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Joined 4 months ago

Gamer, Streamer, YouTuber.

I livestream games from WAYBACK. Retro gaming and indie games. Pixels, bits and low polygons.

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@WaybackGuy

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/waybackguy

Discord: https://discord.waybackguy.com

Haha the name. Sorry had to say it.

The article also links to another interesting article that begins by summarizing the disadvantages some employees experienced when the initial switch to working from home happened.

  1. Balancing work and kids at home;
  2. Finding space for a home office and learning new tools;
  3. Workdays at home alone;
  4. The line between work and life blurred.

Number 1 & 2 should not be an issue for most people now. Number 3 & 4 are personal and should not be used as an excuse to implement a company wide policy on everybody.

What does this say to the employee who disagrees with the company return to office "culture"? It says to them they aren''t welcome here. Imagine turning on your computer and being locked out. That's what happened during the Twitter X Corp takeover.

Everyone working a desk job with a computer in a physical office space together is just about as practical as a large group meeting where one or two people speak with no input from others.

Some people may need to be in an office/meeting sometimes but most do not usually and it's a waste of time for the employee and a waste of money for the company. Just my opinion. ;)

It's also basically a pay cut and a huge loss of benefits. What does Rockstar have to say about that?

Was looking forward to this one.

Cool trailer. This game looks right up my alley.

I level grinded so much in the first. Getting loot was so fun.

This is so cool. An oldie but goodie is back! Glad they figured a way to separate the copyright from the trademark. So many good titles get lost in limbo over ownership.

Sam and Max Hit the Road is a great adventure game. I played it recently for the first time. Recommended.

Haven't played FFVIII since it was released back in 1998. From what I can remember I really liked it. Seemed to have a more mature story than most games at the time.

Maybe people are playing less games than a few years ago?

The tech industry is eating itself. I think NVIDIA is making out ok though, AI has created jobs for them for now.

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Looks interesting. Terraria has been on my list but this looks even more interesting. Thanks for sharing. My wishlist is sooo long. Lol

Arguably the DRM is only worth it for the first month or so after launch. Once the sales start dropping it's pointless. It's annoying to the consumer either way though.

Back when Ambrosia made Mac ports. DEFCON was cool.

Wow is that an original psx? I remember GT. One of the few multi disc racing/sim games. Some of the best graphics the original PlayStation had to offer. 👍

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Possible post by a bot account?

Maybe let players form taxi teams and get into fights with rival ride hailing companies? Lol Could be entertaining.

100 simultaneous players seems like a lot for a game designed to be played in short bursts?

Looks unique. I love platformers. I'd play.

I loved this game. I grinded for hours and got tons of cash and nice equipment then I reached the point in the game where I think you can finally ride a horse and stopped playing. I should pick this up again. I think I got my save game backed up somewhere, but at this point I'd probably want to start again because I forgot much of the story Lol

Absolutely loved STALKER. Heart of Chornobyl comes out this year.

Max Payne "I was too tired to go on." or "I was afraid to go on."

Game over screens too like Arkham City with the villain mocking Batman. System Shock with the hopeless death animation. Sometimes the deaths can get elaborate and repetitive though like some horror games.

Cool didn't know there was a sequel or spinoff. Thanks for the heads up!

Hmm I think you're right, I might have confused GT1 with GT2. Both great games though.

The game was too short too and could use more chapters IMO. Also maybe they could do something about the ending. (Can't find the spoiler button on the Voyager app so I'll leave it at that lolz)

Yeah I don't remember where that Nights cameo showed either. Anyone got a clue?

Such a great game it deserves a new remaster. Would love to see new content too.

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You should play / replay Splinter Cell. Espionage, stealth action, some techy tools. Really would like to see this series or something like it return.

There's also Metal Gear, Shadowrun, and the lesser known Anachronox produced by Tom Hall of Doom.

Playing 5 games right now....

  • Mega Man (original NES version) - fast paced and better than I expected platformer

  • Lonely Mountains Downhill - calming and chill mountain biking game

  • Voices of the Void - silly and mildly aggravating at times but fun once you get into it simulator game

  • Sam & Max Hit the Road - funny point-and-click adventure game with puzzles that are fair and logical

  • Skies Of Arcadia - classic turn based RPG with an entertaining story can't believe I never played it years ago

    My game tips for each game ::: spoiler spoiler

    • Mega Man (original NES version) - keep shooting while jumping forward, keep distance from the bosses, time jumps based on audio cues
    • Lonely Mountains Downhill - take the shortcuts whenever possible
    • Voices of the Void - upgrade your server stability stat as soon as possible, use the toilet to restore stamina, buy shrimp packs
    • Sam & Max Hit the Road - read the game manual for minigame instructions, check each screen very carefully
    • Skies Of Arcadia - use gear grease in ship battles, use increm magic to increase attack, red and purple magic are strong against each other :::
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Yes the random battles in SoA do get kinda repetitive especially since many of them seem so easy and the game has you going back and forth on the world map with the same enemies that don't level scale at all with the characters.

Pixel graphics and metroidvania! I'm in. The primal theme is interesting too kinda like the Primal TV show or the old 90s prehistoric caveman games like Joe and Mac.

Two words, nuclear meltdown. Seriously though, city building games do still exist, although often the gameplay is part of a wider genre like 4X, kinda like stealth mechanics in action adventure games.

Deus Ex, Doom, Mortal Kombat, Mario, Need For Speed, Sonic The Hedgehog, Tomb Raider etc. all have had AAA reboots and not always following the same formula as the originals. AAA game design tends to be driven by the latest trends and technology, reboots included. This isn't to say all AAA reboots fail, many do not because of brand loyalty, high expectations, and deep pockets.

AAA reboots usually means reinventing the wheel (no pun intended). Too bad, but not surprising. Younger gamers can't possibly like old games? Crazy taxi was an arcade game so we can only hope they don't veer the taxi off a cliff, or do veer it off a cliff (pun intended) as is appropriate for a good Crazy Taxi game!

Edit: Seems like people think they won't deviate from the previous game's formula. We'll see. I can only hope.

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