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Mid 40s, and I too feel old now - at first I thought OP was setting us up for a joke. The local phone company still delivered phone books to everyone in my city until a few years ago.

I think it was an old legal requirement for any phone company providing landline services to also provide phonebooks. Unfortunately most weren't even recycled, they were either burned in backyard firepits, or just thrown out

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Rotary phones weren't even that long ago?!??! I still remember the swooop, click-click-click-click sound, oh, and the ear shattering ringing bells. I am happy that in our lifetime we've come so far that kids don't understand tools from just a couple decades ago. I remember my father showing me a stack of punch cards he used at work and warning me not to touch them - but what I also know is, that those kids better get the hell off my damn lawn!

Did the voice on the payphone say: You must please deposit 25 cents to place your call LOL I think that's engrained in my memory

Fun fact:
Once touch tone phones became the norm there were actually games you could play by just calling a number. There was also a number you could call and get the local time and temperature. Oh, and lets not forget Mr. MoviePhone!

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The microplastics in my body laugh at arsenic's petty attempt on my life!

This was years ago, but IIRC some youtuber used the N word while playing one of the studio's games. The developers found out and sent the youtuber a dmca takedown notice for all their games, because f*ck racism and racist sh*tbags

Edit: source from 2017

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Seems legit:


For me it's YYYY-MM-DD https://www.iso.org/iso-8601-date-and-time-format.html

Also, there is a special place for those people who keep making up new timestamps

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TIL - Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

That reminds me, so is SCUBA, RADAR and MODEM...I miss the old History Channel shows, especially Modern Marvels

SCUBA: Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus (Blew my mind for some reason when I learned that)
RADAR: Radio Detection and Ranging (I've watched alot of WWII documentaries)
MODEM: Modulation Demodulation (I've worked in tech)


Don't give them any ideas! 😂

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I've got you fam: c/osha

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Not me, but I recall a story from a while back. ISP tech answers call from an irate customer who isn't able to get online. After basic troubleshooting, the tech advises the customer to power cycle the cable modem and router...the customer scoffs, how can I do that when my power is out? 😂

Don't worry, it finally gets renamed in 2630

I see you woke up and chose violence. Dueling pistols at dawn it is then

For me, it's actually much better for file name sorting - and just about everything else. It numerically orders items in a logical manner allowing for batch processing of large sets of data using wildcards or regex, but I understand that it may not fit everyone's usecase...which is why, it seems everyday, there's someone introducing a new date format

It's an old joke, when a switch (or any electronics really) has 365+ day uptime rebooting could kill the power supply during its POST power supply test.

Realistically you shouldn't have to worry about it, those are solid switches. I have a 3524 from 2001 that's still running, it gets bounced about once a year when I bump the power cable while recabling. I also have a 2960G that's on a UPS, and without logging in I couldn't tell you the uptime

2007, excellent year! Also, I swear Cisco those older switches are will run forever (as long as you don't reboot it too often 😂)

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I've seen posts where I had to assume OP/the commenter wasn't a native English speaker, because of the sentence structure and odd choice of words. A multilingual platform such as lemmy, can sometimes leave you scratching your head. Since I don't speak a 2nd or 3rd language I'm always in awe of polyglots. I always try to offer an olive branch by assuming the fault was mine, and I wasn't clear enough in my wording.


There are people (myself included) who will skim long form texts, rather than actually reading all of the words (thanks to every prof who's ever assigned busy work or HW on a school holiday). I can only speak for myself when I say, once I've skimmed something, if I get to the end and it doesn't add up, I go back and re-read it in its entirety. I have to imagine in a world of 6 billion people, there willl be some who don't choose to re-read the text, and choose outrage...also some people just think it's funny to be contrarian, there's not much you can do about that, other than smile and move along.

Tomorrow you will wake up, the world will be full of promise, and maybe a satisfying breakfast, and you won't even remember angry_commenter@lemmy.instance...they, on the other hand will wake up, and still be them...

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Tegucigalpa is the capital of Honduras. No idea where I learned that

Thank you for this! I've always been annoyed by non-collapsable, intrusive sidebars. Slashdot's just seemed to get wider, and wider, over the years.

