
1 Post – 91 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

Great American humorist. C# developer. Open source enthusiast.

XMPP: wagesj45@chat.thebreadsticks.com
Mastodon: wagesj45@mastodon.jordanwages.com
Blog: jordanwages.com

The Supreme Court isn't really interested in arguments, it seems. They're starting at conclusions and working backwards. In a sane world, you're probably right with the logic. But in a sane world we wouldn't have made it to this point to begin with.

All men are apes, but not all apes are men.

My internet experience has been slower since switching to Mastodon and Lemmy/Kbin. And it's so nice. The things I see are more interesting. The conversations are usually more well thought out. And lowest common denominator dopamine content isn't being driven into my eyeballs by Algorithms. I've legitimately been happier since the Reddit API debacle.

Long live the Old Internet.

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Because his lawyer said that he was allowed to do it lol.

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I'm not convinced he actually read them. Seems to not be his "thing".

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I'm gonna be real. I dont think home directory files should handled by something named tmpfiles.

But... but... it was in the documentation! /s

What killed me about the whole thing was how defensive the dev was about the whole thing, basically calling the reporter a moron for running a command without extensive knowledge of the entire system. I don't care how good the documentation is, if open file proceeds to format your hard drive in some circumstances, you done goofed as a dev.

Who did we think was going to ensure we drink the verification can?

Racism trumps self interest, it seems.

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I'm actually really surprised they admitted it.

There's nothing "wrong" with things like this happening, per se. All new tech has growing pains and failures. But for North Korea to actually admit failure in anything is surprising to me. I would have expected them to keep their failures quiet or to blame them on external adversaries.

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When I was in middle school the girl I was crushing on and went on proto-dates with had a dad that was a political science teacher for the high school. He asked me my political leanings and I said "conservative" and my only reasoning was that I didn't dress "weird" or dye my hair.

I think about that a lot and I don't even know why.

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Unironically the library. Then just use something like Audiobookshelf to organize your collection.

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This is something I've been shouting from the rooftops every time people online cheer on the idea of "cracking down" on hate speech. It eventually will be used against you because some dipshits will redefine what "hateful" means.

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He fell ass-backward into a good idea.

Could happen to anyone.

It's wild how more and more brazen people are getting with the blatant racism. Were there always this many virulent racists, or is the right-wing hate machine really that effective?

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He probably knows all that. Normally all the minority party can do is force these people to state things things out loud and on the record. Besides, things have to be put simply like this because most people put so little thought into what stuff like this means. They have no idea what the legal system is like or how it can be used against them because they just don't pay attention. That's its own problem.

I'm still salty that we never got a proper sequel to the original Prey.

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I wish we were, through taxes. Though we'd probably just pay Boeing forty-eleventy billion dollars to never complete the project.

As always, there is an XKCD for that.

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Doesn't that apply to every project hosted in America, too, though? Every project is subject to the jurisdiction in which it is hosted. And I know they're not the only project that accepts error reports and in-app updates. Unless there is more telemetry involved or tracking of out-of-app activity, I'm not seeing cause for alarm here. Though I'm open to evidence that there is.

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Just because an idea is old, doesn't mean its a bad idea. And we do have mechanisms for modifying the constitution. We just don't do it often because it requires a lot of agreement.

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Probably his own indifference. He clearly has no morals, and he'll be surrounded by even more comically evil villains, but I suspect they'll have a problem getting him to care about their pet evil plans. If it isn't making him money or jerking off his ego, he seems to have, traditionally at least, not cared.

Yes. What about that do you think is non-political? Abhorrent politics are still politics.

Newer versions are Homekit compatible and can be controlled over the local network.

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Well Trump wasn't wrong. Pence is cooked in politics as long as the MAGA crowd run the Republican party, which I think they will for the foreseeable future. I'm sure he'll find some kind of consulting gig or maybe a podcast or radio show that panders to the ultra religious evangelicals or something, but I can't imagine him getting elected anywhere for now.

I remember online dating looking more like this from a male perspective.

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Honestly it isn't looking good for any of us.

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Would this work


or would I have problems

Also yes.

I used to do this backing up my "servers". By that I mean some Raspberry Pis and random old PCs running Debian. I even did so successfully when needing to restore the images. But it was fragile and also failed at times, sometimes to great inconvenience when it was a machine serving something important.

I've since moved to a different backup strategy for servers, but if I were to do this with a bare-metal machine I want to preserve, I'd use something like Clonezilla. The maintainers of that project know a whole heck of a lot more than I do of the ins and outs of disk management, backup, and restoration than I do with my simple dd commands. If it is something you're just wanting to do for fun and experience, dd can work. If you're concerned with the security of your data/image, I'd use Clonezilla.

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Don't we provide all the weapons? We could definitely stop doing that and at least force Israel to find another source for weaponry if they insist on continuing.

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The RNC and conservatives in general haven't done a single thing for as long as I've been alive that hasn't raised alarms.

Usually any ideological overlap I have with the GOP is made in bath faith on their part. That, or the reason they arrive at the "right" conclusion involves reasoning much different than my own.

But hey, sometimes you just gotta take the win in life.

dolby atleas

Not even completely removing Windows from your life will help. Anyone you interact with through email or instant message or social media will have screen-scraped copies of the entire interaction. And that would be bad enough if only a single person gets hacked and has their Recall data hijacked. There will be huge databases available that people will be able to freely cross reference. They'll still be able to build a quite extensive profile on you just through all of your interactions that get scraped from others.

I don't buy that legal theory. AI models as they're trained are the very definition of transformational. It's fair use.

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Ok, but who are they going to vote for? My bet is that they all fall into line in the end.

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His body has put all its resources toward growing neurons. There's simply not enough left for hair. Good trade off, imo.

Hell yeah.

Literally the meme where he's asking if he might be wrong, but decides that no, the it's everyone else that is wrong.