
1 Post – 8 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

A #privacy 🕶️ and #cybersecurity 🛡️ focused Voxel :p You can find here all kinds of posts related to these topics 👀 You will sometimes also find post about my opinions, thoughs or other tech related stuff. :D

If you wanna get in contact with me, just ask, I'm open for meeting new people 🤍

Reposts doesn't necessarily mean I agree with it, sometimes I just want to show it to you.

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@simon @firefox Firedog :o

@CrabAndBroom Thank you, but I already covered this 😅 When you check my profile, you will see thats exactly the stuff I'm dealing with day by day, but ty! I may will take a look at OpenSnitch, but I think Portmaster is already covering this need.

@keydelk @linux Hm, ig I will stick to Cinnamon, I don't want to run into issues, using another environment which got discontinued by Linux Mint a few years before for some reasons.

Abt the browser and content blocking, is already done ;) Privacy and Security is one of the things I'm very good at, just wanted to know how to enchance the security of Linux Mint.

Btw. I would recommend uBlock Origin instead of ADP is leightweighter, customizable, opensource, non-commercial and pretty well. Since ADP had some controversies in the past.

@MuffinJets @linux Oh sorry, forgot to mention it, I'm using Cinnamon since I liked it the most

@const_void It's not about choosing distros in anyway, please read the post before you comment. 🙄

@Corb_The_Lesser @linux Oh. Thank you a lot! Never discovered this lol

@Corb_The_Lesser @linux

I'm pretty happy with Linux Mint so far, never tried Fedora, but I will take a look on it

If you use touchpad gestures, the new configuration options are useful.

Where can I find them?

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@beta_tester Could you tell me more abt Distrobox and SElinux? I think I never heard of both before

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