7 Post – 95 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


Monthly active users.

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Now I'm sure that the number of users is lower than a few months ago, but I wonder how many people are just lurking, never commenting/ posting.

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Absolutely stellar work from every person who contributes to Lemmy. With each new release Lemmy is becoming more and more accessible and just plain better.

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Im sorry, WTF?

don't judge until you've seen the dynamic cloth physics! that is what everyone wants, right?

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I love it when scrollbars are like, half an atom wide. Makes it easy to use the website.

Very nice. This money will enable them to make it better. One day when I might start learning how to make games I hope that Godot will be one of the best choices out there.

Why of course the US and Bhutan.

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Critical support for the comrades in China for having to put up with those instances for so long.

Captain Hands?

So an indie MMORPG with a team of 3 people? Honestly, not really surprised about the news since MMORPGs are notoriously huge money sinks.

They are so busy sniffing the "west bad" copium that they won't even see this.

I swear to god the conversation around Meta joining the fediverse has been one of the most annoying things I've had to read about in a while.

They have small hands, good for fitting into pockets. Turn them into little pickpockets.

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when you are too much of a little cunt to own up to the fact that you paid money for that cocksucker.

The state of certain subreddits was abysmal. Damnthatsinteresting, mildlyinteresting and all the others were just the same thing reposted and crossposted.

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Could someone explain how the 2 million users are calculated for Lemmy?

I don't know if is up to date but there, the total number of users is at 352625.

EDIT: Had to look it up since I wasn't sure, but I recalled that the 0.19 update changed how MAUs are being counted. Now it includes voters as well.

Previously, site and community activity counts were only based on people who commented, or posted. Those counts now include anyone who voted on a comment or post as well. Thanks to @Ategon for this change.
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Hooo boii. I just cannot wait till we can't sleep because Muskrat keeps appearing in our dreams, trying to convince us that he is a cool memer.

Yes it does need more users. If you are not into Linux, Politics, Tech, and Cats, your feed looks much less populated. I'm not saying that Lemmy needs to have hundreds of millions of users, but it would be nice for most people if the userbase grew more.

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In a separate press conference, Ken Kobayashi, chairman of the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said that Rengo's request is a high hurdle. "I feel it is difficult, at least for small and medium-sized companies.

Bro, we are talking about a 5% increase. 5% and a minimum wage of 1200 yen (8$). It really shouldn't be the end of the world.

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Giraffes are so fucking weird. They are these tall, lanky creatures with really long necks, they have a tongue that is so long that it can be used to pick their nose, and they have these weird little antennas. I love how weird they are. 🦒

Wait how do I use a hammer?

They are an ideological instance. You wouldn’t say is trying to “spread” LGBTQ+ “ideas”. They’re just a specifically queer instance.

Some things that we probably agree; Hexbear is an ideological instance. While is an instance for LGBTQ peeps. My big problem with this comparison is that they are not the same. No one becomes LGBTQ, people are born that way, while your political beliefs are the exact opposite. You are not born thinking that you are a communist, a liberal, or a nazi. In reality, a bunch of things happen in our lives that make us feel closer to certain kinds of thinking. Your phrasing of that statement made me think that you might believe that one could be born a certain way regarding their political ideology the same way that people are born gay, or trans for example.

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Man, what is with shitposting and meme communities always being so ass?

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He wears the common man's clothes.

ohh emm gee he's just like me! for real!

That does seem to be a big hurdle for a lot of games these days. It comes out, the performance is bad so not as many people are able to enjoy it. I just hope that CO quickly fixes any performance issues the game might have.

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Bro just one more day! I promise, just give me one more day bro! One more day and I'll have all the evidence bro...

At the start it was better, but for about a month now I think there have been more negative interactions than positive ones.

The biggest problem imo is that since Lemmy's userbase is mostly made up of people who left Reddit, they bring their mentality with them. And the two plaforms have hugely different userbases size wise, so if someone says something really stupid on Reddit you can ignore/ block and you can do that with 1000s of people. On Lemmy if you block 1000s of people, you basically just blocked most people who post/ comment.

/rant over

Yeah basically my biggest problem is with how small the userbase is. ( then again I have a few other problems besides that)

Sure here's a list of reasons why you can trust me:

  1. I am human.
  2. I am not a robot.
  3. I can provide different kinds of lists if you need them.
  4. I can sound smart.
  5. ... I can also run out of things to say.

Overall it is good to remember those who can provide you with quality in your life.

Huh? What does the Democratic Party has to do with any of this?

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is it? on my end, I can see that ! has 50k subs, but it doesn't come up if I search for it. weird

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right now you can only block communities. if everything goes according to plan, instance block should arrive with the next update, which is supposedly 1 month away.

Now I want even taller giraffes. Qould look real funky.

I still use it sometimes, but ohhh boy it can be a wreck. Like I've started using the Creation Kit for Bethesda games, and you can bet your ass that anything you ask it, you'll have to ask again. Countless times it's a back-and-forth of:

Me: Hey ChatGPT, how can I do this or where is this feature?

ChatGPT: Here is something that is either not relevant or just does not exist in the CK.

Me: Hey that's not right.

ChatGPT: Oh sorry, here's the thing you are looking for. and then it's still a 50-50 chance of it being real or fake.

Now I realize that the Creation Kit is kinda niche, and the info on it can be a pain to look up but it's still annoying to wade through all the shit that it's throwing in my direction.

With things that are a lot more popular, it's a lot better tho. (still not as good as some people want everyone to believe)

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I hope so.

That would actually be nice.

quite a meta way of asking a question don't you think?

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pretty stupid reason to remove the comment.

I'll probably wait to see what kind of performance people are getting before I make the jump.

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