
1 Post – 49 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

All that stuff you talked about in the tabletop lore is literally talked about in the game. It’s not hitting you in the face in the main quest line, but if you play the side quests you find tons of fucked up shit that the corps are doing.

Someone should tell Elon that an unprofitable website and a non-profit website are not the same thing.

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unfortunately there is a massive loophole that allows them to do this. what they do is set up sell orders at regular intervals (once a month or whatever) for months or years in advance. then when they decide they dont want to sell, they just cancel the order which is totally fine for them to do for some reason. if they do want to sell they just let the order execute and if anyone asks, they set it up a year ago and there is no possibility that the current decision could have influenced them into making that sell order a year ago.

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It’s an insult to call this an article, is regurgitating some shit some dudes on twitter said.

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From what it sounds like, he’s not saying the algorithm is compromised itself, but rather that NIST is recommending a weaker version of it as sufficiently safe at (possibly) the request of the NSA. If that is the case we would know for sure pretty quickly once DISA updates their STIGs for internal use to include quantum resistant encryption. If the STIGs say to use a stronger version than NIST recommends then he was right.

As if managers even know what RISC-V is

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don’t forget to thank climate change as well

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If you actually do have decades of fortran experience, work for NOAA. Their weather models are mostly fortran and they need engineers. Specifically the NOAA EPIC contract that i worked on previously definitely needs people knowledgeable in fortran and was 100% work from home. Feel free to DM me if you want more details.

Migrations take time, it was never going to be a flick of a switch. Reddit content will slowly get worse and worse, and Lemmy content (or some other competitor) will get better and better as more people move. it’s those core users that generate great discussion that matter the most and those people are looking for somewhere else.

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new article in 10 years: Is gen alpha ruining the scam industry???

unfortunately no, there are several communities where if i ask for some specific information, i am told to go onto the discord because there are guides and information there. specifically, i have noticed this a lot with mechanical keyboard communities, but i know it’s happening elsewhere too. I simply don’t understand it myself, trying to find something on these is like trying to find something in a twitch stream. it’s infuriating.

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I consider it already not ad free considering how many video creators shove sponsored segments in all their videos.

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those are getting changed to usb c as well

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I mean I get it and i don’t blame them for doing it, but it just makes googles claim of youtube premium being “ad free” insulting. Why would I give them money when they can’t even pay their content creators consistently enough, forcing them into alternative revenue systems? I’d rather just block ads on youtube and pay my favorite creators directly.

I have literally never had any upgrade issues on debian that wasn’t something mentioned in release notes(been using it since debian 7). I am guessing you did a lot of things they tell you specifically not to do on this page:


The sponsorskip extension already has the functionality to get around something like this.

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We are talking about the non consensual circumcision of infants. Of course if an adult wants one done, they should be allowed to go do it, or if it is actually deemed medically necessary. 99% of these circumcisions are not though in the US. That's what needs to be banned.

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Except its not even, at least for christians. Its actually even considered a sin for catholics. https://catholicism.org/ad-rem-no-283.html

It became popular in the US because it was thought that it would stop people from masturbating. That’s why its an American thing and not a religious vs non religious thing (except for jewish people).

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The difference here is that the data exists still and can be played via emulators still. However, it violates copyright laws to do so. It has nothing to do with “time destroying all works” (at least not yet)

not only that, they also sell smart speakers whose only interaction is with siri. Shutting down siri would turn those $300 speakers into paper weights. this article is a really bad take.

You wont want to disable 2.4 and 5GHz on wifi 7. The reason it gets so much higher speeds than 6e is that it can send data on all 3 spectrum simultaneously. If you turn off 2.4 and 5GHz you would essentially be limiting yourself to 1/2 speed.

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it’s talking about the system requirements for installing the firmware, the headphones work fine without one.

yes, they have a centralized login system. It’s my biggest issue with plex and why i am experimenting with switching to jellyfin.

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honestly i feel exactly the opposite, I don’t think it’s really necessary for servers as tools like ansible are already well established in that space. Plus most servers are VMs these days which can be snapshotted easily. Also, lot of these “immutable distros” require a reboot to apply changes which is non ideal in a server, but a non issue for desktop as you can shut it down when you go to sleep.

I run fedora atomic on my desktop and laptop because i never have to worry about my system getting into a broken state, I can always roll back or even spot the problem and fix it before i reboot to apply the change. I know a lot of people say you can accomplish the same thing with btrfs snapshots, but that requires extra thought and effort on my part, where fedora atomic it happens automatically with every update.

Immutable isnt really the best word for these distros. Its why fedora is changing the name to atomic, as in changes made to the system are done atomically like git. This also means changes can be rolled back just as easily as they were made.

I don’t have an answer to your nvidia question, but before you go and spend $2000 on an nvidia card, you should give the rocm docker containers a shot worh your existing card. https://hub.docker.com/u/rocm https://github.com/ROCm/ROCm-docker

it’s made my use of rocm 1000x easier than actually installing it on my system and was sufficient for my uses of running inference on my 6700xt.

all changes in etc are snapshotted with each update so you could just roll back to your previous version and it would fix it.

I assume you meant you messed up permissions in your home directory, and yes that is pretty much the only place you can permanently mess something up with silverblue.

Seriously, using a scale instead of volumetric measurements is an instant level up in baking.

No, it’s because the windows scheduler literally cannot handle that many cores. it simply does not know how to allocate work effectively.

Yea i don’t get the hate boner for brave. I get it's sketchy and don’t use it myself, but they aren’t sneakily installing some VPN to redirect all your web traffic without you knowing. They tell you about it right up front because it's a service they want to sell.

If you don’t like the browser, don’t use it. There isn’t a need to go on some crusade to smear them with bullshit.

yea obviously apple has been better in the past, one of the reasons i switched from pixel to iphone. however, whenever they have said X years of updates for a given device, they have kept it. it’s literally the only thing i would trust them on.

it doesn’t, what this is suggesting is the vpn was routing traffic through it so they could analyze snapchat traffic. not the contents of it but essentially meta analysis of the traffic. how often it was sending data, how much data, where it was going etc.

wtf does this have to do with technology? it’s just some post on reddit making an unsubstantiated claim.

i had a similar issue when rebasing to kinoite, the libvirt service wasn’t set to start on boot after, so check to make sure it’s actually running.

The trick was to install VSCodium from the Toolbox

Another option you can try that I use is the dev containers extension which allows you to move your workspace to different containers from within vscode. I will say however, i have tried many times to get it working in vscodium and have been unsuccessful and it only seems to work in vscode proper.


Are the 320mhz wide channels going to be actually usable in the real world though? wider channels increase chance of interference. That’s why nearly everyone recommends 80mhz wide channels on 5ghz even though 160mhz channels have been available for a while. You dont usually see speed increases in the real world with the 160mhz channels except in specific situations.

Its the server world that is demanding it. For most consumers 4.0 is more than enough, but servers are already maxing out 5.0 and will probably immediately max out 6.0 when devices actually become available.

nothing to do with how long they update their phones operating system.