Whiskey Pickle

@Whiskey Pickle@lemmy.ml
8 Post – 132 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

here for the good vibes!

yeah, because Disney is totally known for just dropping lawsuits…


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as no logical sense can possibly be made of this, the only rational conclusion is:

cruelty is the point.

those are certainly all valid points.

but there’s another side to this: the rise in extremely shitty and entitled attitudes that people in general have regarding their behaviors in public spaces, that being a creeping breakdown in basic civility and decorum.

I remember a time when people would just get onto a plane, sit down, and endure their flight. air travel has never been particularly comfortable or enjoyable. there was always an unspoken social contract between fellow travelers to at least do what we could to not make it worse for each other, but now? so many people don’t give a damn about how their actions affect others, often taking very selfish action at the expense of others’ comfort which push the boundaries of even the most understanding person’s patience.

removing smelly shoes, eating pungent foods, and engaging in many other annoying or obnoxious behaviors that air travelers simply would not have done 5-10 years ago at a far higher rate with a “fuck you” attitude isn’t something you can simply blame on smaller seats and less legroom. combine that with a flagrant disregard for in-flight staff and their instructions or attempts to de-escalate to the point of engaging in violence has reached outrageous levels. bigger seats with more legroom and serving in-flight meals isn’t going to make these people stop acting like animals. whatever it is that caused these people to believe that acting like entitled assholes is ok now did not originate from airlines trying to squeeze out a profit, even though it may be a contributing factor to making everyone else miserable.

the people who act this way ON the plane act this way OFF the plane, too.

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If Jesus came along today, they’d cast him out as a socialist and probably kill him in a botched police raid.


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FYI, the article title is responsible for calling PragerU a “University”, not me! (community post guidelines)

he says that now… when the time comes, however, exactly what will his “compliance” look like?

sure, I believe he’d show up, but I also believe he’ll give mostly equivocations, pleas to the 5th, non-remembrances, and non-answer answers that mostly cover his own ass and deflect blame from the GOP than testimony that would give any real insight into or damning evidence against Trump or his co-conspirators.

If Pence had any desire to serve justice, he would have done so long, long ago.

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for some reason, i don't think that would stop him from trying anyway and then throwing a tantrum for being ineligible.

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Excuse me if I find your criticism disingenuous and as duplicitous as the criticism you accuse the media of having when you admit this small media outlet isn’t responsible for doing the thing you go on to be critical of yet continue to use it as a platform for your criticism regardless. 

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the title is from he article— I didn’t pick it! (Rule 1)

you know what’s really funny? of the 40 counts on the indictment, Trump is charged with 14. Rudy? 15.


Could it be because he’s screwed over everyone he’s ever met and frequently never pays his bills?

Mods on the Star Trek communities on StarTrek.world will delete (and ban you) for even the slightest negative opinion about the show Star Trek Discovery. Even if you say that you dislike the show, or that you think the writing is sub-par, or anything slightly minor and inoffensive, poof! Your comment is gone, and you’re banned.

It’s not a rule in the sidebar, which is most frustrating, too. All you get is “not constructive”, even though there are plenty of complaints about other things, some pretty abrasive. But one unadoring word about Discovery, and you and your comment vanish without warning.

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for those wondering, the (fictional) laser in the 1985 film Real Genius that could vaporize a human target from space was 9.4 megawatts.

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“He’s tuning the other cheek!”

“Stop resisting!"

of course, they dehumanize and degrade these kids further by referring to their names as merely “nicknames” they have to be approved to use, making sure you know that they’re in control and stripping as much dignity as they can from the kids and parents in the process. as always, the cruelty is the point.

why the hell should any school have control over someone’s name? fuck them.

it’s fascism.

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yeah, I’m sue they’ll all be in perfect condition, too. nothing smashed, no hard drives mysteriously erased or “dropped”… oh, and can they bring that old lady back to life? no? yeah, well… it’s just a life, right?


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i don't think you're misremembering it, it's just that there was a huge commercial push to quash the idea of a "communist internet" that would cut them out of the business by sharing cheap/free internet service. plus, the tech evolved.

but the idea of mesh wifi didn't die. in several major cities, mesh wifi/internet solutions exist. NYC Mesh, for example, is the local mesh network here in NYC:

We are a diverse group of volunteers dedicated to ending the digital divide and extending high-speed, reliable internet to all New Yorkers. You can help by joining our community network to get online, volunteering to connect neighbors or grow the network, and donating to improve our community infrastructure and ensure access for all.

I find the idea of giving Pence one iota of credit for any of that to be profane in the extreme, but if it turns out to be true… ugh… I suppose I would have to. I also don’t believe his motivations would have been anything other than self-serving.

still, gross. he’s such a terrible person.

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he won’t even pay his rent or his own legal bills… he stiffs his own employees on severance packages. he’s lying if he promises anything.

Just trying to figure out how much they can get away with

then immediately walk them back when they’re called out for it

this is how bullies operate. bold and loud but, ultimately, cowards with no conviction.

There were a shockingly large number of non white folks involved in this attack on the capital as well as Trump supporters in general.

Not according to, ya know, the facts...

White, employed and mainstream: What we know about the Jan. 6 rioters one year later

We Know Exactly Who the Capitol Rioters Were

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oh, look-- it works!

when were conservatives not in favor of slavery?

they have no policy, just preaching hatred, taking rights away from minorities, and giving tax cuts for the rich & corporations while running up the national debt— and then blaming democrats for everything that’s wrong with he country.

people who own slaves rarely think what they’re doing is wrong, especially because it benefits them so much. the slaves, on the other hand, rarely see it the same way.

abolitionist movements and slave revolts go back to Ancient Rome and before. Ever heard of Spartacus? wow...

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refusing to break the law wasn’t a pious act— he just didn’t want to face the consequences. I think he might have if he thought he could get away with it. I just don’t think he’s as stupid or delusional as Trump, et al.

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well, that’s very horrible!

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Well, we sure did get a lot of damning proof that day… 

literally being taught in FL schools. it’s fucked up.

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which is something he advocates, notably the legislation of the ban of marriage equality.

Using a story about a small, local media outlet as a platform to rant about the problems with mass media just shows your tenuous grasp on the situation and your underlying agenda here. You’re in no position to start making accusations as to who here read or understood what.

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He’s also going to show us Hunter Biden’s laptop and Hillary’s buttery males

marriage equality, for one. he actively advocates for laws banning it, and advocates for laws banning LGBTQ equality in other ways, advocating for laws limiting/eliminating LGBTQ equality, often donating money for the purpose and to politicians who support such measures.

but if you can’t make the effort to inform yourself of at least the topic under discussion, then don’t expect others to do it for you before jumping into a conversation. that’s just rude.

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and how “beneficial” that would be compared to what they tried to do last time...

when they say this about Santa or, my favorite, Jesus, I always love watching their faces turn red when I say, “prove it”. sometimes, I think their heads might just pop!

i still see it

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at least he respects democracy.

bigotry and hate are not compatible with democracy, a cornerstone of which is equality