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Joined 1 years ago

Small government, right

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Isn't this like CGI? If done right you don't see it?

I remember watching Spartacus with Kirk Douglas. I remember that I thought he was wearing some sort of muscle prosthetics bc I thought people couldn't be that muscular. It's funny because by today's standards he wasn't buff at all.

Verification should be a 2fa letter with the logo on the envelope.

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Our son had a pseudo-croup attack, when he was about two. We have a number here in my country that you can call and they try to figure out your next steps. Since he was so young they pretty quickly told us to call an ambulance. Two paramedics came fairly quick and ordered an emergency doctor to the scene since they wanted to give him some medication they couldn't give him on their own.

We were a little apologetic because we weren't sure if calling them was warranted. But they were super nice and said we shouldn't worry, it was their job and they'd rather drive to cases like this, were things go well then the other way round.

We gave them our insurance card, they left, and everything was fine.

Never in the whole process have I thought, oh my, I hope this isn't going to cost too much. That is an awful thought. Our medical system here is far from perfect and I fear it's going to get worse but it gives me a piece of mind that I don't have to worry to go broke over it.

And the way families are insured really works well. You work and all your children and your partner (if they don't work) are insured through you. No changes in payment, no questions (apart from: are they earning any money) asked.

No, we need a rescue fund right now! It can't be true that the elite has to suffer under the tyranny of the working class!

That's what they say, even keeping him locked up for life would be cheaper. Also how do you decide what's gruesome enough to justify killing people, what about wrongfully convicted people they do exist and they got murdered. There are so many good arguments against and do few if any for the death penalty it's mind-blowing to me how any more or less democratic society doesn't abolish it.

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You could find stuff, it was often a very tedious process though. You searched for: thing XYZ doesn't work and found a lot of of forums with posts of people who had the same problem and with a bit of luck you found a two years old entry with an answer that actually worked for you. Now it's 20 results from the company that created the product you have a problem with but offers no solution at all.

Sony has totally bad vertical integration. It would be so powerful for them because they produce so much stuff.

Yeah stuff that, additionally saved my one Frontpage post and then deleted all comments and posts and finally my account

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I know that once adblockers won't work anymore I will simply avoid YouTube.

I don't get why micro transaction are never micro transactions. If a cosmetic item/feature in a game or sth. like discord would be 50ct up to a Euro, I would here and there buy sth. But they always want 5-15€ and that isn't money I'm willing to spend. Take Signal for example 5 € for a badge for 30 days is just stupid. I recently donated 20 euros still 30 days. The thing is I don't care for the badge but I think it could be beneficial to promote the ability to donate via the badge but the system they use, is really stupid.

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Let me guess: his wife caught him watching gay porn and since he is a good Christian he wants to save others from falling into the same trap? And now his wife is really proud of him?

I want more games that explore time travel. I think it's perfect for gaming switching things sceneries, people, language...

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End-syllables help a long way:

For example the often cited neutral: girl/Mädchen is a diminutive. So everything with -chen or -lein becomes neutral and therefore: das.

(Brötchen, Männlein, Häuschen, Fräulein)


As a bonus: in plural everything is "die" so just formulate everything in plural and you are always right.

My plan is to open a kiosk once I retire im a night owl anyways and it's not too physically demanding.

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I use it since it's inception 20 years ago. And stuck with ever since. It was one of the first FOSS projects with a mass appeal. In Germany we even had a crowd funded ad campaign in 2004 in that I took part and all that felt very optimistic and cool. And I just always stuck with it and always used it as my main browser. When Chrome took over, Google was already the dystopic mega corp so I was never tempted to use it. Sure I installed it, but hardly ever used it. But I never had big problems regarding speed or resource-hunger. And it keeps improving.

TLDR I'm very nostalgic about FF and will never drop it.

I use it less, but I actually like it that way, plus I have no urge to go back to Reddit. So all good.

We need a big exodus of media then the platform would be dead for sure.

I think women should start pissing standing so my fellow fragile penis owner, who think standing while pissing is the only option, learn how filthy a toilet gets if you don't put your parts in the bowl.

Well the thing is we need to get away from individual transportation if we transform all ice cars to ev we won't really solve the problems we are facing...

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I have a Garmin viomove hybrid, I use it to count steps, count my swimming and see how much I sleep. I wouldn't want a smarter watch out of trust issues. Battery life still sucks 3-4 days but the analog watch works if the smart watch part is dead.

The best thing for me: I cut me sm consumption to a fifth of what it used to be. A few minutes Lemmy, a few minutes mastodon and I'm done. There is just enough stuff on here to scratch my itch for some content.

Yeah please do, I will just stop using YouTube and that would be a good thing.

Reminds me of the pre phone/tablet line with webOS and the way hp or better their short lived CEO Leo Apotheker killed it. That was such a shame great devices and great os.

After that Ms master key disaster, that's a bold strategy. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Revenue in the Instant Coffee market amounts to US$30.3bn in 2023. The market is expected to grow annually by 5.03% (CAGR 2023-2028).

In global comparison, most revenue is generated in Japan (US$4,741m in 2023).

In relation to total population figures, per person revenues of US$3.95 are generated in 2023.

In the Instant Coffee market, volume is expected to amount to 1.6bn kg by 2028. The market for Instant Coffee market is expected to show a volume growth of 3.5% in 2024.

The average volume per person in the Instant Coffee market is expected to amount to 0.19kg in 2023.


Not for long we all get very right to fascist governments the next year's and things will go south. Germany with a CDU/AFD coalition, Le pen in France, if those two happen I see a dark future ahead, but hey climate change will bite us in the ass anyway. Why not go under under fascist leadership...

Weren't they head of the human rights council?

Yes, the problem to me is manly the feeling (or fact) that we are running into an existential crisis that can and probably will decimate large amounts of the global population and instead of pulling together, people are running into the arms of demagogues and extremists that tell them we are great it's the others that are bad and we don't have to change anything about our way of life. Plus every other nation claims little islands or other countries areas... we won't get anywhere if this won't change

He probably thinks he's pretty considerate cause he didn't use the handicapped spot.

Those are some wild statements you make. Yes I have a problem with the penalty bc I think it's wrong, simple as that. But I live in a country where punishment is fundamentally based on the idea of rehabilitation. And that often even applies for murderers. So I think that's part of why I'm so opposed to the death penalty.

I doubt we can convince each other from our standpoints. So all I can say is have a great day.

Maybe he is in bed with Elon musk, trying to tank the initial price of the stocks so musk can buy the majority of reddit as well...

I started counting calories. And it's works pretty well. Maybe give it a try.

That cat is way too high res

Don't you all count your knuckles for that?

That's pretty cool.