I'd found this when I used to go to old.reddit: javascript:$('.side').toggle();void(0);

I made it a bookmark on my bookmark tool bar to toggle the right sidebar on my main page

Definitely! For electronics, Eneloop batteries are worth every penny. I think I have ~10 AA and AAA, and I haven't bought disposable batteries in years. I try to make sure I have 4 of each available at all times so I don't have to wait for them to recharge. I've tried cheaper (Amazon) batteries, and they fail much more quickly, and sometimes swell to the point where I have a hard time removing them.

Some people say IKEA's batteries are just rebranded Eneloops, but I haven't had a chance to try them

I feel like I'm being judged...and I don't think it's going to end well 😂

You should also post to !superbowl@lemmy.world so everyone can enjoy this pic

If you have a steady hand you can try something like this DiY tester

As long as they encounter the pothole at just the right speed 😀

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I've been using a pair of scissors to cut my spagetti, a knife would probably be way easier to clean. Thanks for the tip, I'll let everyone know how it goes!

I do, at least once a year (nothing excessive), mainly because I use the website occasionally. It's the same reason I bought 'reddit coins' or whatever that used to be. I just wanted to contribute to a useful service, especially given that there is so much garbage out there

A small spider bite, which gives me the ability to punch someone in the mouth through their TV or computer screen....It has always been one of my ideas for an online business

The question is this:
Given that God is infinite, and that the universe is also infinite...

::: spoiler spoiler ...would you like a toasted teacake? :::

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Hey! A fellow JMC employee in the wild!

If you're a chili purist, I'd recommend not ordering chili in Cincinnati. Way back when, some Greek guy wanted to sell Greek meat sauce to a bunch of Germans, but he wasn't gaining any traction - because what sausage loving German wants Greek meat water.

He then had the bright idea of renaming it 'chili,' and an unholy abomination was concieved that day, it threatened to plunge all of existence into the void...actually if you've ever had italian (the tomato based) meat sauce on spaghetti, it's kinda like that, just with a handful of cinnamon and neon yellow shredded cheese...because, why not. Folks in Cincinnati seem to like it though, so much so they sell it in cans in the grocery stores

Check out this podcast (I'm sure you can find it on your favourite podcast app)

If you're on a scam binge, the NYT (yes, I know) Daily podcast did a piece on how drug cartels are scamming people using the sale of property


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If you do, please report back and let us know what you thought! My favourite will always be the original cartoon from the late 80s-early 90s

I believe you've just stumbled on the Maillard Reaction

So close. It's like they knew they had to do something, just not exactly what

TiL. I'm going to have to play around with this, thank you!

I too loose it when people can't get the difference, it's like c'mon, you can't be so lose with your words

Sorry, couldn't help myself 😁

One of my local tea shops sells tea w/ basically these tiny hershey kisses mixed in. Honestly I tried it (Ex: Chocolate Drizzle) and it wasn't for me, but if you really want that chocolate flavour it seems you can just straight up just add chocolate or sweetened cocoa powder to your tea. You may need to experiment to get the ratios the way you like it

Do you remember if you could get to a rommon prompt? As long as console access is available you should've been able to upload replacement FW. I once had to use kermit or xmodem (I don't recall) @2400 bps to recover an AP by transferring new FW over the console cable (I'm not sure new APs even have a console port), but switches should be recoverable...the things you do, when you want to go home and not spend another day on site 🤣

My only caution would be to ensure that you use the correct FW. IIRC -L means Lan Base not IP Services, but it should warn you that there isn't enough space, if that's the case

Awesome! Thanks for the update, and Happy Friday!

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I use the uBlock Origin extension to block instances. If it's available on your browser:

  • click the uBlock Origin icon next to the URL bar in your browser
  • click on the gears icon
  • Select the 'My Filters' tab

add this line (assuming you're on lemmy.ml and hexbear.net is the instance you wish to block): lemmy.ml##.post-listing:has-text(@hexbear.net)

Credit to this post

Please keep in mind, this is using a sledgehammer to swat a gnat. YMMV