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Joined 12 months ago

This is way too accurate

I didn't like his take, "solving" traffic nescitates the use of self-driving cars. Can't have traffic without cars, it's as simple as that. We need public transport, not more shit to spend our increasingly scarce money on.

Yeah, tech quickie is full of great info but they are just trying wayyyyy too hard to be fun and quirky.

I think it would be nuclear warfare. Nuclear fission is a universal development for any advanced civilization. It would be easy to construct a nuclear bomb in an advanced civilization. Once a few rogue/pariah states start making them, everyone's screwed.

Making nukes is easy, the only reason we don't see more nuclear states on earth is because of the international backlash. With a couple more Iran and North Korea's we'll likely meet the filter ourselves.

Yeah for that reason I feel like there hasn't been a single game in the last 10 years worth 100% completing. It's so easy to make a game excruciatingly long that everyone does it. So many stupid achievements that are just raw grind, "do something 1000 times".

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Nope. Worker productivity has increased many fold over the last 50 years, meaning each person can produce many times more goods.

Wages have been stagnant and cost of living is through the roof, despite all of this increased efficiency, productivity, fewer workers and much cheaper operating costs.

We're fucked lol

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The irony of building something so expensive, opulent and heirloom worthy around one of the most rapidly depreciating assets you can buy (technology)

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Yes, aside from their senility, our politicians are simply way too out of touch to comprehend the average American's issues. Spent most of their life in politics with the easiest 6 figure salary (plus bribes) you can have.

Granted politicians will probably remain out of touch but I'd like to imagine it'd be better

I've done them with a straight razor and it all comes down to technique and sharp blades. Sharp blades are most likely to cut hair than skin on a flat surface. Make sure to either use a new blade or strop your SR

Firstly cook your nuts, really steam your boys. You want them very warm and relaxed so you can gently pinch, stretch and wrap the loose skin around your finger. At that point it becomes much more accessible. I recommend doing this sitting. If using a straight razor use a steep, less aggressive angle.

For weed wacking around a post, pull it tight and if its too slippery, use a single slip of toilet paper to hold on. Once everything is in tension you may tread carefully with your razor(s). You may need to pull it in many directions to reach every spot.

That will get 50-70% of hair. For the rest I recommend squatting over a mirror. Again, make sure to pull everything in tension before hand and get everything very hot and steamy. Pubes are like spaghetti, they're softer when cooked.

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I personally think it's kind of dumb as hell. I'm not sure how you would know but also websites are a tiny fraction of emissions. If you want to lower emissions it's much more effective to go for legislation local to you.

Honestly this isn't a gen z thing, it's just a shit article thing. 70% of this piece is just this one fucking guy bitching about the "kids these days"

I work on electronics and woodworking and Phillips are the utter worst of both of them. The thread lock in computers makes them easy to strip when unscrewing. The resistance of driving them into wood makes them guaranteed to strip when screwing. Fuck them.

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Huge respect for pops for not disassembling you.

Traditional news ironically. It seems to be the "adult" thing to watch the news but it's just gloomy and controlling. Just wanna claw my eyes out every time I hear them exclaim "X is outrageous!" "The West has fallen." "We live in a third world country!" "Migrants are destroying America!". Pisses me off so much. It's entirely irrelevant whether or not I agree, but it's how they try to force you to think or feel a certain way, treating us like children. Just tell me the facts like an adult so I can decide for myself.

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The US supports plenty of fucked up countries because we gain something from them. In the same way Saudi Arabia supplies us oil, Israel provides an American stronghold in the middle east to operate out of. With the political importance and violent instability of the middle east the US finds Israel a necessity to its ambitions.

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The "macho" attitude to safety. From soldering to woodworking. In soldering, there are fumes created when burning a substance called flux. There are commercial fumes extractors to purify and remove these fumes, but many refuse to use them, even if they're cheap. Saying stuff like "What's a little tree sap gonna do to me?. Chances are, none of them could run a mile due to the irritation of their lungs.

Another one is woodworking, especially around power tools. Table saws can shred your fingers before you can blink. It can pull extremities towards itself, and can launch wood fast enough to perforate organs. Yet there are still people who insist "I don't need no push stick", "don't bother with a crosscut sled, just free hand it".

