
1 Post – 111 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Japan has various earthquake notification systems. Tweets are just one more way to get the information to the people on a platform they use.

I feel like if someone is insane, it must be Musk, trying to circumvent the unions in a Nordic country, which have one some of the strongest unions and union culture in the world.

I don't think it will have enough room to stand up

Yeah. I don't expect Reddit to necessarily collapse immediately, or Lemmy to replace Reddit for all Reddit users. I'm just happy if Lemmy becomes at least a medium-sized social network. That means that it would have moved from a niche platform into a large enough ecosystem to sustain itself, and become a viable alternative to Reddit, like you said.

With a huge platform like Reddit, the impact of the current events might not be instantly obvious. But with everything going on recently with Twitter, Reddit, Mastodon, Lemmy, and even Threads, I think it's clear that there's some kind of transformation of the social media landscape going on. But how long it will take, and what the end result will look like, is anybody's guess. Maybe it's the fall of the old giants and a rise of new, more democratic platforms. Maybe the giants keep standing, but significantly weakened, with a bunch of new, smaller, more open platforms becoming real alternatives. Or maybe it's something else.

Be it as it may, I'm glad that the status quo is being shaken up a bit.

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Nothing says "we're on path towards inevitable victory" (as Russian shills like to claim) like nuclear saber rattling.

In part because there are people actively and deliberately muddying together the Netanyahu government and Israel (as well as Israel and Jews) so that any criticism of the actions of Israel or Netanyahu can be labeled "antisemitism".

A hospital? Hamas.

A newspaper office? Hamas.

A pile of food and water? Believe it or not, also Hamas!

I mean.

One might be a coincidence.

Two out of two? Considering how few high profile whistleblowers there are, that is much more unlikely to be due to random chance, statistically speaking.

Similar to how it's not impossible that someone might fall out of a window and die.

But if in a certain country, important people who have crossed the leadership keep falling out of windows, ... well.

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cops have learned to just play copyrighted music (say the Frozen soundtrack)

I hope they've secured the proper licenses for a public performance of that music.

Imagine being told in your 30s that the game probably is on hard mode, but because you've somehow managed to beat a few bosses it can't actually be that much harder than easy mode so they're not going to find out for sure whether that is the case.

This footage gets regularly played in documentaries and Youtube videos when nuclear weapons are discussed, so many people are familiar with it.

Why are people always disgusted about a disgusting thing which keeps happening?

People also often feed bread to birds, but bread is harmful to birds because it doesn't provide the nutrients they need while filling them up so that they don't go find more nutritious foods.

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Immigration is neither here nor there. This is a reaction to a Russian hybrid operation.

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I wish Russians thought like you do.

I fully believe that America is the land of the free.

It's just that most people are not a part of "the free."

I think it's polite to tell what you have changed when you edit a post as long as the platform does not have edit history visible (which as far as I can tell Lemmy does not).

And I expect the browser is none of those things.

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I'm sure Russia will withdraw from Ukraine to prevent such an eventuality from happening.

Coming from a country bordering Russia and having had to deal with their bullshit for my entire life, the most frustrating thing about Russian bullshit is that if they could just be normal, they could be an actually wealthy and significant European country in a few decades. But no, they have always had this HUGE inferiority complex, which means that they need to continuously prove that they're great, powerful and important. And the only way they know how to prove their greatness and importance is to flex their "power" on their neighbors, including by militarily expanding their borders, while most of their "peer" countries (most importantly pretty much all of Europe) have moved on from this sort of view of being "powerful" after WW2 by the latest.

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What does Ukraine "losing" mean to you at this point of the war?

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I truly feel like if we let Russia get anything that might count as a positive for them from this war, there will definitely be a new war of at least similar scale, but probably significantly worse and significantly less contained.

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Furthermore, it's not that the original scientists failed to produce true-color images. The original published images of Neptune had deliberately enhanced colors to better show some of the features of the cloud surface, and the description text of the images said as much. But that nuance was quickly forgotten and everybody just took the deep blue coloring to reflect the actual color of the planet, which spread to depictions of the planet everywhere.

Visibility from a tank is not that good, so they may legitimately not notice the mine. If you want to actually hide an anti-tank mine, it's also possible to dig the mine in a hole and put a layer of soil on top. But even if the tank crew notices the mine, it's still not completely useless, since the mine is still blocking the route for the tank and preventing its advance.

Naming things is the hardest part of everything.

That's why I'm never going to have children.

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It was a New Reddit/official app thing

Oh not at all, they're patented Skinner burgers, an old family recipe.

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Hiccough is a mistaken newer spelling based on the association with coughing, hiccup is the original.

I mean, THE main character traits of Scrooge McDuck are that he's stingy and absolutely ludicrously filthy rich.

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"Real" in this sense is not etymologically related to "royal".

I'm not 'sure where the apo'strophe i's 'suppo'sed to go 'so I ju'st put one in front of each 's to be on the 'safe 'side. I ju'st hope that 'some grammar nazi won't a's'sa's'sinate my a's's becau'se of it.

A 5 second break, while suboptimal, is significantly less suboptimal than having to watch 20+ second ads.

In my language, the word for coal refers to both types, but you can specify "wood coal" or "rock coal" if necessary.

Committing tax fraud together 😳

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To me "hydro line" sounds like a weird way to say "water pipe".

I can imagine back in 1942 you'd been like "Shut down Hitler....any day now, for going on 3 years"

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This is called the etymological fallacy

I was going to say "what authoritarian propaganda" because I don't see any of that shit, but yeah, my instance doesn't federate with those places. The strength and the weakness of a federated system, I suppose!

...I just drink it?