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It's too late. If the Dems wanted to switch candidates they should have started 2 years ago. There's not enough time to get aligned on a new candidate and ramp up a presidential candidate capable of the turnout necessary to beat Trump. And there's too much at stake.

Biden dropping out would be a huge gift for Trump at this point.

He's made a significant number of judicial appointments which will affect the judicial system for decades: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/judicial-nominations-200-senate-confirmation-biden/

Despite having his student loan debt cancellation overturned he's still managed to relieve $170 billion dollars of student loan debt: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/student-loan-forgiveness-7-7-billion-heres-who-qualifies-biden/

He was able to pass one of the largest bi partisan infrastructure bills in decades (which Trump promised to do for years and never delivered): https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/10/us/politics/infrastructure-bill-passes.html

This is just a few of his major achievements I can think of off the top of my head. There are way more accomplishments that he directly and people he has appointed have delivered than I can possibly list.

And anyone who thinks Trump would be better for the war in Gaza than Biden is delusional

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The mobile experience of Firefox with ad block is so much better than Chrome. Using chrome on mobile makes the Internet feel broken to me. I can't go back.

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Hexbear is mostly just trolls in my experience. They like to brigade any discussion involving Russia, China, Ukraine, etc.

Lemmy.ml is full of tankies that will also go out of their way to defend Russia and China but they aren't just blatant trolls which is the difference.

Having controversial opinions isn't the problem, trolling and brigading are

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I honestly think a lot of these terms of service agreements are legally unenforceable, but they don't get contested in court very often.

Like if they say "you consented to the arbitration agreement" I could just argue I never physically signed anything and it was actually my 5 year old who agreed so he could watch TV.

My retired mother was trying to look for a new Nintendo Switch dock for my niece. She asked me if she was looking at the right one on Amazon and showed me one with a picture of a real looking Nintendo Switch dock except the logo was blurred out.

I scrolled through the Amazon results and was having trouble figuring which was the real one. instead I went to the official Nintendo store and sent her the link to the switch dock from there.

Amazon is really a horrible user experience for buying anything that isn't cheap junk.

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I'm guessing this isn't on mobile yet?

The number of languages available is pretty small but I do appreciate them trying to respect users privacy with this feature

The taxes should probably be based on some combination of usage and gross vehicle weight. People driving more with heavy vehicles ought to pay a larger share of road maintenance. A gas tax somewhat handles this since people with larger vehicles who drive more will use more gas.

But the gas taxes don't even cover all of the money spent on maintaining/upgrading the roads. Roads are very expensive especially when you have these large highway interchange projects. We should really be trying to get people away from driving cars and onto transit, biking, walking etc. as much as possible

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I appreciate your input, I was also teaching myself to code by the time I was in middle school, but this is a different situation and some guard rails are needed to manage screen time and app usage, etc.

I'm not so much worried about her wrecking the computer and more about her wrecking her brain with unfettered access to the Internet

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I'm a software engineer, and I've used Linux on my computer for work before when my company allowed Linux installs on their computers (most don't in my experience). I don't recommend it for you.

For me, my main productivity tools, even proprietary ones, run natively on Linux. I very very rarely have to do anything involving word processing. When I do open source or in-browser word processors are enough. Windows can also be a constant headache to use in a lot of software development settings. It's a horrible development environment. I try to avoid working on Windows as much as I can.

When something breaks (and on Linux, something eventually will), I have more than a decade of technical experience in computing I can fall back on to fix the issue myself. My work computer has failed to boot before and all I had to diagnose and fix the issue was a black screen with a terminal prompt. Even my company's outsourced IT company had very little experience with Linux and I was largely on my own to fix it when things went wrong.

For you I don't think it would make sense for basically all the opposite reasons. I imagine you'll be doing heavy word processing and editing a lot of documents that need to be formatted correctly. Browser based and open source word processing are probably not going to cut it. I'm not sure if there are any proprietary file formats you may come across in the legal field, but if there are do you want to have to ask people "could you send that in a different format? I can't open that on Linux."

If something goes wrong on your machine you may not have all the experience to resolve it quickly on your own which could impact your business. Windows can break too but there's a lot more support out there and the barrier is much lower to fix most issues (I can't remember the last time I had to bust out a terminal to fix something on windows)

For all its faults, windows is pretty well set up for your typical use case.

If there's a compromise here, you could try having a computer running windows and another running Linux. Having a backup in case something goes wrong isn't a bad idea anyway. Dual booting is also an option. I made it through college for a CS degree with a dual boot Windows+Ubuntu laptop.

Whatever you end up doing, be sure to have a really good plan in place for backing up everything you need, especially files. Your computer can fail you at any time, Windows or Linux.

She's probably regretting not brainwashing more people to vote for her in 2016

Hell yes. Glad to see some sense returning to government if a bit slowly at times

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This is assuming that you actually pay for all the services simultaneously. I still think streaming is a way better service since it's easier to pick and choose what you want.

