1 Post – 38 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

You can only go as high on that scale as your opponent did. For example, you can't refute the central point of an insult or an attempt at shaming without missing the point that it is simply meant to make you angry or meant to make others completely disregard you. Similarly, if the "argument" is incoherent babbling, you don't refute it so much as point out that it's nonsensical.

Here's a good article about debate and meta-debate.

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Unironically, they hate us for our freedoms.

We have the freedom to read and say what we want, and they can't stand to hear their beliefs challenged.

We have the freedom to have sex and not get sick or pregnant, and they can't stand their purity religion being disobeyed.

We have the freedom to be who we are, and they can't stand to see their simplistic notions of sex and gender disproven.

We have the freedom to not be religious, and they can't stand to see irreligious people living happy lives.

We have the freedom to ignore them, and they can't stand not being the center of attention.

Huh. In the UK, they just put them on waiting lists until they die.

The media is interested in a horse race. Horse races sell ads. Therefore, they need to make Biden seem unpopular with mainstream Democrats (so there's somehow Controversy over whether an incumbent President should run) and they do that by painting him as being purely a Not-Trump. Because the alternative is that Biden runs in 2024 without any drama and defeats Trump like he did in 2020, and foregone conclusions don't sell advertising space, even if they're good for the country.

Plus, of course, you have grifters like the people pulling RFK Jr's strings and Cornel West and whoever else, who need to seem relevant in order to get "low-information voters" (idiots) to donate to their campaigns which are Definitely Not book tours in disguise.

I don't want to share an instance with the nutballs on the tankie instance or the nutballs on the fascist instance.

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Real money is backed by a country’s respective economy


its an IOU from the government


An IOU from the government is a bond.

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Chromium browsers don't allow extensions (uBlock Origin being the best) to block ads as effectively due to their implementation of Manifest V3. The Firefox implementation doesn't share that limitation.

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"It isn't my fault I was a monster! It was that nasty Alex Jones! Honest! YA GOTTA BELIEVE ME!"

Yeah, pull the other one.

So basically, the more people who believe in the value of some thing, the more that thing holds actual value?

Yes. That's how value works.

The paradox of value (also known as the diamond–water paradox) is the contradiction that, although water is on the whole more useful, in terms of survival, than diamonds, diamonds command a higher price in the market.

Does 15 week ban mean no abortion after 15 weeks? That sounds reasonable.

It isn't, though: It's forcing birth on someone who doesn't want it, and probably forcing a child into a bad home.

A funeral home contains dead bodies? THE HORROR!

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Well, I suppose Fascists will always hate fat people.

Sanders couldn't even win the primary. Look at how poorly he did in 2020, too.

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Yeah, I don't trust TERF Island to do this right. They'll ban Contrapoints long before they ban Rowling.

Nothing they do will ever mean anything, because nothing can redeem the past.

Isn't the Army still issuing M1903s? With warehouses like that, they'll never fully modernize!

You're more likely to kill yourself or a loved one than a home invader.

Researchers find ‘zero evidence of any kind of protective effects’, with women at particular risk


Living with a handgun owner particularly increased the risk of being shot to death in a domestic violence incident, and it did not provide any protection against being killed at home by a stranger, the researchers found.

While gun-suicide rates are higher in rural states, which have proportionally more gun owners, the gun-suicide link plays out in urban areas, too. “In the early 1990s, the dramatic rise in young black male suicides was in lock step with the homicide epidemic of those years,” says HSPH’s Deborah Azrael, associate director of the Harvard Youth Violence Prevention Center. “Young black male suicide rates approached those of young white males—though black suicide rates had always been much lower than white suicide rates. It was entirely attributable to an increase in suicide by firearms.” Put simply, the fatal link applies across the board. “It’s true of men, it’s true of women, it’s true of kids. It’s true of blacks, it’s true of whites,” says Azrael. “Cut it however you want: In places where exposure to guns is higher, more people die of suicide.”

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If someone says something that a lot of people want to be true with no evidence... it ain't true.

Every piece of information you give someone can be linked to every other piece of information.

Username + Votes is not a hard connection to make.

Not wrong, in that the studies are valid, and completely relevant to your point.

Guns kill their owners far more often than they kill home invaders and other intruders.

Edge is Chrome.

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Yes, there is a difference, but it's minor and big stuff, like adblocking not working as well, are true of Chrome and Chromium.

I'm aware of how you think it should work (Usenet, basically) but how does moderation actually work on Lemmy? Can someone be banned from a sublemmy on one instance and not banned from it on another?

And HTTPS does that. It's encrypted.

alt.sysadmin.recovery here I come.

Even the descendants of slaves are living in a country slavery helped build.

The dollar is representative of the work you contributed to the economy

If that's true, nobody on Social Security Disability would be getting money.

So they're helping Trump win. No actual difference.

Had the script called for him to shoot himself, he would have checked the firearm.

Because they're hateful shitheads.

More to the point: Why didn't Alec Baldwin check the firearm?

If the script called for him to shoot himself, you know he would have.

According to EU rules, eventual video calls to emergency services would be obligated to have the video feature on both ends — the caller and the dispatcher.

"Obliged" means "required"

Doesn't seem to be what the article says:

According to EU rules, eventual video calls to emergency services would be obligated to have the video feature on both ends — the caller and the dispatcher.

"Obliged" means "required"

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According to EU rules, eventual video calls to emergency services would be obligated to have the video feature on both ends — the caller and the dispatcher.

"Obliged" means "required"

99% isn't good enough for emergency services. Also, sometimes, video is too dangerous.

Most people would never vote for Sanders. He lost the primary and his supporters never shut up about how it was "rigged and stollen" from their God-Emperor.

But nope they ran with her they wanted to lose.

The "GIVE US BERNIE OR WE'LL GIVE YOU TRUMP" people helped Trump win, not Clinton voters.

Online pissbabies never realize they're a minority even within their own party.

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However, if you link this to an uptick in antisemitism tied to lies about Israel spread by "decolonizers" you're Noticing Things, And Therefore Wrong.

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So people without video phones, or who can't use video phones, can't call emergency services.

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