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Because for most of modern history, we were very isolated from the "outside world".

Other than the last 200 years, the best "internet" was a dude on a horse. Since groups of humans developed quite independently of each other, they developed their own languages. However in the modern age this is changing rapidly, with many languages and dialects coalescing into one, consistent, language. Additionally many countries have tons of English speakers which is a defacto "universal language". Most big cities will have english translation for many signs and important documents.

I'll be honest, we've tried so many times to save tf2 and the most we've gotten is valve logging in to their TF2 Twitter. The hell is signing a petition and mailing it to their office gonna do?

Despite the bots the player count is very high and stable. People are still buying keys and items regardless. Plus making games simply isn't valves business anymore, they're a games store and a hardware manufacturer, not a studio. Whether tf2 lives or dies doesn't matter to them, it's negligible relative to valve.

I love the game, it's probably my favorite ever but I'm also a realist. It pains me to say but I don't think this is gonna go anywhere.

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I think it's because humans don't fight much with their mouths. We mostly fight with our arms and more rarely bite and rabies just promotes hyper aggressiveness, of which, these symptoms are exhibited in infected humans.

If restrained instead of sedated a human does get very aggressive, flailing their arms, screaming and hurling insults, even at loved ones and family members. I think given the opportunity there would be some biting, but less often than animals, because again, humans primarily use their arms for violence.

As a diy-er Always found it funny how YouTubers always have the most pristine tools while professionals will have the dingiest, sketchiest tools. Granted, YouTubers are representing their craft but the two (professional and YouTuber) are very distinct from each other.

It's ok to have tools that look like they've gone through hell and back, because that's the only way you know they have.

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At one point in 7th grade I was hospitalized and put into a psych institution for mental health and poor school attendance. Because I was so young i was dropped into a place that was more of a prison/juvie instead of a hospital/treatment facility, and the staff reflected that. They were pretty insensitive and said things that most people would shake off but would be crushing to somebody extremely depressed. For example I said I was sad and wanted to talk to somebody, I was told to journal and bring it back to discuss it. After showing them my journal the first thing they said is "what is this? Chicken scratch?". Again for context this was to a depressed, 12 year old boy whose parents, family and home were being torn apart by a vicious divorce.

That's not even the worst of it, just an example of those who worked there. The real haunting experience happened like this.

They would let the kids play outside as a break and would pat them down and use a metal detector when reentering the building to make sure they didn't sneak anything inside. This one employee decided to play a trick on me. He scanned my back where I couldn't see and suddenly the detector beeped. He started getting angry saying "Yo what is this, what you got here?". He told me to take off my jacket. It beeped again as he scanned a second time.

After that he started threatening and accusing me. Saying things like "what the hell are you tryna pull dude" "have you ever been put down before?" "You seriously tryna get detained dude?". I was mortified because I had no idea what was happening and I thought these guys were gonna crush me, because another staff member playing along started cracking his knuckles and his neck while staring threateningly at me. As I started to break down crying and sobbing the guy, no shit, pulled a "just a prank bro" and told me "I was just playing damn, why you getting so worked up?"

Some of the other kids that were used to this (they were pretty similar to the staff) told them off saying that was fucked up.

This was all about 6 years ago but I am still mortified by metal detectors body scanners and general security procedures.

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I'm legitimately so confused why so many Republicans seem to hate Ukraine (other than the politicians being in the pocket of Putin).

The cost of U.S involvement in Ukraine is only 60 billion so far, only 2/3 of the MONTHLY budget of the U.S military and I swear to god I hear more people bitching it about than Afghanistan, which cost 2.1 trillion dollars and is literaly 35 times greater than what we spent in Ukraine.

Even if you were extremely selfish and didn't care for saving a country and it's citizens from genocide it's in our best interest to defeat Russia. For the last 2 decades the Russian federation has been intentionally sabotaging Europe and the west in general. From hybrid warfare, online propaganda, poisonings and assassinations, destroying deep sea infrastructure, of course cutting energy to Europe and even more.

I'm so tired of this dumb shit idea spreading like wildfire amongst conservative circles and how selfish people are for believing it.

Rant over.

