
2 Post – 103 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I really hate to defend this guy because he clearly sucks. But honestly: smart move. Your phone password and much of the contents of your phone should be considered speech and you shouldn’t be compelled to testify against yourself. That said, if this phone was government property then he shouldn’t have been the only one capable of unlocking it, which is a policy failure.

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"But that's all just Portland voters! All the rest us of didn't want that!" - My idiot father. Yeah dude, Portland is most of us. Your vote isn't worth more just because you live around less people.

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Looks like you’re right! Blizzard definitely isn’t okay with it. But I would expect them to get a sweetheart deal behind the scenes

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lot of comments in here talking about how they're just doing their kills some other way: cops, mass shootings, not getting caught (this one is the most braindead). But everyone is ignoring how we've largely eliminated regular lead exposure that used to be the norm. that shit makes you go fucking insane.

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Your high-horse opinion of Apple users aside, you are right that OP is greatly overestimating people’s commitment to google’s services over their iPhones.

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Well it’s not that they “need to pay bills” they make plenty money to pay bills with the revenue they already earn. The issue is that capitalism demands not just profits, but continually increasing profits each quarter.

Had the shower-thought today: there are not enough reports of CEO suicides. Like, I assume the thing they’ll tell you about their job is that it’s hard to handle the stress of holding so many people’s livelihoods in your hands. But I don’t ever see CEOs getting fired for too many layoffs, and when they do get fired it kinda doesn’t matter because they’re so rich it doesn’t matter much. If it were true that it’s a difficult thing to handle, in any way that at all relates to the working class struggle, you think it’d have a high suicide rate. But it doesn’t…

i read the article and it didn't seem to state. how will they target me? using the personal info I'm required to give them to book my flight? the origin and destinations and seat location? these are entirely different kinds of metrics. one is far more invasive. and is it tying into larger models they've purchased from like google or something? this is stupid and i hate it.

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Remember that Kevin Costner movie “swing vote” where he was courted by the two presidential candidates because he was somehow the deciding vote in an election? I don’t remember how they rigged it that way in the story, or what the outcome was, but the premise of one guy being a deciding vote always stuck with me because it can happen in every election; we just don’t know who that guy is because it’s everyone

I get your point, but disagree with your thesis. Fahrenheit makes a lot of sense for human comfort ranges. 0 and 100 are some of the most extreme natural temperatures most people in F-using countries ever see. 0 means cold as fuck and 100 means hot as fuck. And there’s a single-digit useful precision to it as well. 72 and 73 are close, but noticeably different. Celsius requires decimals for that kind of difference. And 0 means “it’s kinda cold outside, I guess” and 100 means “you were dead a long time ago”, so it’s not nearly as useful in every day life with natural living temperatures.

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I make 100k and haven’t donated $150. Am I a bad person?

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Holy shit. They give god 10% of their income. This server is “asking” for 18% of the price of their bill. They’re not even remotely the same thing.

I’m generally against tipping, but still do it. I’m way against illogical comparisons like this though.

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Is your assertion here that United Steelworkers just fucked up and endorsed a rabidly anti-union candidate because they’re not as up to speed on labor issues as you are?

I really appreciate the “you really think you’re smarter than the people whose job it is to do this?” Energy being exuded here. Spot on.

This sounds like we could afford it, we just need to take that money back from the military…

I’ve been curious about these framework laptops for a while now. They seem pretty rad, but I really only compute on desktop, have a work provided laptop that could never be this, and the only other computer I need in my life is a Mac for app development, which this can’t fulfill. If I ever need a non-Mac laptop for personal use, framework would be the thing though.

Nah fuck that. Sites need to adopt this passkeys instead. It’s an impossible task for people to have unique credentials for every site, even if they are “memorable”. This is a design issue not a personal responsibility one. When designing for large volumes of people, you have to assume that the majority will do something easy and stupid over difficult and smart.

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Fuck any game that does

Hard to tell if you meant it this way, but that’s a fault of the system and not of the creators and listeners using it.

If playing audio on a subscription service pays royalties, then creators who make that audio and listeners who pay for it should both be able to do so. It’s ridiculous to say that music is more valuable and deserves more of the money if people enjoy the “easy to make” white noise audio.

How easy something to make does not equate to its value. And many people would consider music easy to make also. It’s just silly for music labels to demand that their audio time be considered more valuable if people would rather listen to white noise.

That said, you’re right that there are more efficient and economical ways to provide that service. This is still a systems problem though. People view Spotify as a place to get audio, if streaming certain audio is wasteful, then Spotify should allow/require the app to cache that audio locally once the requisite length of audio has already been streamed. They can do this but for some reason aren’t.

This is actually a perfect example of “the customer is always right”. You can’t be mad that people want a certain product, instead you should start producing the product people want.

The most complicated factor here is Spotify’s algorithm producing certain outcomes. If people weren’t being suggested certain types of content, maybe they wouldn’t want it and would choose music instead of white noise. But again, that’s still not really any of the music label’s right to demand one way or another.

