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Joined 1 years ago

It’s reminiscent of really old email threads.

I actually saw a video once where the argument was that phones aren’t listening. Rather, Google (and Meta and the like) have so many other data points on you that they don’t need to listen. Listening to you would be far less efficient and far less insightful than relying on their vast network of other data they have on you. Even if you don’t use a single Google product, you’re still not safe.

Reminds me of the story where Target knew a customer was pregnant before she did. They started sending her ads for pregnancy/baby products before she even knew she was pregnant, all because they had so much data on her.

In my opinion, this is way more terrifying and problematic than if they were listening to us.

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Well, my cat only threw up on the carpet a little bit today, so which animal is the real hero?

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Agreed, we desperately need regulations on who has the right to reproduce another person’s image/voice/likeness. I know that there will always be people on the internet who do it anyway, but international copyright laws still mostly work in spite of that, so I imagine that regulations on this type of AI would mostly work as well.

We’re really in the Wild West of machine learning right now. It’s beautiful and terrifying all at the same time.

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THANK YOU. Honestly the amount of taxpayer money our educational institutions spend in actual games is ridiculous. Meanwhile the physics department at my local CalState school had to cancel classes earlier this year due to a heat wave – their building doesn’t have A/C.

I disagree with your opinion of the integration with Threads, but I agree with you that it should be up to the individual instances and/or users.

Meta is a horrible company and I want nothing to do with them, but the whole point of the fediverse is that it’s decentralized. Anyone can spin up an instance if Lemmy or Mastodon and choose what other instances they federate with. If we were to somehow ban Meta’s instances, we create a pretty sketchy precedent.

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limit how much it can reinvest into drug development.

Also, the taxpayers are the ones who funded the drug development in the first place!

Not OC, but there’s definitely an AI bubble.

First of all, real “AI” doesn’t even exist yet. It’s all machine learning, which is a component of AI, but it’s not the same as AI. “AI” is really just a marketing buzzword at this point. Every company is claiming their app is “AI-powered” and most of them aren’t even close.

Secondly, “AI” seems to be where crypto was a few years ago. The bitcoin bubble popped (along with many other currencies), and so will the AI bubble. Crypto didn’t go away, nor will it, and AI isn’t going away either. However, it’s a fad right now that isn’t going to last in its current form. (This one is just my opinion.)

So is the urn!

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I hope you’re joking.

Even if you made $300k a year (which is 5 times the national average), you probably wouldn’t have $267k left after a year of housing, utilities, living expenses, taxes, transportation, healthcare, etc. Cost of living in the US is terrible.

Oof, right before the holidays too. What a blow to their sales.

I wonder if Apple will use the estimated sales losses as damages when they counter-sue the other party in the patent dispute. Apple is taking “preemptive” steps to comply with an order that is not in effect yet – perhaps it’s a long con to entangle the patent holder in a prolonged legal battle so as to devalue and acquire them.

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I described it to my dad like this: “They don’t need to listen to your conversations because they’re already able to simulate your thoughts.”

Kinda a stretch, but it worked for him.

This. So much this.

There are so many signs on U.S. highways and interstates that say, “keep right except to pass”. It’s literally the law in most states.

Unlikely, as long as you cut off any non-postage-related barcodes. But normally the label just has barcoded address information and the “business reply mail” postage permit number.

Here’s an example, address removed.

Business reply mail example

I’m planning to switch to Cloudflare Registrar. I already use some of their other services so it makes sense, and their pricing is pretty great.

freedom to customize the shell

This is always the issue for me – I ssh into several machines for various clients every day. All of those clients have one thing in common: equally strict and inconsistent policies about what packages you can use from where and for what reason. “I like this shell better” would never fly, sadly.


Now do Israel too!

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Also using Memmy, loving it so far.

One could argue that, because of a congressperson’s increased influence and power, the bar for what qualifies as “conspiracy” perhaps should be a little lower. I’m not saying that it actually is lower, but maybe it should be.

Regardless, this seems like a serious ethics violation. Someone should not be allowed to serve in government if they’re going to talk about how their colleagues “need to die” before a certain date to send some sort of a “message”.

Also testing Memmy, and so far loving it!

You’re correct. Unless you’re using WiFi on your phone that’s backed by satellite internet (Starlink, etc).

To add to this, Hamas has agreed to release the hostages several times. However Israel won’t agree to a ceasefire, and so the hostages haven’t been released.

Israel doesn’t want the hostages released, because then they can’t use the hostages as justification for their genocide.

I wish that was the case, but having lived just south of Temecula, my experience is that it’s a pretty conservative area. Lots of Trump flags, lifted trucks, anti-lgbtqia protestors on street corners, etc. I think it could be leaning a little more moderate as more people from San Diego move there for the lower cost of living. But honestly I was (pleasantly) surprised to see this recall make it to the ballot, let alone actually pass.

If you’re in the U.S., try the Libby app! Connects you to your local library system so that you can borrow audiobooks.

YMMV, but my local library system has a limit on the number of e-books that can be checked out at a time. Some e-books they only have 1 or 2 “copies” of, other they have 20+ “copies”. Seems dumb to me that there’s a limit, but I’m sure they’re forced to do it for a reason.

Twisted Veins is my go to. Great quality and durability, much lower price than Monster. I have lived in 9 homes in the last 8 years, and the 4 pack I bought 8 years ago has held up perfectly. These things are outliving TVs, computers, Ethernet cables, you name it.

This was very well stated, and I wholeheartedly agree.

I’ve heard “BLM Land” used as an example of affirmative action by an older family member. He scoffed at how ridiculous it was that there was land reserved for BLM and the blacks weren’t even using it.

Wonder if it ever occurred to him that the “BLM Land” had been there for decades, but the “Black Lives Matter” movement has only been around under that name in recent years.

Agreed, they probably should have been ordered to stop a while ago.

That said, Apple is the largest company in the U.S. by a number of metrics, so the fact that the government would cross them at all is kind of a surprise.