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Joined 1 years ago

Spot on with the "I'd really like to get the depression under control before I let you function at your job."

Because fixing the unfixable is somehow more important than making sure I keep my job so I can like....eat. And live indoors. And afford the healthcare that is paying them.

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Lol, like I have ever had mental bandwidth. Childhood trauma represent!

You should refer to her as her nickname, Rory, since they're both Lorelei.

The other commenters covered it but before Politically Incorrect and Real Time he was a minor comedian in the 80s. He did standup, bit parts on a few TV shows, and I think he got a movie.

So he had a career to speak of before he became primarily a political commentator. His standup act was very reactionary and critical of the "growing trend" (at the time) of political correctness/basic human decency, which is how he got his first show.

Edit: Oh, I forgot to mention he is somewhat left-leaning. He claims to be a liberal, or rather people claim he is, but his stances are all over the place. He's mostly cultivated a brand of a smug asshole who would call out hypocrisy while being hypocritical..but it's "okay" because he's open about being a hypocrite?

He tried to fill the role of THE democrat-hard-hitting-common-sense-political-comedian but was quickly overtaken by Jon Stewart on The Daily Show. In my opinion Bill Maher never truly fulfilled that role because he lacks empathy.

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Recap? Like Facebook?

JFC there was a time reddit would burn the fuck to the ground if devs even proposed such an idea.

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Some of my frequent grocery purchases come in single use plastics. I wish there was another way :(.

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Trigonometry. My high school math teacher was a literal math genius and would always go deep into proofs and theory, sometimes not even getting to our homework stuff until the last 5 minutes of our 50 minute class. As a result I went from the "gifted" math group to nearly failing.

When I went to college I had to take a math placement test and ended up in Math 99 (below college level math).

It was there I was finally taught SohCahToa and everything clicked. I actually use simple trig a lot in my job now.

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Fuck yeah!

If it was educational and bad = take notes from the first 5-10 minutes and sleep for the rest

If it was educational and good = BILL BILL BILL BILL BILL BILL

If it was a movie = sleep

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Same. My car was keyed this week and I'm 80% certain it was because I stood there next to my vehicle and put on a mask before going into the grocery store. The person in their car next to me was staring intently at me but I didn't think much of it except to feel embarrassed someone was perceiving me. Came out after like 10 minutes and it was obviously keyed.

I still wear a kn95 mask in public because I help out my 95 year old grandmother who is dying of cancer. She's still in good spirits and we want her to die in her sleep, not gasping for breath because somebody gave her covid. Not that I should have to justify myself.

But yeah. No. The assumption of "deep down people are mostly good" died with covid.

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In addition to all of the above they would literally consult their "psychic/astrologer" on policy decisions.

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Messing up the order of the Chipmunks hurts my brain.

Oh snap!

One other person said it but I can provide a bit more context: web rings were the life blood of fan communities that weren't on Usenet or irc. Many people would make their own website (yes, geocities and much later, angelfire ... there were others but I don't recall) and petition to link up to the webring.

Being on group email lists was a big thing too. Listserv was one but there were a bunch of others at the time. The group emails were like forums a little bit.

At least in the corners of the Internet I hung out there were a few sites that got "big" and they would often have pages that would maintain links to other sites as well as being part (or the originator) of the webring. Sometimes on the community site you could be kind of a member and get a blurb, or just your name, which would link to your email or person website (or both}.

The larger and more polished community sites really did kind of end up as these social hubs and an early form of social media.

You still used search engines to dick around but they really sucked pre-seo but they were sometimes their own community and link hubs in their own right (Yahoo).

You could also just browse larger sites manually. Exploration was part of the experience and stumbling on weird stuff randomly was one of the best things about late 90s, early 00"s internet.

A few people the other day were catching site wide bans for suggesting fediverse. Others have had no problem. I think it depends on the mood of newly installed mods or if a pissed off admin sees you. Obviously also your tone.

I surmise Threads being somewhat part of the fediverse actually might have made it easier to get away with telling people about Lemmy/kbin but I haven't been over to reddit to test this out due to trying to quit cold turkey.

One thing I would do is use my water bending powers to open a house painting business (interior/exterior and cabinets). I would promise completely perfect results in 1 day or less with the caveat that the customer cannot be home for 'safety' reasons. Oh! I could partner with an air bender and we could have places completely painted, not a drop spilled, and completely dry in 1 hour or less. Without even over charging people we could do so much volume we'd make bank!

I may or may not be painting right now and hating reality.

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Yes it has been a stark difference that picked up this month. I was in what used to feel like a chill community and the sheer vitriol of the threads the past week has been really annoying.

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I remember people commenting on other people's avatars and I was like, wtf are you people talking about?

I miss RIF.

It used to be 90% habit, 10% Firefox not being run by a mega corporation.

Now it is 49% habit, 51% the smug satisfaction of being right this whole time, even when people bitched about it being bloated on the back end.


I have always been "non-traditional" looking. When I was young and skinny I don't think I was ugly but certainly not conventionally beautiful. Now that I'm older I am certifiably "meh".

The expectation to look pretty (for men) is still there even if I don't meet the criteria for their attention. I still feel the societal pressure, I still feel bad about my appearance when I'm not serving male gaze ideals. It doesn't just go away even when you're disqualified from personhood for being ugly.

I'm hoping becoming an old biddy will release me from requirements and I can feel free.

