
12 Post – 666 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Indeed, I freaking love GNOME's UX/UI. But I switched to KDE for Wayland gaming.

Maybe they tried to make a Metal Gear title without him and it sucked. And now they are kind of admitting their mistake.

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It's a controller with Xbox layout and DualSense features. If you look at Valve's latest news, Xbox controllers are the most common on PC. So, I guess they want to sell these to those users maybe? Butit doesn't have hapticfeedback, that's a bit disappointing.

Personally, I won't buy anything without trackpads. I want a true Steam Controller 2, the first needed an additional stick and a proper dpad.

Desktop mode or I'll wait another year.

AMD or Nvidia?

Could this work offline as a PWA? By offline I mean not hosted on your server, but locally.

What's the use case? ELI5.

Hey Copilot, please disable telemetry

I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that.

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Seriously. How many more chat apps from Google do we need to learn the lesson?

The fact that humanity needs the threat of nukes to maintain peace, says a lot of the disparity between the advancements of our technology and the limitations of our own primitive mentality.

I wish we were more like Star Fleet.

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What a great way to sell their new Star Wars live service game.

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Fuck Android, I want Linux on my smartphone. With working alternatives for:

  • Banking apps
  • Google Pay
  • Google Maps (live traffic)
  • Android Auto
  • Google Cast

Only the EU can pull this off.

Edit: added banks.

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GIMP's UI is what's holding it back.

If it was remotely near inkscape's usability, it would be way more popular. The script that tries to make it look like Photoshop, shows GIMP's underlying limitations.

GIMP should go straight to phase 3.

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Krita has been adding photo manipulation tools faster than GIMP is fixing their UX/UI, so at this point I think Krita will be the first to become the most viable FOSS alternative to Photoshop.

Just registered about a week ago, Lemmy feels like Reddit was like when Digg died.

Have they already backtracked in practice or just in PR?

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Bullshit Source Available

TLDR: Selfhosting is hard. Obsidian is easy. Federation is a thing.

I bet it's a PR stunt to cover the fact they are just downsizing their mismanaged business.

When Gabe dies, we're SO fucked.

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  • Start menu is whatever you want it to be
  • Search works
  • No ads
  • No spyware
  • No drivers to install (except Nvidia)


Same thing, no Google.

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Am I out of touch?

No, its's the devs who are wrong!

They might be talking about data harvesting and revenue generation driven from federated sources.

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UK: Making porn of unwilling celebrities is illegal.

US: Making commercial movies with unwilling actors is perfectly fine!

you can't expect it to gain any traction without one.

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I've tried every FOSS keyboard out there, about a year ago or so. I'm back to Gboard.

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Link to original news source on Blizzard.com https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/blizzard/23982127/overwatch-2-coming-to-steam-on-august-10

Link to the Steam Page https://store.steampowered.com/app/2357570/Overwatch_2/

Finally, so much people will join, that I'm sure someone will fix the Proton bug where the mouse pointer loses focus and you have to tab out and back in to regain focus after respawning. Hell, there are so many heroes that don't require precise aiming, that it would even make it a playable game on the Steam Deck.

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First of all, thanks for doing this. I really appreciate it, game preservation depends on DRM-Free packages. And there is no other software that I know of that is trying to offer the closest thing to a Steam-like experience for this scenario.

With that out of the way, I must bring up a specific section found in your documentation.

It simplifies the whole gaming experience by organizing, downloading, installing, playing, and tracking


From what I can read in the docs, the installation is completely manual. Even games that don't have an installer, they get compressed and must be manually decompressed to the proper gamevault folder.

If games that don't require an installer, actually do get automatically "installed", then my suggestion is that you add that to the documentation. If that is not the case, then I suggest you stop advertising this functionality as if it was true.

As for Linux, if this software does offer an advatage over just copying games, I guess someone will eventually make a plugin for Lutris or Heroic. But one thing that I suggest for GameVault is developing a way to automatically add the games as a non-Steam game to the Steam application. The majority of users prefer Steam over any other launcher, specially for people using their PCs connected to a TV, Steam Big Picture is just superior to anything else out there.

IDK about plasma, but in GNOME, if you search for PowerPoint, it shows LibreOffice Impress as a result.

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Great work, but super clickbait title.

Thank you !

As for Flatpaks: Me. It's easier, simpler, cleaner, more secure and overall more convenient. It's like on mobile, permission based. But without the shady corporations behind it.

About Snaps: some edge devs but more importantly: Canonical.

Valorant uses the Vanguard anti-cheat, which is technically a rootkit. Riot had the freedom to do what they wanted to do with your PC if they wanted to.

Good thing you lost access to that nightmare.

The ship of Theseus

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Wait, why is Discuit being accounted for if they are not federated?

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Meta can Zuck it.

I bet it won't. And I bet the implementations of all 3 are out of spec, and send your shit to everyone else that will buy it.

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Why learn to fuck people when you can just buy The Wanker 9000™?

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Will companies ever stop selling snake oil?
