
0 Post – 94 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

no thank you give me the measurement in weight so i can have a digital read on it and not have to use my disgusting human eyeball to estimate

also so that i don't have to re-wash and dry my one measuring spoon 5 times

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i'm sorry but if you were enough of a rube to sign up for a $2/mo subscription for that then this might be darwinistic capitalism

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you had the opportunity to buy the winning lottery numbers last week and you BLEW IT

you too?

is a lie a lie if it's unintentional?

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yes i am sure russia, china or europe, the rest of the world's leading arms manufacturers, will willingly sell arms to a us ally that the us has refused to sell arms to

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yes, that is why i mentioned "europe" in my comment

europe very barely has the political will to supply arms to israel, and you think that if the us stops that they'll continue?

the question is "can the us stop israel from doing a genocide" not "does the us want to stop israel from doing a genocide"

if the us wanted to stop israel then israel would've been stopped that's literally the point i'm making

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yeah it's what i use, but if i was happy with less than perfection i'd be using volume in the first place

"land wars aren't about logistics" is the single most clueless statement i've ever heard

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  • the us can do anything it wants to its allies
  • no, because ukraine
  • what about ukraine
  • they supply them arms

you're saying that, because the us can't get involved in a conventional war against russia, that they can't stop supplying arms to israel

legitimately what is wrong with your brain, this is fascinating

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extra time means time for an extra morning pint

europe won't supply them weapons if the us won't, and china and russia won't supply weapons to a us ally

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you're right the us cannot unilaterally revoke a defense contract that is not a thing they are physically capable of doing

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"stop telling me i'm wrong i blocked you" is a new kind of response i'll grant you that

"you're wrong but i can't explain"

absolute big brain move you're right i can't compete with you

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what is the force you imagine that is stopping the us enforcing a no fly zone over israel?

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  • allow the un to take action
  • stop feeding arms into the "make gaza stop existing" campaign
  • berlin air lift style relief effort
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"oh don't go back THAT far, it makes us look bad"

yes this makes sense

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yeah you're right israel is the entire middle east that is a statement that makes sense

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the two world wars were incredibly famously about logistics

the us spent literally billions of dollars attempting to stymie viet minh logistics, and failed to do so

just as a quick question, what in the actual fuck are you talking about? thanks

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omfg you actually went for the argument of "the f22 isn't actually that good"

from an admittedly very western perspective, probably the best air superiority fighter with no us involvement is the ef2000, and the f22 absolutely trounces it

boeing doesn't make the f22, and building a civilian airliner is a thoroughly different skill to building a military jet

i legitimately cannot believe this is the argument you're attempting

also, i already told you i'm a ncd addict, i very obviously don't leave the house, and therefore don't travel on airbus or boeing jets

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that isn't the question you asked

you asked how to stop israel doing a genocide

people told you

we're not discussing an nfz over the entire middle east we're discussing one over israel

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yes people were protesting "in support of" the suez crisis

yes people were protesting "in support of" the vietnam war

yes people were protesting "in support of" afghanistan

you are very intelligent

just to remind you, you're currently attempting to argue that the us can't implement a no fly zone over israel

thought i'd bring it up because nothing that you just said related to that in any way

  • allow the un to take action
  • stop feeding arms into the "make gaza stop existing" campaign
  • berlin air lift style relief effort

nope, none of my comments on this thread involve the word "ukraine"

yours do, though, and you were the first to bring it up

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They were attacked FIRST.

the land used to create israel was obtained via a genocide that pushed today's palestinians off their land

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everything was due to Israel because they are an ALLY.

military action in libya was due to israel? my guy, you're coming apart at the seams

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you thinking that a country like ukraine would willingly sell arms to israel in a scenario where the us publicly disowned said country is very cute

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They were being pushed off their land already

i like that when you realise you're full of shit, you just take the initiative to make shit up

that or you don't know the pre-1950s history of the middle east

hello 👋

i'm not sure why you think "the us deciding to enforce a nfz over israel" is in any way connected to israel's wishes unless the us wants it that way

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anything within 1500 miles of an f22 can be considered us-controlled airspace, yes

bombing is part of the problem, yes

as far as trolling attempts go, this is a lazy one

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"my comments say i'm not boring"

try again

what are you talking about? isis never had a credible airforce

maybe take 5 minutes and come up with a coherent response?

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think you confused yourself

the question wasn't "what can protesting do to make it stop"

it was "offer a solution to make it stop"

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that isn't my comment...

i like that you specifically cited the two world wars and vietnam as examples of where logistics didn't matter, then fell back to "well, many non-land wars exist"

NON-land wars are even more an expression of logistics, because navies can't function without logistics, and air forces extremely very definitely can't function without logistics

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