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Legit question: does the FDA do a weights and measures things for restaurants?

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I hate xmas. I hate xmas music because it triggers my working in retail PTSD.

The only music I can tolerate are the Bells and any Tchaikovsky because the Nutcracker slaps.

I delete about 80% of the comments I write before posting. Even if I took the time to write a long response. This is because of the general nature of the Internet and reddit culture is definitely here on Lemmy. But, like this comment, I'll try to engage more because I also miss the discussion aspect on posts.

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My feet don't touch the ground on chair height toilets. I don't know about you but it is very uncomfortable to try and use it while your feet are dangling. To solve this I've repurposed a single step stool that lives in the restroom at home.

For most other things I have a thing-grabber, tongs, and a tall person I can summon by pathetically crying out "tall person!"

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Oh god it's the ghost of online relationship past. Apparently kids are the same 20+ years later.

In my experience, yes those are red flags, and this is NOT a good situation. You mentioned his age but not hers but I'd bet dollars to doughnuts she's younger than him.

Listen, I know from personal experience this relationship is a bad Idea and Aunt Weariedfae says get out and do not feel bad about it. She'll realize later how manipulative it was. That the power balance was way out of whack. What controlling behavior is. I think he did your friend a kindness by straight up admitting he wouldn't visit instead of scheduling trips and canceling last minute over and over.

I'm sorry your friend is in this situation. I also don't think your friend may listen to advice about decoupling. But maybe she's smarter than myself and my friend who also went through the same thing around the same time. Hopefully she is.

For me I can't really exercise for exercise sake. I have to do an activity that happens to involve exercise, like a sport, swimming, or hiking.

Things I have tried and enjoyed:

  • net sports like badminton and volleyball
  • trampoline park
  • a martial art
  • roller skating/blading at a rink, similarly ice skating
  • a hobby that involves having to hike, brain want hobby reward so will put up with endless trudging...barely
  • swimming / surfing / snorkeling / diving
  • VR games (fr, quite the workout)
  • having a dog and using dog as motivation to walk more
  • amusement park or fair (because I will get my damn money's worth and walk for like 10 hours straight)

Extreme social anxiety, covid, money, and no longer being in college with "free" or cheap access to things have ruined most of these for me but my point was to do a THING that happens to need you to move your body. Not just exercise (bleh). This is how you trick your traitorous brain.

Dude, same. It took way too many loops to see the kitty hit the tap lever.

I find it cute you're explaining reddit to me like I wasn't on it for more than a decade and came to Lemmy in the June exodus lol.

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Lol does that mean reddit is breaking its own site wide rules and mass doxxing people?

Same. I love me unlimited shrampies. I had no idea it was permanent on the menu.

Agree. I thought they were overrated until we got one. They are like pets that clean. Ours has a cute punny name.

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The big boy band hits from the late 90s/00’s. I was pulling some edgy crap as a teenager and despised them at the time.

Look, they're catchy by design and denying it is futile.

Yesterday I didn't change the channel when I was listening to some personal high school nostalgia music and Bye Bye Bye came on after. It's enjoyable and I wish I wasn't such a cringey dramatic weirdo in high school even though we all pretty much are at that time in life.

If you include insects and arthropods and everything suddenly turns into uberbloodlust-kill-all-humans then non-human animals win, hands down. I think people overestimate their ability, the effectiveness of weapons, and the sheer number of insects that are near you at all times. Insect biomass alone outstrips humans by an insane margin. Very few mammals or other animals would get a lick in, I think. There is no hermetically sealed bunker that would hold for long, and that won't save you from the mites already on your skin although they probably can't do a ton of a damage.

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Dude my parents chain smoked every day in a poorly ventilated mobile home. It was everywhere and we became noseblind unless it was directly wafting in our face (yuck). When I moved out everything was so much better. I was so happy to be able to breathe and not stink, however, I also left the house addicted to nicotine despite never having smoked myself.

I'm strongly suspicious that some of my current health problems might be tied to second hand smoke.

Edit: one thing I did to get around it was wash my clothes so that I'd have an outfit in the dryer (protected from smoke) to put on in the morning. Combined with morning showers I hope I didn't smell that much.

I had a Cat Genie for years and loved it. Like others, they're a bit of a pain to take apart and clean when you need to.

It also had a draw back of sometimes missing a small piece, washing it, then blowing hot air on it to stink up the whole place.

But overall I was happy with it. The only reason I don't have one now is my living situation changed and I don't have room for it (requires water hookup and a drain).

Yes what I mentioned may sound annoying but consider this: we had ours hooked up to a laundry drain and had to do no scooping. Ever. We didn't even have to flush the toilet. Every once in a while we'd plug in a special cartridge to do a self clean cycle, and once a year we'd take it apart to clean the internal section (but honestly it didn't need this except once due to hard water buildup).

You don't have to do anything and it always had washed and clean litter. Every once in a while it got a little stinky but what litterbox doesn't?!

Seriously, highly recommend.

Just read it, holy fucking fuck.

So...a COVID variant or something else? The article seemed like it was intentionally avoiding addressing what the illness is. They only mention that the community was ravaged by COVID in 2022 and it was somewhat awkwardly placed in the article.

Not sure how to help but Elvira taught me Doritos will only make him stronger.

The Grinch (2000). Jim Carrey's tortured performance slays me.

Followed by White Christmas (1954) because I love Danny Kaye and Vera-Ellen.

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