Plus there are no long term contracts and no equipment rentals to worry about. And canceling can be done by clicking some buttons on my phone in seconds whereas with cable you have to block off time on your calendar to sit on the phone for an hour to cancel.

It's annoying to see these comparisons with cable cause it's like people forgot how bad of a consumer experience it actually is.

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Just peeking at the source code and it all looks like pretty standard stuff. Looks just like apps I've worked on at several jobs.

Is it sexy? No. But a lot of people have experience with this and could help develop.

Only time will tell if this project pays off though

I can't use the Internet on Mobile without an adblocker. The user experience is totally unbearable

Yeah same here. I tried searching a few days ago when another article first came out about this and I couldn't find anything. Even using the links in the article.

Maybe the products were all removed in response to the article?

And speed and strength aren't even the only attributes needed for effective hunting in the first place. Seems to me that a variety of skills would be beneficial

Thanks for the advice. Yes I absolutely want her to have the opportunity to learn more technical stuff and be able to explore and play games. Also lan parties for games.

I just want some guard rails because we have issues with managing screentime and things like that.

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This is a satire account

This looks really nice actually. I haven't used Thunderbird in a while so maybe I'll give it another go soon.

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I don't understand the tab hoarder mentality. I can't stand having too many tabs open it makes everyone disorganized and less useful.

My workflow is to open random links and searches in private tabs and then when I'm done with the search I just close the window and they're all gone. I also split subsequt searches up into multiple private windows with a few tabs each so once I find what I need on one search I can close those and have the ones I'm still using ready. If there's something I need to reference later I can move it over to the regular browser window or bookmark it.

Makes it easier to manage and doesn't get out of hand that way.

I mean but is there explicit funding for providing toilet paper?

I do think schools are under funded but that's a lousy reason imo

Yes, it's a lot of subtle things like this that are anti competitive in their nature. These things may not seem all doom and gloom but the point is that without regulation there is no stopping them from doing worse.

Xfinity could start throttling streaming services like Netflix in favor of their own streaming service Peacock and there would be nothing to stop them except that it might piss off their customers.

I still put farm fresh eggs in my fridge because it's just a lot more convenient to store eggs in the fridge than on my counter where I have more limited space

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Reading mode defeats that a lot of the time if your browser supports it

I still haven't launched a rocket in this game. Every time I end up starting a new save before I make it that far.

To be fair this is how I play a lot of games so not just this one

I think it was mostly the parental controls we aren't familiar with on Linux and I think she thinks it would be too "hard" for her.

I don't agree obviously

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The other time would be for high demand skills that they can't staff locally which only applies to certain industries like tech, etc. Even then it usually only makes sense if they're getting top quality talent in those industries.

I consider myself to be a decent software engineer which is fairly in demand (even with recent layoffs imo), but even then I think I'd have a hard time finding a remote European job.

Oh and let's not forget that for most engineering positions the salaries are usually lower in European companies. Unless they'd be willing to pay relative to where I live, it would probably mean a pay cut. And I doubt even the benefits would make it worth it given I'd still be living in the US with our private health insurance system, terrible/expensive transportation, etc.

If it offered relocation then that could make it worth it but that's probably even more difficult to get hired for and has obvious downsides

Yeah that's what I'm worried about. I just want an open source version of my smart TV that doesn't have stupid ads on the home screen and trackers and works near flawlessly without all the fuss

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Chrome on mobile is practically unusable for me. Without ad block the experience is horrible on mobile.

That sounds like exactly the kind of thing I'm looking for. She's not great at managing her electronic time yet and she needs some guardrails to make sure she's not staying up all night watching YouTube videos and things like that.

But I also want to give her the opportunity to learn and explore

I agree, streaming was a lot better when the main players didn't produce their own content. And it could get to be a bigger problem as the streaming players consolidate more which we're already seeing with the HBO+Discovery merger for instance.

Not to mention how much media is consolidated under Disney currently.

I live in a major American city maybe 4 miles from downtown and I have a farm with fresh eggs and produce a block from my house.

I mean a lot of people do actually speak like this where I live. It's a pretty regular way to start a sentence. No need to be rude...know what I mean?

My fridge is designed to store food and has multiple shelves and drawers. My counters are a flat surface area and I'd rather keep them clear for active uses like cutting, prepping, etc.

There are also appliances competing for space on the counter like coffee machines

I guess there's the pantry but it's also just that I'm used to keeping them in the fridge and it's not like it hurts them to go in the fridge.

Anyway, point is it's really not that weird to keep them in the fridge

Thanks, sounds like it's probably not worth it.

Are there any good non-amazon ebook readers?

Am I the only one who has a distrust of pirating video games? Watching a movie is one thing but a video game is actual code running on your computer downloaded from an untrusted source.

It's buried in the settings, but you are right. Thanks for the tip!

If they could just add album sharing and maybe face/object tagging it would be pretty solid imo

Hard to find exactly that with a Google search but here's an example of roughly what I was talking about


Not hard to imagine doing the same but with bike lanes and sidewalks