
8 Post – 111 Comments
Joined 10 months ago


yo ho, a pirates life for me

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Of course they are. If you are surprised by this, then you are an idiot.

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The correct way to fix traffic is public transportation: railways and subways.

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It does.

Usually engineering and R&D sees these things, but they are too scared to contradict ambitious timelines set up by management.

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I wasn't even using it when it was free!

Which way is the causal connection? Do they have less risk of dementia because they use the internet, or do they use the internet because their cognitive skills are better?

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It suprises me that people still use Twitter. Like, how spineless are you?

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Telegram is a suprisingly good app.

  • Open source clients
  • Decent Linux client on the laptop (whatsapp desktop is just terrible)
  • It can be downloaded without Google's appstore.

I wish other apps were half as good as Telegram.

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Pipewire is amazing. Linux had issues with Bluetooth audio that Pipewire finally fixed.

Is that why India has the best programmers?

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Dew it!

Isn't this illegal in Europe?

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Even Microsoft does not trust Windows on Azure 🤣

I find it that being on the latest kernel is more stable than using an ancient one.

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In Germany you can't fire someone because of "performance evaluation".

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I'm surprised that there still people are who do.

It's a sad condemnation of capitalism that such bills are needed.

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badging in is not productivity. There are lots of people who go to the office, badge in, and spend the whole day gossiping around the coffee machine. Are you among them?

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People have been doing their job fine working from home. It works. It's only Luddites that haven't transitioned to the 21st century that are objecting to working from home.

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These people are really hardcore, aren't they?

It's another layoff.

My experience is that all games run on Linux these days. Wine, DXVK and Vulkan are really good. The only games that don't run are those that explicitly ban Linux users with some creepy anti-cheat.

EU competition law is about not having a single company dominate the market.

Amazon wants peoplento pirate 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️

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Yet those spineless cravens in the New York Times are still using Twitter.

She is free to work someplace else.

Apple and privacy can't be in the same sentence. It does not make sense.

This is just retaliation to the Huawei ban, and to America's efforts to hurt China's chip industry.

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The ARM deal is not happening.

Nvidia doesn't make a better product. They just lock in their ecosystem and prevent competition from breaking into the market. For example CUDA code can't be run by other cards.


That is 4 billion $ too much

I like OrganicMaps' editor more than streetcomplete. I think streetcomplete focuses a lot on things that don't matter.

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A lot of tech reporting is funded directly or indirectly by the people they are reporting on.

What happened to hyperloop? 🤣 🤣

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Yo ho yo ho 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️

I see myself in this meme and I do not like it.

More competition is always good. I welcome developments in Chinese semiconductor tech.

Organic maps is my daily driver for navigation and has been since 2 years. It is a great app and improving very rapidly. It's also a great app for adding POIs to openstreetmap when outside.

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If you use LTS sofware, then you have to live with problems that were fixed years ago.

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You are wrong. This is 20th century mentality. We are in the 21st.