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Joined 13 months ago

One of my favorite skits for that: https://youtu.be/7MFtl2XXnUc?si=i6He7wklxdSt8gpn

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Could look into Dacentec if you need more cheap servers. I use them for my stuff. YMMV since you're getting a hell of a lot more traffic than I am but they haven't blocked Cloudflare on mine yet so that's a plus. :)

So my question is, whose name is on the seedbox? I've seen people say this...is it one of the special hosts that will just send you a notice and not tell the complaint filer who you are? Connecting to a VPN or proxy has been easy enough and cheaper lol.

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Have you used Plex before? No they don't need to know anything. They sign up and you grant them access (or even just give them a user in your home and they just sign in by texting you a code). It is as easy or easier than signing into your typical streaming app. Just extremely easy. Jellyfin is great and I hope they keep going but they're not at the same level as Plex. I've been using Plex for nearly a decade now and I've tried out jellyfin a few times. I'll keep trying because I don't want to use Plex forever but I'm not going to pretend they're the same. Hopefully they will be eventually.

And that's surely why it was originally called Phoenix!

Yeah this is very much not that they don't understand there's a better way. It's that they don't care to look up how. It's pretty common. People just go oh I don't know computers and you get whatever random crap they could throw together with zero effort lol.

The Klingon empire is corrupt as fuck all throughout DS9 so maybe they are closer than you think lol.

This is the answer. Pretty much every ISP blocks 80 They say it is because worms use it blah blah but it is exactly what you think. They don't want you running a web server. You're probably going to have to do the DNS challenge instead.

I honestly have no idea what this guy is talking about. I use dev tools in Firefox all the time and they're pretty much the same as Chrome.

That's not a requirement. You can make payments without one though the odds of approval aren't great. If the actual real card numbers got leaked, you need to cancel that card. Also if they actually leaked REAL card numbers, Epic is going to be in deep shit with the card brands.

This article has no real details though so we'll see. I kind of doubt this is legit.


Does it really matter when you put a case on it anyway? I'd prefer plastic. Glass is stupid and breakable. We shouldn't be trying to put MORE of it on phones.

They could try not putting so many ads you can't fucking read and making sure they don't contain malware. That'd be a start.

A lot of these things are due to the greed of the website owners stuffing as many ads as they possibly can into their sites.

The other realtors are the ones making it this difficult so that you need realtors though lol.

The house we bought and one one we sold, we had an absolutely fantastic realtor but he also lowered his commission on the sale so that we could still make the numbers we needed to afford everything. He was a great one.

It would be nice if we weren't literally forced into that though. We wanted to look at a house on Zelle and they assigned this person to us. Like we literally couldn't look at a house without one. That's ridiculous. I'm happy with the person we got and he absolutely worked his ass off for what he got but the fact you're forced into it basically doesn't sit well with me.

DID they get better or has everyone just gotten worse and they just look better in comparison? ASUS used to be my go-to and now I just feel bleh.

Depends if the crust is good or not. Sometimes it's just not worth it. There are some pizzas where the actual pizza is amazing and the crust is just boring as hell. Perplexing but I'm not going to force myself to eat something bland just because lol.

Right. We should let the guy who said he'd kill the Palestinians even harder win. That'll show Biden!

All I'm aware of is the don't recommend channel option. I still get stupid fucking channels (like emergency awesome) when I search. Am I missing the option somewhere?

Discord is better than IRC imo. I used IRC for a VERY long time and Discord was the one that finally killed it for me. We'll see if it lasts. I guess if they kill themselves (and they keep trying to), IRC will still be there waiting. Used to be on Rizon!

Yeah I use the Steelseries sonar stuff because that makes it so that inputs never change. When my headset turns off it redirects the output to my speakers and when I turn the headset back on, it goes back to it. Virtual audio devices are very nice in general lol.

I feel like it's pretty obvious this was a greedy and terrible idea. The fact they proposed this at all alone is enough to never trust them again. It's not that they didn't know. They knew. No one would be okay with this cash grab and they know it. They just didn't realize HOW big the pushback was going to be but they DID know what they were doing was wrong.

