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I can't imagine something more awkward than having to explicitly deny someone based on looks after having a good conversation.

16 more...

This is why Harvey Milk made everyone come out to their parents. It's unfortunate, but the only way some people are able to experience empathy is through directly knowing someone. Being out and proud is activism ... of course that doesn't come without risk.

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Yeah, there's an interest in Y2K era tech amongst some gen-Z people. I think it's cool, idk why you're hating.

25 more...

What do they mean "trap laid by the right". These college administrators are conservatives.

To me, this headline was misleading. I assumed it was about funding campaigns, but this is for the actual process of voting itself.

The money was spent in a wide variety of ways — protective gear for poll workers, public education campaigns promoting new methods to vote during the pandemic, and new trucks to haul voting equipment.

The Republicans keep using the same strategy, restrict voting as much as possible. They won't adequately fund elections, and they are making it illegal for private funders to do so.

I can't think of a single thing AI does that is worth the amount of energy consumption.

18 more...

Your ideas are overly aggressive, even just leaving. Just change the topic or say "I'd rather not discuss this at work."

lmao I thought for a second this was just your comment about the situation, not your advice on what to say

Adderall isn't an approved medication outside of the United States though, and it's the only drug that works for me. Plus... I'm already having a hard enough time. You need tens of thousands saved up to even afford a move, and then go through the immigration process? All that paperwork? Obviously there are better safety nets outside of the United States but most people privileged enough to afford to leave would also be in less need of a safety net.

Basically, this is terrible advice lmao

15 more...

Oh my friends were talking about this the other day. You can go in on a loan for a pretty big apartment complex together, and it can actually be more affordable than just buying a single family house. You can incorporate too.

Co-op housing has a rich history!!

Are you gonna shut the fuck up now :D

1 more...

It's objectively weird in the sense that most people don't do that.

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My tiktok feed was filled with videos from the protests, and has been filled w info on Palestine for the past half a year. I don't think this ban is a coincidence. Tiktok always has the fastest transmission of information from people on the scenes, kinda like Twitter back in the day.

You'd rather ask AI for information on racism than listen to black people ...

5 more...

To be fair, the question was "do you think violence is necessary for the US to get back on track"

Make America Great Again is the Republican line, so of course the poll is going to lean this way.

28 more...

Okay but if the rich person misses their Porsche payments, they can buy a Honda Civic.

I don't know why you are even saying this. What is the point? "If a person spends lots of money on luxury items, they will have less disposable income." Okay? What does that contribute to the question of how our government policies regulate wealth?

4 more...

There are tons of reasons to take nude photos... you often have to send in nude photos for the beginning stages of surgery consultations.

And sexting is fun.

This comment comes across insanely judgemental of the individual, when the issue is that Apple deleting data and thus violating privacy.

7 more...

It's not a lack of political planning, it's a lack of political power for the working class.

I have read that this is largely a myth based on a book from the 70s, and that while there are varying proportions of amino acids in different vegan protein sources, there is still enough of each so that you could easily get everything you need.

I read this in a book years ago that I don't remember the name of, but found a source instantly


Millennials and gen z know things are worse, and that's why we don't feel like it's worth it to give everything to a company. We don't have to pretend because we know the employers know things are bad.

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Or ... maybe the US isn't the only country in the world?

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I don't think this story would alienate her from the MAGA base. Conservatives love the aesthetics of farm life/hunting, doing the dirty work, etc. We're talking about people who defended "grab her by the pussy".

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Just your opinion. I thought it was a great summary and relevant message with the recent protests, plus the very public message that he's not voting for Biden over this. If anything I'd call it a bit cheesy, but definitely not edgy. But Macklemore is a little cheesy so it works.

31 more...

Not sure how old you are, but I do remember that Obama was genuinely liked during his presidency.

People can find purpose by joining a cult lmao what's your point

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I'm looking at what the polling question actually is. Liberals, kinda by definition, don't want the country to "get back on track" or return to a period of former greatness.

6 more...

No ... I was also around that age and remember all the monkey jokes about Obama. This guy just isn't paying attention idk lol

6 more...

I didn't even know this was a thing!!

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If a poor person came in to the doctors office, they wouldn't be getting adequate care if the doctor didn't understand the impact their conditions have on their physical body.

This person was just expressing their surprise. Why are you so pissy lmao

People should only protest if they're willing to be injured? What the fuck?

4 more...

It worked during the French Revolution, and now they have some of the strongest labor rights in the world.

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Why would waiting be more financially prudent? You can get financial advice before or after you show them the ticket, might as well get that process started.

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I have a theory that Americans are great at math because they regularly work with base-12 systems.

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Their news is biased, I do not trust the NYT on Israel as you seem to blindly do. This is like linking a Fox News article on trans people.

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Sovereignity for Hawaii!!!

The United States colonized Hawaii on behalf of rich plantation owners. The United States has already acknowledged that the occupation was illegal. You don't need to fly across the world to have a good time, and fuck up someone else's home.

YUP it was really bad, and then half the country turned extra racist, the other half pretended racism was solved because we had a black president.

1 more...

Hm, I wonder why Palestinians wanted the settler-colonial state of Israel to not exist. Hm. Could it be that the state of Israel has been systematically invading and stealing Palestinian land? And that they've been quite vocal about their goals to do so?

Would you also denounce Native Americans for wanting the United States to not exist anymore? Were they wrong for their violent retaliations in the 1800s? After years of genocide, lies, and enslavement?

9 more...

You've never been in a long distance relationship? And as I said, some people need to take nudes for medical reasons. It's not a hypothetical situation, I know multiple people who have done this.

It's fine that you have your own personal philosophy for taking nudes, but your post is coming off as judgemental of those who do.

It's not the individual's fault, it's Apple's fault for being unclear about what the delete feature is actually doing.

3 more...

She's famous because her parents were famous, and her family made a pointed campaign to continue making money off of reality tv and being proto-influencers.

Like it or not, a lot of people genuinely enjoy reality TV as entertainment and having characters to watch and gossip about. Kim K is in the entertainment industry.