
9 Post – 160 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

... and hardware.

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One of their choices should have been: "This survey is exactly the reason I am going to a different browser. "

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I once heard that "Anyone can be charged with a crime if they can be watched closely enough for long enough."

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KVM drawers are cool for homelab racks!

If a YouTube ad installs a virus on my system, can I sue YouTube?

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Windows Telemetry at first. Then Windows browbeating various products - "Edge please download Firefox" - Edge: "Why, I am better than Firefox" Me:"Do as I say" Edge: "But -blah blah nah" and so on. I know there are ways around it, but if someone can force an update against my will on my machine, it is not my machine. This leads to questions of what else can they do without my permission. Linux is my machine. I control when and how and what. Also customization.

Would an instance be able to unfederate Facebook/ meta.

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Company before COVID: "We have 32 buildings across 5 campuses in 3 cities" After Covid: "We have 32 empty buildings no one will buy from us for enough to even break even. If we sell them no we lose millions, but they just sit empty"

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Perhaps we need an "open source" laserprinter?

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Do you want a Butlerian Jihad? Cuz this is how you get a Butlerian Jihad!

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And who thought the idea of a GlassHole was bad? You have a big spy-eye on your shirt. Just wait till some company mandates all employees must wear this.

If you can gesture and it does something, the camera is always on watching for the gesture.

European Friend, What would GPDR say about this? If you walked into some store and all the store employees wore this, could you ask and expect that any footage showing you visited the store would be deleted?

Might also be kinda creepy if you went into a store where you had never been before and the nearest sales associate walked up and said "Welcome In WasPentalive".

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The Germans also fell prey to Microsoft telling them that they would give them all the free copies of Windows they might need and build a new facility providing a ton of jobs in their area if they would abandon the Linux thing.

The city in question also built their own distro based on an older version of an existing distro rather than going from off the shelf.

It's not a slippery slope fallacy, if the slope is actually slippery.

Does Wayland allow for the running of a program on a big powerful server (where many users live) and display on a smaller desktop machine that is only providing a screen and keyboard? If not, are they working on that? If it does not and they are not working on it, is it even possible under the way that Wayland works?

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There are many different "X" because people have different tastes in their choice of "X". I like KDE, the next guy likes Gnome. I like Apt, but I might like whatever NIXOS uses, others like Yum or DNF. I kinda like the idea behind GoboLinux, probably because I was a MAC OSx user for a long while.

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One place I worked we had a rule - do not name a server for any group using it. It seems the groups become territorial when you try to add a different group to "their" server.

ChatGPT comments on the news:

Prompt : In recent news, the management of "How it's Made" has fired all the writers and editors on the show and intends to replace them with a large language model. What do you think?


As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions or feelings, but I can provide an analysis based on the information available up to my last update in September 2021.

If the management of "How It's Made" decides to fire all the writers and editors on the show and replace them with a large language model like me, there are both potential benefits and drawbacks to consider:


Cost Savings: Employing an AI language model could potentially reduce production costs as it eliminates the need for paying human writers and editors.
Speed and Efficiency: AI models can generate content at a rapid pace, which may allow for more frequent episode releases or updates.
Access to Data: AI models have access to vast amounts of data, which could result in more comprehensive and detailed explanations of the manufacturing processes.
Consistency: AI-generated content can maintain a consistent style and tone throughout the episodes.


Lack of Creativity: While AI models can provide factual information, they might struggle to inject creative elements or engage with the audience on a more emotional level.
Human Touch: Human writers and editors bring their unique perspectives and storytelling abilities to the show, which might be missed with an AI-only approach.
Reliability: AI-generated content can sometimes produce errors or inaccurate information, which would require careful human oversight and fact-checking.
Audience Response: The audience's perception of AI-generated content might not be as positive as content created by human professionals, leading to a potential decrease in viewership.

Ultimately, the success of this decision would depend on how well the AI language model can replicate the engaging and informative aspects that made "How It's Made" popular in the first place. It's important for the management to carefully evaluate the pros and cons and ensure a seamless transition if they decide to go down this route. Additionally, audience feedback and receptiveness to the AI-generated content will play a significant role in determining the long-term viability of such a change.

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Is there some way you could have your web server log who scrapes the site? If you disallow ChatGPT and still find that it has scraped your site would you have cause to sue? @legaleagle (or anyone else too)

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Do not forget the library of Alexandria.

I wonder what they will do when the tripe the LLM spews doesn't match the pictures they are showing.

or "none of your business"

Since the disks are going to a 'family member' any porn at all, even the most tame, might get talked about.

When a machine gets infected with malware because of drop-in ad content, the ad broker should be liable to the machine owner for $$$.

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Isn't there a journalism rule that says the answer to any headline that asks a yes/no question is usually no?

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Since they wish to maintain a cheat free environment, perhaps they should stand up a server only for Linux users where the anti-cheat is not required. This way they can serve the Linux community. Players who want to play under Linux will be informed that they play without the benefit of the anti-cheat?

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Unless this is enacted in every state, law enforcement can deduce the state a person of interest is in just by not getting location data for them.

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And then only to the human creator who intends to bring the item to market. No more patent trolls.

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Because they don't want to lose a method of tracking us wherever we show our faces. I think masks will be a fashion in the future, and they are just so comfortable.

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Thanks for all your suggestions! I uninstalled ca-certificates-java and minecraft-launcher , and when I did that the others were removed also. then I re-installed the Minecraft.deb that I had downloaded from Mojang's site and now Minecraft is working. Next, I will investigate Geogebra.

An Open Source UPS anyone - Eric S. Raymond

I am not affiliated with them, but you can get a trigger file (Canary Token) from the people at Thinkst. I quickly looked around their site, and did not see how, but their adds say you can get them for free, without having to buy their canary hardware device.

I will try that. Thanks! I am not sure what features I don't get to use because of the USB/Generic PCL printer setup I have now.

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Update = Connecting the printer via USB gave better results. I would rather talk to it via the existing ethernet, but I did have a long USB cable so at least I don't have to give up half my desk. The printer is still connected to the network too. perhaps my wife can use it from windows.

At least for now I can print.

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The people who don't run ad-blockers are many, and stupid.

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Perhaps it should be a company policy that any demand to pay by phone/text/video conf must be authenticated by the office worker hanging up and calling the appropriate company officer on a non-published phone number. The workers immediate supervisor should also be involved in anything out of the ordinary. With a well known policy that calling the company officer will never result in any trouble for the office worker.

Sometimes even real teachers "Hallucinate". In my networking course, I was told by the teacher that a coax-based Ethernet (Either thin net or 10 base 5) had terminators on each end "to reflect the signal back down the wire so the ethernet cards could have another crack at it"

Going for that "who's on first base" vibe?

You can check the CPU and memory statistics by looking at the files under /proc, but I was wondering how to get the file system capacity, so I looked at the df(1) code. . coreutils: df.c coreutils: fusage.c macOS: df.c Here is the code prepared to verify the operation of the library. Code to find out what df uses to output ยท GitHub For Linux On Linux, file system information can be obtained using statvfs(3). Although this is treated as a wrapper for the statfs(2) system call, it is basically recommended to use statvfs(3). (Via google translate)

Does one have to supply the password at each boot with what you are describing - this sounds like the password is somewhere in the partition table. If so what do I google to learn more?

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Microsoft gets to sell the sizzle, not the steak. They also have all your data since the OS is running on their computer, not yours. I guess this will make Windows a web app, working like NextCloud only on their machines.