It's ridiculously cheap to process a check online. If they're really trying to tell me it costs them 5 dollars to process a fucking check, they're getting completely screwed. So it's either lying and greed or unbelievable incompetence.

Not to mention inequality isn't some new thing that's happening now. It's been happening for decades. It's not good but that doesn't mean the economy isn't doing well by the usual standards. We still need to do something about how shitty things are on that front but if we're trying to compare how the economy is doing compared to previous years, it's doing well.

The reason it feels bad imo is because money isn't free anymore so a lot of tech companies are laying people off. Also inflation wiped away many gains we all made with our salaries. We're doing better now, information stopped going out of control, but we're left with the shitty high prices that came with it and they aren't going down (because most of them are due to corporate greed, not real circumstances and costs).

Agreed! We have those here too and they're great. I'm not purist, just want something yummy!

It's still running too. I also have a 2009 (Spectra) and I think it might outlast my 2016 Optima. Sucks because for a while there, they made really great reliable cars. Now who even knows. Not all their cars suck but mine has an unlimited warranty now because of a class action and how shitty the engine in this car is so that's not very promising.

Hahaha no you definitely don't want to live there. Born and raised in AZ. You want to stay near the main population centers unless you're deeply DEEPLY conservative. Visiting is great but I would not want to live there. Could be worse in somewhere like Kingman, but still.

I opted weekly so I could store longer time periods. If I want to go a month back I just need 4 instead of 30. At least that was the main Idea. I've definitely realized I fucked something up weeks ago without noticing before lol.

There's a main road between my parents' house and the freeway that doesn't deviate AT ALL and it tells me blah miles to this spot and then just continue straight. It makes no fucking sense. I still don't think they're paying for an ad. I have no love for Google but this seems a little much imo. There's no point to it.

It does that because it thinks there's a bend in the road or some silly shit. Mine tells me to turn after the Taco Bell into a place because the turn in isn't a named road. I don't think it's trying to advertise to me. That's just where the turn is.

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Roundabouts are pretty cool n and I definitely agree we should use those more (my experience with them is great when people aren't total morons) but you're insane if you think 4 way stops don't affect traffic. Where I live they've put in lights now multiple times at intersections like that and it immediately makes traffic better.

No one is saying things should not just work. The problem is they still break sometimes and people have no idea what to do because it's rarer now. Also when you get into the business world, you need to use an actual computer to do work. A tablet is not going to cut it. Tablets are mostly for consuming/using, not creating. It's a lot easier if you know how to use a computer to do that (Windows, Mac, whatever but you need to understand that basics).

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I have an option when it uses it's internal browser to open in another browser. Sometimes it does that even though I've set it so l to use an external browser. But you should still be able to hit options in that internal browser and open in your default.

I cancelled. It's just that I'm a small minority of people. The number that cancelled was apparently less than the people who signed up for their own account. Oh well. Netflix wasn't that good anymore anyway. I barely used that app. Disney Plus however I'm not going to cancel. That one is worth it to me.

I either claim the digital copy with the disc or I just pirate a copy because it's less hassle than ripping lol.

I'll still vote for the lesser of 2 evils because I'm practical like that but it is really annoying to see people give cover for Democrats because they're the better party. They still suck in lots of ways. Better than complete shit is a low bar and quite frankly sometimes these causes people champion or just support in general are only because it's same team. We bitch when conservatives do it and turn around and do the same shit. Not every criticism of a Democrat is a fucking endorsement of conservatism on the whole. Sometimes they're just wrong.

Pocketcasts fixed that a while ago. You can set the sorting of episodes for each podcast and then it plays in that order.

I have weekly backups of my VMs in Proxmox. Fuck it lol.

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I don't really. I was just explaining the reasoning there. It is still important to know how to use a computer. That said, I've worked in IT and many people of all ages are pretty terrible with tech anyway lol.