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To say that Israelis aren't the only people needing protection.

...because none of those groups are Tankies and they are all unified against Tankies.

Tankies aren't socialists or communists (not that those two things are the same either). They are the purist ideologues of communism, where compromise is defeat. Rampant in telling you why you're wrong, and why only the purest form of communism will bring nirvana. All without understanding the consequences of what they propose.

Even the Communists don't want them on their side.

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The article uses Midjourney. Nobody is tuning it.

Yes. A diamond is just a rock somebody found. Same for gold. They have value because they are scarce and people think they are pretty (up until the last couple of centuries when we developed industrial uses for both). Nobody has ever needed a diamond or a hunk of gold to survive, yet they have value because we say that they are valuable.

i.e. where it all began

Sadly, very true.

He was a troubled man at points in his life, and that takes a toll.

No, it's a melted down speed camera.

You've never had "drunk woman that won't leave you alone and starts crossing the line"? That shit is aggravating whoever is involved.

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69 MJ is 19.17 kWh. About 86p of electricity at today's wholesale price in the UK (£45/MWh: today is fairly average).

The research they are doing is great, but there's so much engineering to be done to turn fusion into something practical; something capable of running streams of pulses, not just single ones.

This was the last experiment for this reactor running it outside of design limits.

Excalidraw is my favourite. Make diagrams look like sketches so that people don't take them too seriously.

...and then return it to his grieving wife?

I've noted over the past few years, how any company that invests in R&D rather than pays dividends is labelled as "loss making" by the press.

Copyleft is not public domain, and requires copyright law to function.

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Promotional images are still under copyright.

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COVID was the auth left everywhere, at least in social circles.

The Wire

New name: "Y"

Enjoying messing around doesn't mean people aren't good. Shit posts in particular show a level of awareness, otherwise it's just a post.

So attack Hamas, not just whoever you can find that looks like them.

Western governments put that shit in place.

Everybody to the left side....bombs right side.

Everybody to the right side...bombs left side.

See... We didn't target anyone.

Sometime you need surrealism to get you close to reality.

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The choices here are to respect copyright or destroy it. Having and AI exception is nonsense.

"I'm not illegally downloading the latest blockbuster/ best seller / chart topping album. I'm scraping the internet for training data for my AI. It just so happens I need to filter the data by hand before it can injest it. I keep looking for suitable data, but haven't identified any yet. "

There's plenty of non copyright material out there to do research on. It won't make for useful AI products, but they can start licensing for that.

...and that's why the person you originally replied to asked their question. General popularity is generally a bad proxy metric for personal preference.

What do you think the trained model is other than a derived work?

Easy to say when someone isn't forcing you to leave your home, but kettling you in an area 25x4 miles.

...for "participating" in the Bad one.

I think you might need to be more specific.

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The problem is shareholders; The fact that extracting money out of the company is prioritised over the stability of the company. This leads to unstable companies which are vulnerable to shit like this.

WB would not be verging on the edge of bankruptcy if it was privately held.

Other than international outrage or intervention what would prevent Israel from occupying all of Gaza?

Having an iota of humanity In their souls.

Is it impossible to like things outside the mainstream?

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I meant, the sub that banned you also qualifies under the title of "the bad one".

It's not hard. He's saying that this study makes no claims about effectiveness, but people are so programmed with the catchphrase "safe and effective" that they conflate the two.

Israel was created by UN resolution 181, not the British.

No, because I used the web before web search. It's a convenient thing. Not a necessary thing.

Whilst the British were in control, the partition plan was very much an international idea, and the British were long gone by the time of the founding of the Israeli state.

Indeed. I've learnt more about the interwar period in this area since this all kicked off. Previously I'd though the Palestinian displacement was all post-WW2, but that's just when it escalated massively and Israel's statehood was declared.

The British took control of the area post-WW1 and the fall of the Ottoman Empire (Turks). Jewish immigration started in the following decade. This was already causing conflict, and there was a partition plan which the British (by my reading) were against. I think the British saw the forced displacement of people already there as something which they didn't want to police. The plan went ahead and the British handed over control (Peace-out!). Then WW2 happened and migration soared for obvious reasons. The effect was more displacement, more enclaves, and the eventual creation of the nation of Israel, all whilst the Palestinians weren't recognised as a nation of their own.

A couple of brief wars with their neighbours later and Israel has grown again encircling Gaza. Fast forward through a ton of conflict to today.

If fair use is cut down...

It's not a case of cutting down fair use. It's a case 9f enforcing current fair use limits.

The trained model is a work derived from masses of copywrite material. Distribution of that model is infringement, same as distributing copies of movies. Public access to that model is infringement, just as a public screening of a movie is.

People keep thinking it's "the picture the AI drew" that's the issue. They're wrong. It's the "AI" itself.

We, the human race.

...or at least in this article, we the British, as the stats are for the UK.

But to protect newborn babies from the disease, pregnant women can also be offered pertussis vaccines. In England, the BMJ reports, uptake among this group has fallen from over 70 percent in September 2017 to 58 percent in September 2023.

Sounds like 12% of expectant mothers have had their trust in doctors destroyed by the policies enacted during COVID. That's not COVIDs fault. That's our fault for how we reacted.

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