
2 Post – 57 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Guess it's about time for Google to kill the project, then.

Respectful Behavior

We expect all users to treat each other with respect and kindness. Harassment, hate speech, or any other form of harmful behavior will not be tolerated. We reserve the right to remove any content or user that violates these guidelines.

Isn't this standard for anywhere that doesn't want to end up as T_D or 4chan?

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Oh god no, keep him distracted and far far away from SpaceX

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I'm the type to tick the 'Ignore custom css' checkbox, so obviously not everybody's interested in that feature.

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Oh, the delicious irony that the CEO was on board...

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they are hate magnets.

And they were posted with the intent to be so. That suffices in my opinion. It's not the lone post itself, but the context of the magazine as a whole.

If the moderator refuses to properly moderate the comments

Yes, the mod of antiwoke is about to exercise proper judgement

Many mod teams are biding their time while they make plans in private, so that's also something to consider.

I wonder who could have foreseen the porn ban leading to this... Oh, wait.

Are most piracy users aware of programs like sonarr or radarr?

Sounds like you yourself aren't aware of their capabilities, if you're presenting a false dichotomy of torrents or *arrs

Oh no, that doesn't exist here yet. I was referring to the option in old reddit

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Oh go start your own malignant instance.

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Reddit has been shit, but let's be honest. That sub was filled to the brim with illegal offers for money. Lawsuits waiting to happen.

They are altering the deal. Pray they don't alter it any further.

Actually, pray they do.

It's a bad attitude to tell an unapologetic transphobe to get lost?

Edit: In case you didn't realise, that's the user this entire post is complaining about.

nobody can respect that others are allowed to have different opinions.

It's the paradox of tolerance social contract. I will respect their right to an opinion as long as they uphold that contract. Unfortunately, many don't.

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The biggest obstacle to a YouTube competitor is that YouTube themselves can barely turn a profit. The operating costs are ginormous, beyond what most people realise.

solidly 50% of you look the same.

Let me inflate that statistic a little, as somebody without a profile pic who looks exactly like that

That's sad news. Gas stoves cook so much better for Asian style cooking.

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Given the prevalence of bots and attempts to pass off fake data as real though, is there still any way to reliably differentiate good data from bad?

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There's no reason you HAVE to sacrifice durability and water resistance. It'd just cost a tiny bit more in materials, which I'm perfectly fine with given how much this would save the environment.

You can already swap the battery on most non-fruit-branded phones while maintaining water resistance if you do it right.

? How do you swap batteries on most phones nowadays in 5 seconds?

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I have to say that there's a level of irony in asking for bans and central controls on content on a platform that in its very nature decentralized and supposed to be empowering.

There isn't any irony. That's the whole point of the decentralization - it empowers everybody to be part of the communities they wish to be in, and not participate in those they disagree with. We have the power to leave any instance where we disagree with the admins and move to a new one.

Can confirm the domain block doesn't work for me, I'm seeing way too much yiff in my feed.

Your comment is talking about Christians and Muslims in general, there's nothing in there that indicates you're talking about the population in a specific country. Nor is the comment you're replying to referring to a specific country.

Even giving you that, I find it hard to believe. The only reason the Muslims aren't behaving as you say the Christians are is because they don't have the authority or force of numbers. Name a single religious majority worldwide that doesn't push their values onto nonbelievers.

As somebody who grew up in a Muslim country, you're flat out wrong.

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I've heard that before. I'm currently using a high quality induction stovetop, and I have to say it still cooks differently. It probably doesn't make a difference for western cooking, but it does for Asian cuisine.

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Everybody in this thread m/atetheonion


Oh gawd yes. I love the EU.

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Satire doesn't work as well on fedi when everybody has to check what instance they're on AND what instance you're posting from to figure out if you're serious


To quote famous chef Kenji Lopez:

So certainly, some types of wok-cooked dishes, particularly ones that rely on that smoky wok hei flavor that comes from the aerosolized oil actually igniting in the gas flame, like a Cantonese-style chow fun. Or fried rice, for example, would have that sort of smoky flavor that you can’t get out of induction. But for most wok cooking, you don’t need it. There’s plenty of homestyle dishes that don’t have that flavor. For my Wok book tour, I brought around an induction wok cooktop. And it works just fine.

People have this idea that you can’t cook on a wok without a gas flame. But most of the recipes in my book work just fine without one. There are very few specific recipes where that gas flavor—that smoky flavor of burnt oil—is an important part of the seasoning of the dish.

What I often recommend to people who have electric or induction is, if you want to cook something like a beef chow fun, the way you can do it is to get a portable butane-gas range. And the few times that you want to make that dish, you can pull that out, put it under your hood, or take it outside. And then you have a little portable gas thing, even though the rest of your kitchen is all induction.

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Against the storm has piqued my interest, combining my two fav genres of citybuilding and roguelites. Anybody have any opinion on it?

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Here's to hoping they hit price parity soon...

User-replaceable batteries do NOT use adhesive. It's even directly stated in the EU specs.

Do share the alternative with us, that's universally supported and not owned by a corporation.

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And... I see the issue. Those wok burners you refer to are pretty much standard issue in asian houses. I just looked up 'gas ranges' and chuckled at them. No wonder you can't cook anything on them.

Nope. Russia is a permanent member because of their nukes, which will still be there regardless who stays in power.

That's pretty significant, that's not just some rare syndrome affecting a few thousand people, but the main cause of baldness.

I think the problem is that at the moment, the system is new enough that there's no way to get this sort of content removed. Hence this front page post. It's not about calling attention to the magazine, it's about calling attention to the entire issue..