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Apple. They make some decent stuff but it has repeatedly become more expensive to own and maintain because repair is nearly impossible. And because of the monopoly they are building it is guaranteed to get much worse.

Additionally everything they do has a ripple effect across the industry. The average flagship phone is now over $1000. The average phone doesn't have a headphone jack or micro SD expansion, or replaceable battery, and are all impossible to repair. Computers impossible to upgrade. Extra ram and SSD capacity being prohibitively expensive (8gb of ddr5 is 40$, apple charges 200$, similar scheme with their proprietary SSD's)

It's apparent that with Apple's continued success the rest of all of our electronics have continued to get worse and predatory to squeeze more money out of us.

We reap what we sow and if we sow a company that is hellbent on enshittifiying all of our everyday devices and gouge us for our money, we aren't going to have any other companies left (or at least those that won't participate in this practice)

I work in computer repair and I have witnessed first hand how hostile aAple is to the consumer. Serialized components that are impossible to replace, to perforated cables that tear more easily during disassembly. It is dumbfounding that a company with such little respect for their customers is so successful.

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High quality fresh mozzarella sliced thinly into delicate slivers like sashimi, dipped in high quality traditional aged Japanese soy sauce. Eaten with chopsticks of course, similar to conventional sashimi.

I've done a fair share of fine dining and make some very intricate conventional dishes but this weird combo just kind of to gets me. I've never mentioned this to anybody as to not disqualify myself as the "chef guy" but I can't help but like it.

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His advice is fantastic but I have to mention 1 thing... HP is TERRIBLE. I'm a repair technician and we get so many of these damn things, it's like 10% to 20% of our business, and we repair iPhones, androids, iPads, Mac's, PC desktops, laptops, gaming PCs and even vintage computers.

This is because of how HP laptops are designed. All of the components and hinge assembly are attached to this thin flimsy plastic palm rest, it has the rigidity of a wet newspaper. During use, opening and closing, the plastic flexes constantly and over time the plastic gives, snaps and the laptop can no longer stay open.

Not only do they break frequently but the repair is expensive. Since everything is attached to the palm rest a technician needs to gut, then reinstall every component onto a new palm rest. Around 1-2 hours. Troubleshooting and testing afterwards also takes longer, as every component has been "fooled around with" there's a high likelihood for mistakes.

It stings when I have to tell customers that the repair for their $500 laptop is like 250 or 300$.

In terms of ui and apps it's perfect because I was using boost for reddit and now using boost for Lemmy and it's nearly identical.

Definitely agree that there's not much content, or at least much variety. Pretty much all I see is news, nauseating amount of memes and communists, frankly not much thought provoking content honestly. I'm really wishing for the hobby subs to grow, after that I'd be way more active.

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Nah, I think Republicans are so deranged that they would be convinced any shortcomings are some deep state, woke, FBI, Democrat sabotage.

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I think most men are so infamously dense because they don't want to misinterpret things. It's a really thin line to walk and falling might ruin a friendship or make things very awkward. Very good manners/kindness and flirtatiousness are very difficult to distinguish.

Making the first move and reading things wrong can really hurt, especially if the other party wants it too. I had a female friend that was very friendly, who'd hug and hold hands with me at times. Friends told me to go for it. When I did she told all of her friends and I was collectively humiliated by the whole school. You could say I dodged a bullet, but it felt like I was by a car.

I'm over it now but I'm now very risk averse. Unless somebody are practically yelling at me to date them, I will only assume friendly intentions

Exactly, Google search itself is so enshittified you pretty much have to tag "reddit" at the end of every query to find any solution to a problem. Even my 55yr boss knows this and he's clueless about anything social media related.

Having tons of Google traffic to any company in would be a godsend, yet Reddit wants to ban it. What a fucking joke.

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"Edgeworth" 🤨

Wear hearing protection. Often. I work and talk to a lot of handyman type people and almost all of them have somewhat poor hearing. Even some close to my age (20's). The one thing in common? No hearing protection.

Even though hand tool woodwork is much quieter I still always wear earplugs. Even when running the vacuum I wear hearing protection. I also take it easy with the music, with a great pair of headphones you don't need to crank it up.

