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Joined 11 months ago

Abortion rights are based on the bodily autonomy of the woman, not the status of the fetus.

Even a fully grown adult cannot use another person's body without consent.

Anyone who codenses candidates down to a "score" or a "number is doing it wrong.

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You know you are being closed minded and irrational when you say "no one is going to convince me of ____".

Way to keep yourself from growing as a person and learning new things!

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They used to not have the right to marry in the US, and many people advocate for that to return. In some places on this planet, they don't get the right to live.

There is no one even advocating to take rights away from straight people, let alone beheading them.

Define "engineer" in a way that accurately describes what you think is an "engineer" while simultaneously excluding software engineers.

Kite flyer, kite maker.

I've been flying multi-line, controllable sport kites for over half of my life. I attend kite festivals very frequently and occasionally travel throughout the US or internationally for kite festivals.

About 6 years ago, I started building my own sport kites. Now days, I have a workshop with 5 sewing machines, 2 3d printers, and other equipment, all of it revolving around kite making.

I can't really imagine my life without kites involved.

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It's still a side pursuit. I have a full time job as a software engineer. I do sell the kites I make on occasion, but I have no intention of making it a proper source of income.

You are keeping yourself from growing as a person because you would rather block your ears than consider another person's perspective.

If you care about making good decisions, you should want to hear other perspectives and make (or revise) your decisions with as much information as possible. Instead, you've made up your mind with a bit of information, and refuse to hear more. Science, for example, adjust it's views based on what is observed. You are refusing to observe so that your current believe can be preserved.

It's not even about wanting to "vote D", I don't really care about that. It's about the intellectual dishonesty and laziness of being unwilling to ever change your mind about something to the extent that you push away anything that might make you stop being so lazy and dishonest.

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No, I don't think I will. I asked you a direct question, if you will retract your statement of "no one can convince me" and you ignored the question. You can't even acknowledge the one thing that I've been calling you out on after I've repeatedly demonstrated the problem to you.

I don't think you will engage honestly so I have no interest in continuing a conversation.

"Zillow was found to be price fixing", you say this as if there was some legal investigation. There wasnt. There were a bunch of salty realtors cherry picking data and confusing correlation for causation. The fact of the matter is, Zillow overpaid and underpaid for houses, and eventually lost millions of dollars during COVID era market swings, recognized the risk of the business and shut it down after only 3 years.

The ibuyer business was intended to take on all of the burden of buying and selling houses to make it easier for consumers to move.

"you can't convince me" doesn't sound like an invitation to debate. It sounds like a warning that debating that topic with you would be a waste of time because you won't listen anyway.

I can provide my justification for believing that voting for a 3rd party is a waste of a vote. Are you actually willing to be convinced if a sufficient argument is presented? I.e. are you retracting your "you can't convince me" statement? If not, I'm not going to waste my time trying to convince the unconvinceable.

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