming that I'm supposed to download "libvirtd", but I can't figure out how to install it. I think it wants me to build it from the source but there doesn't seem to be a guide on how to do that.

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I have an account for both but I don't really use them. The only thing I've done on Matrix was upload a profile picture and the only thing I use Discord for currently, is just to keep up with the updates for AI Dungeon because for some reason they've decided that the patch notes shouldn't be accessible in the actual game/website anymore and have moved them to a completely different platform.

I'd probably use them more but I haven't found a Matrix chatroom that I would actually consider using and most of the Discord servers I've actually considered interacting with act like cliques.

Ok, I've edited my comment to reflect that.

I switched to Linux for two reasons:

  1. I believe that it's always a good idea to support alternatives.
  2. I prefer to use products and services that I actually support.

I do still use Windows occasionally because not everything works or at least has an alternative available but Linux is and will probably always be my primary OS. Even if by some miracle Microsoft, Apple or Google actually start listening to their users and make their OS and business models perfect, I would still use an alternative like Linux as my primary because there would be nothing preventing these companies from reverting their decisions.

On their website, it states that the minimum requirements for the OS are 256 MB, that's what I was going off of. I even mentioned in my post that even if it was installable on a computer with 256 MB of ram that it would be pretty much useless.

Also, I just tested the 32-bit version and, like what another user stated, it does use less than 256 MB of ram, which means that their claim is right.

I might try that later, I have tried another emulator that was able to run the game I had issues with.

I think it's that they always turn from full color to "black and red" when they get too stressful for me.

You could try Animus: Stand Alone, the android version isn't available anymore but the PC, Xbox, Switch and iOS versions seem to still be available. It had a sequel called Animus: Harbinger but it seems like only the Switch and iOS versions are the only ones still available. There was also a third Animus game but Revenant is quite different from the first two.

Another game I can recommend is Castlevania: Curse of Darkness. It was only ever available for the PS2 and Xbox but it's gameplay, especially during bosses, is similar to dark souls.

I already restarted my computer twice after installing it, is there any reason I would have restart my computer a third time?

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On a very old computer of mine, the "y" key was completely missing and I couldn't replace it because the contacts were broken so I just use JoytoKey and a USB SNES controller.

I've also used a similar setup for navigating some image boorus but, for obvious reasons, I wont specify anything further.

While I have already found a solution (and with it found out that the software doesn't even work in windows xp) the only way to download Boxes that I could find was through flathub, which doesn't allow usb devices for some reason. What does work is that I can just put all of the files I want transferred into an iso file and mount it to the VM.

Also, if there is a way to install Boxes outside of flathub, I'll have to check it out tomorrow because of late it is for me right now.

I don't think I can use that mostly because my internet package has a data cap and I don't want to risk exceeding that.

Also, I know it's not really the time or place for this type of discussion but I've noticed recently (within the last few months) that for some reason the Lemmy community has changed. I don't know if anyone else feels that way but it sometimes seems like some users are unnecessarily hostile/judgemental towards me. I wont say anything more because once again, this is not the time or the place but Lemmy wasn't like this when I first started using it over two years ago.

I just tried Gnome Boxes and it seems to work mostly fine but the only problem I’m having is that I’m trying to run a Windows XP virtual machine but I can’t figure out how to get files from my host to the guest. Apparently, I need some software to be running on the guest but the website that I need to download the software from doesn’t work in internet explorer and I obviously can’t just download it on the host and transfer it to the guest.

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I'm not sure how to do that because I've never had this kind of an issue with flatpaks before. What am I supposed to do?