Sometime last year I felt some lumps in my scrotum. worried it could be a sign of balls cancer, I went and had them checked. I have probably better health insurance than most people i know. Cost about the same. Outrageous. but hey, turns out i don't have balls cancer so i guess it could be worse.

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Oh my god, prostitution? What will we do in a world where two consenting adults trade services for money? Thank god we have paid murderers on hand to ensure that can’t happen!

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I got my first job at a pizza place at the age of 15. On my first day, the owner really stressed to me that the law says i had to have breaks, but that they were from laws written for factory workers who couldn’t leave their post to go to the bathroom any time, so it’s okay if they don’t follow exact timelines for my breaks because i could use the bathroom outside of the break time.

Fuck that guy.

I leaned way in for the 2016 and 2020 elections. I literally ran for city council (and lost) in 2020 to be part of the efforts to push things in big and small ways in the right direction. It was exhausting. People were awful and it was overall a terrible experience.

Meanwhile, for years, my wife and I were in the long and frequently disappointing process of adopting children from our local foster care system; we decided that adopting kids who needed families was better than bringing any more children into this hellscape.

3 weeks after I lost the miserable race for city council to a lawyer who had lost (sorry, settled) a sexual harassment lawsuit from his secretary only a couple years earlier, we took in our now-adopted kids. In the last 4 years we’ve had non-stop challenges, especially with my daughter, with behaviors - she was recently diagnosed with RAD. And we’ve chosen to pull back on basically anything that isn’t either helping us get some sense of stability, is at least enjoyable, or unavoidable.

I agree that everyone who can should be doing anything they can above and beyond voting. But I feel like all I can muster with activism right now is voting, and caring for my kids the best I can.

The one on the left is an emulated version, and the one on the right is a photo of a CRT with a composite signal (the yellow cable that was pair with white and red audio) most common back in the 90’s. The image illustrates how the graphic designers for this game knew they were going to be displayed on a CRT that would fuzz the image and so they deliberately made Dracula’s eyes that color of red with that placement because they knew it’d get mixed to give it a more ethereal effect to look like he’s got glowing red eyes. The ruffles in his shirt are also a great example of how the CRT enhanced the look.

i was wondering about this! very dumb.


“You’re a crook Captain Hook Judge won’t you throw the book At the PIRAAAATE…”

That’s actually how the pocket works. It uses separate fpga’s for the cores and display modes.

The RetroTink 5x Pro i think has some (hacky) ways to pretend to output HDR to get a decent effect. It’s definitely developing!

YES! Please join us! I don’t want our community to be full of elitists, play how you enjoy playing! But I happen to really love the look and nostalgia of playing on CRTs. Everyone is welcome to come and post about CRTs, or even CRT filters and masks in emulators to get that authentic experience!

I mod the one here on Lemmy.world - !crtgaming@lemmy.world

I, too, am part of the smarty pants society

Super Metroid

As an adoptive parent of two kids from foster care, I know this is biased. And actually now that I’ve got a few years of parenting kids with trauma under my belt I actually think most people shouldn't take on this challenge, because they actually wouldn’t be able to handle it. That said, I think that’s the only real way to counter the idiocracy effect. Adopt kids of the least responsible people to those who are most responsible. It’s mostly an opt-in, self selecting process that generally only moves things in the right direction. It’s also not really enough to actually offset the problem as a whole.

Still a good thing for folks to pursue though.

You sound like you worked at my last company also. Scrum is good in principal, but in practice it was just another thing people used to pretend they were valuable rather than actually being valuable. You know you’re doing it wrong when you have to have meeting about how to have meetings before each meeting.

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"we're children! we're children! we're children!"

It’s mentioned further down, but hopefully people can help get this to the top - if you enjoy this kind of content, please join us over at !crtgaming@lemmy.world!

I’m definitely interested in hearing more about it. No openFPGA is a shame. Since it’ll have a bigger fpga than they’d been using, it’d be nice to see what else you could do with it as a platform like the pocket.

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Oh the MiSTer is awesome! It’s like an emulation device, but instead of emulating with software it uses a thing called an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array). the short explanation of what that means is that the chip reconfigures itself physically to mimic the hardware of old systems, which results in super accurate, lag-free emulation. It also allows for both digital and analogue output, loads from mass storage like an SD card or USB hard drive, and works with the oldest systems up to things like the PS1.

I think it’s true that they’re taking advantage of the way the system works, but I think the reason people are hostile to the music labels is because the music labels are famously terrible to artists and consumers. Can’t really blame people for gaming a system that has been historically gamed by rich businesses to stack the deck in the favor anyway.

I’m not sure how this is in any way different from android? Android is free software they use to restrict the computing they devices they sell to push more ads and junkware. This is just a different one. Amazon sucks, so I don’t see what move they could make that could be seen as positive. Just don’t buy their garbage devices.

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Nice dude, I’ve got the first gen DCDigital and don’t think I’ll be upgrading because it’s good enough for me and I think I’ll use an external scaler instead with it and other devices.

I’ve spent way too much on my Dreamcast. It’s got a MODE, DCdigital, and now this VM2. It’s an awesome system, I love it! I only wish there were more minigames for the VMU that had more features. I’m sure it’s hard to do with only 128kb though so I get it.