Also wear respirators often when dealing with almost any particulate. If you are working on something that produces a lot of dust, you probably want to wear a respirator. Doesn't matter if it's natural, even wood dust can mess you up. Especially during grinding or sanding.

A lot of shitty people will give you flak, but NEVER let people dictate your safety, specifically when they tell you to use less.

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Luxury is cheap if you are clever. You can buy a premium 500$ office chair from 10-100$ if you can find one locally used one.

Buying the best value refurbished laptops and computer parts can save so much money. You can buy a refurbished laptop with 512gb SSD storage and 32gb of ram for 250$, the newest MacBook has 128gb SSD storage and 8gb of ram for 1000$. You can literally buy 4x the ram and storage for 1/4 of the price.

I have like 20,000$ worth of furniture but payed like 2,000$ for it. Use Google lens on cheap furniture you see and you'll find some extraordinary value. I once found a 4,500 brass chandelier for 45$ at a habitat for humanity. Make sure to buy it from a store that checks for bed bugs etc.

Knowing how to repair stuff. The value of expensive items are very delicate, a single broken part can make the price plummet. This way you can get an expensive device, or anything, and replace a small or simple part. Did this on a cheap laptop with a broken power button and it works great.

Knowing how to "tune" your tools and stuff. A lot of cheap tools and items can be made much better with some fine tuning. On a saw, re-set and sharpen the teeth, on a knife thin and sharpen the edge, run Linux on old hardware etc. For everything you have, squeeze every last bit of performance out of it.

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I have tried 4 or 5 meds for ADHD and nothing seems to work, or help at all :(

I've just been raw dogging it for my whole life

Let's see if Vyvanse is the magic bullet.

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I mean, realizing how good the United States is relative to many other countries and especially adversaries does help put things into perspective. Things could be better but at least we have the hope to make things better. Many people don't have that.

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Floss picks. Flossing is actually more important than brushing and it's really nice to have a pack of floss picks at your desk so you can floss absent mindedly while watching a video or even in bed.

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Gambling. Everyone knows the house always wins and the exact probability of winning any specific lottery but people can't grasp this. I don't know how people look at these massive luxurious casinos and think they win against this company with an unfathomably profitable business model by taking money from people who think they can win.

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Breaking bad


Specifically this was 2 episodes away from the end of the show but I just could not handle it. It was just so depressing. Family and friends being murdered, almost everything walt has worked for squandered, Skyler trying to kill him, having to steal the child and Skyler's anguish. Man it was just too much to handle because EVERYTHING was just crumbling and collapsing in on itself.

What made it cut so deep is that Walter tried to provide for his family, so they could have a good life and for a time was extremely successful. After multiple missteps, some of his family is murderer or they hate him, trying desperately to remove him from their lives and resent his very existence. While Walter still loved them, he realized his and his family's was utterly ruined. The second hand crushing and crippling guilt was too painful to bear.

Waler's psychopathy and coldness was also building up at this point, killing, using and manipulating a lot of people. He began with good intentions but directly and indirectly ended and ruined countless people's lives.

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I use the correct driver, I'll go through my kit to find the best fitting bit. It simply comes down to the fact they are designed to strip to avoid "catastrophic failure". Plus the fact that companies use intentionally cheap, soft screws, to make repair and service harder. Cough cough zinc screws on a $10,000 iMac (steel screws would have cost 25 cents for 10, zinc like 5 cents for 10, fucking ridiculous).

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More like gaytheon hehehhehehehehhehee

I'm personally baffled at how many are killed in automobile accidents. 44,000 Americans every year. American KIA numbers for the entirety of the global war on terror is around 5,000. That is roughly only one month's worth of automobile deaths.

Americans dead in Vietnam is around 58,000 over ten years. That's only a year and a half worth of automobile deaths.

Even in WW2, over 4 years, 416,000 americans lost their lives, around 104,000 per year. Even during the deadliest war in history, automobiles today still kill 44% as many year to year. Granted the war did not touch America as much relatively but are still mind boggling statistics.

It feels as though learning to drive is merely fueling the cycle. More cars cause politicians to invest further in road infrastructure instead. More people giving up on public transportation further starves it of the funding it deserves and desperately needs.