Wet Noodle

@Wet Noodle@sopuli.xyz
12 Post – 116 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Love asperitas clouds!! Great picture!

I downscale movies and shows I download to 480p and transfer them to my modded 3dsxl cuz they look good enough for me and I can fit a lot of stuff on it!

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Of course! I use handbrake with all default settings but change dimensions to 480p and then I use adapter to make it a m4v to be playable on the 3ds.

Battery usage is an absolute wreck, if it's not plugged in you have like 15-30 minutes playtime. It definitely needs a battery bank to be truly portable but I usually use it plugged in to a wall.

Edit: it is a new 3dsxl if that changes things idk enough about the hardware.

most posts on there are incels taking pics from girls social media and pretending to post as the girl

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I genuinely don't understand how a human could see what they do and think "oh yeah these guys are good, fuck those assholes that care about basic human rights"

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Yes enacting a law that bans organizations from research is the same as those organization marking FALSE information and VIOLENCE AS FALLSE INFORMATION AND VIOLENCE./S you glue eating asshole, I'm not saying they should be in jail for believing different things. I'm saying they should be in jail for undermining democracy by making it illegal to discuss the issue without catering to fascists. Gtfoh

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Unfortunately you're definitely right, they're gonna be mad that all the doctors were 'indoctrinated' into not agreeing with trans genocide and forced births

Same mistake as the USS Liberty.

Any Republican supporting this should be put in prison, ah yes, let's steamroll the scientific communities free speech with our "even freer speech™"

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I don't know enough to answer but I like this question

nah unfortunately it's a safe space for incels

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"Fascists should k*ll themselves" got me banned from xitter so that's the kinda 'hate speech' they care about

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The opioid company bribes politicians so they're allowed

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Inb4 the Republicans vote it down

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shut up, Snowflake

Finn when he was a small boi

Finn now

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I can't confirm it but some comments in that post state that the mod author was spewing bigotry, transphobia, etc. In the description of the mod, in which case, it absolutely should've been taken down, regardless of the actual content of the mod. That being said, they are a privately owned website and they can choose what they will and won't host; even without the mod description, it is justified.

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Funniest thing is, probably anyone making minimum wage is working harder than woopi shitberg ever has

Well I'm sure you won't be receiving any, seeing as you're defending making laws against medical research that Republicans don't like

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It happens often but usually nothing crazy, this is my favorite one I've found

Yeah I'm no Italian but none of those are spaghetti

Bro I am 24. I think I'm okay for a lil bit

I work at a target and so much this. This past month has been absolute hell, the inventory system does not work, they send shit that doesn't go on the floor for 3+ weeks all while we still have empty shelves of the things we sell right now.

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Ron Perlman, I mostly enjoy that most Maine coon cats look more like him than he does somehow.

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Read the article please.

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well they also are bombing the places that they told the civilians to go for safety, that kinda seems like intentionally targeting civilians to me

Yeah except the workers never get the increase in pay you tool. Both Dems and Republicans in office actively help this happening, progressive Dems are the ones that give a damn

They say save the children, what they mean is, destroy women's lives and then also destroy the lives of the kids we forced them to have

there should be a bounty on the fucker

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The IDF wants Hamas to exist longer than the civilian population so they can "excuse" total genocide of Gaza

It's amazing to see a perfectly wrinkle-free brain in action

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confidently incorrect

My favorite is when it says my service is fine but it's fully disconnected and won't reconnect until I restart (Galaxy s22)

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Elon is actively sabotaging the military of an American ally, he can go fuck himself I hope they take all of SpaceX from his ass

Bring back the guillotines, these pig heads deserve to roll

All very valid points, I still just think they're neat and I'm gonna buy more 👍

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Right? I love that spez is so infinitely inept, he's actually shocked that removing the people, that cared for and built these communities, for thoughtless puppets, could ever go poorly