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Joined 11 months ago

huh, so with the 10bn from Microsoft they should be good for... just over 30 years!

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i always open in Firefox, makes life 1000x easier on mobile

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fake article from 2018 btw

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well, the science behind feeling out of breath is CO2 being pumped into lungs from blood, lol

Born and raised anti religious here, never believed in any of that cult bullshit, never will

the world is going to be ruled and run by agi in 3-5 years and there's nothing anti-ai babies can do about it.

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Ultimately human conflict is meaningless and there's a non zero chance that you'll be immortal if you survive the next ten years.

if you're a girl, you'll get freaks approach you eventually if you see enough people who will passively say awful things to you, ask for sex, get stalked,etc

almost no one cares about what Firefox adds, the convenience and trust Google got pretty much got everyone i think

maybe if starlink was being sold to russians lmao.

starlink said they are not interested in being used for war, you expect a bunch of civilians behind it to be responsible for human death?? do you even fucking consider what that implies lol?

this is them making a statement that says "look, you're killing people who deserve it but we're not willing to be reliable either way for if you die bc we fuck up or if you kill other humans thanks to this tech"

could you imagine the media SHITSTORM if they agreed? "WARMONGER MUSK working responsible for innumerable deaths"

haha u got me 😜

more like they finally found a large source of revenue compared to their OS, so they can stop selling out... duh?

nfts are fucking retarded. biggest pyramid scheme bullshit I've ever seen in my life.

I stayed the fuck away from that dumb shit and any other crypto bullshit.

that's cute. it couldn't draw the ugliest dog 2 years ago.

The only thing stopping us from having AGI right now is that GPT-4 hallucinates too much to use it in a task engine. Like, slightly too much.

this can and is being improved drastically. the next iteration will likely be the last one needed. Repeating chained calla to a language model in a structured way to break down and organize problems into smaller problems for other instances to work on is the way to go.

you're asking civilians to be responsible for killing people who deserve it or worse, to be responsible if they fuck up for heroes dying.

"artist-haters" "AI-bros", as if we're not all just artists trying to enjoy life kek

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interestingly it's more like investing in Apple stocks in the 90's.

crypto and nft have nothing to do with AI, though. Investing in AI properly is like investing in Apple in the early 90's.

ultimately it won't matter because if we get AGI, which is the whole point of investing in AI, stocks will become worthless.

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