
1 Post – 26 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

At least 500 years old. Everybody else is just too damn infantile and stupid.

Why the heck did nobody yet develop an alternative like we've seen with SimCity/City skylines?!

They would make so much money and fuck EA.

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I mean if your goal is to normalize this then this is the way to go.

I needed to scroll way too much to see people mention marketing and advertising. It's a huge deal.

The power of good advertising is not to be underestimated. There is a good statistically proven reason why so much money flows into it. And it's not only traditional advertising but viral and "astroturfed" advertising.

Google takeout is the best gdpr compliant platform of all the big tech giants. Amazon for example lets you wait until the very last day they legally can.

Also they do minimal processing like with the metadata (as others commented) as it is probably how they internally store it and that's what they need to deliver. The simple fact that you can select what you want to request and not having to download everything about you makes it good in my eyes.

I actually see good faith compliance with the gdpr in the Plattform

Depends on the author.

A few libraries come to mind immediately: fftw (I think the most widely used fft library) or GMP (I think the most used multi precision library).


And with crowd strike we have seen how reliable Antivirus is.

Of course it's a sport. Multiple sports even. It takes skill, training and effort to be good at shooting. There are many different shooting sports.

Of course just blindly firing a weapon is not a sport itself. Just as blindly kicking a ball is no sport.

Why do you think shooting is no sport?

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What's confusing? I am confused by your confusion. This is all confusing.

I once moved ~5TB of research data over the internet. It took days and unfortunately it also turned out that the data was junk :/

Ahh yes the country of Europe...

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Probably the ancient pong machine my grandfather had.

Don't change that! I need that feature for my workflow

Did I understand correctly are you saying prostitution should be illegal? If so what do you mean with regulation and workplace safety?

It is click bait. Textbook click bait

What do you mean with that comment?

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Well you do need to trust the checksum provided. That is the one you are checking against. Better would be a signature from a key you trust.

In the end a modern torrent is just a hash.

Wait until you hear of a little state called Arkansas.

What I find really sad is how fast people call others transphobic. Numerous times I've even seen trans people being called transphobic.

Sometimes it's also just people making honest mistakes and sometimes people double down on shitty positions if cornered by an insult like being called a transphob. Is that ok? No but it's also human nature unfortunately.

But I get it there is a lot of hate especially in recent times where it is a constant topic in the US culture war. And it must be exhausting to see hate in so many places. A lot of actual transphobic people are akso not acting in good faith of course. This just makes me more sad :(

Yup it is contrary to normal economic principles, read up on luxury goods and in particular veblen goods and how price finding works there.

In the end humans are not at all times rational. There is no homo economicus. Economics is as much math as it is a social study.

No die, is funni

What the hell, I've never heard about the NATO summit thing