
11 Post – 12 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

I want the world to use open source tools.

It's about time heise.de stops publishing on elon musk's platform.

49.5+50.5 rounded?

I think when the tube is still half full, it already feels completely empty.

The United States is one of the few democracies in the world where the government does not take any responsibility in registering its citizens. This one-of-a-kind, self-initiated voter registration process acts as a major barrier to voter turnout and leads to often- inaccurate voter rolls. In contrast, the international norm is a process of government-mandated automatic voter registration of every citizen who reaches voting age. This report explores how other major well-established democracies (Canada, Australia, Sweden, Italy, New Zealand and others) concretely manage to build comprehensive, inclusive, accurate voting rolls that leave no voters behind while ensuring a high level of privacy.


After 2015, when the right-wing populist Law and Justice (PiS) party won the Polish parliamentary election, TVP progressively aligned with the speaking points of the PiS government. In the run-up to the 2023 Polish parliamentary election, TVP was designated as a "propaganda arm" of PiS by European media[3] and as "a factory of hate" by the Polish opposition.[5] However, after the electoral victory of the opposition party the Civic Platform in 2023, a newly-appointed Minister of Culture began a restructuring of the broadcaster and its news segment. On December 27, 2023, the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, due to the President's veto on the financing of the company, placed it in liquidation.


VirtualBoy games can be played on Quests since 5 years. The article makes it seem like this is the first time these games can be replayed in 3d.


“Kamala”, a wrestler from the 80s and 90s, had Harris as his last name.

That looks promising, thank you.

Cats love their beef food. It's not normal for cats to eat cows.

Carnivores like to call vegans animal abusers.

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