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Joined 1 years ago

So Biden could order the army to attack the USSC? He just has to declare it officially like Michael Scott?

I joke, but it's a dark, dark day for this country and the rule of law.

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The court was already packed with activist judges appointed under suspicious or hypocritical circumstances who then lied to Congress during their confirmations about their deference to precedent on a host of issues only to the engage in a massive power grab from Congress. Subsequent action to rebalance the court is not court packing.

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How is it that a sitting Supreme Court Justice is flying the flags of those who have and will again attempt to overthrow the lawfully elected government of the United States, and we are merely discussing recusal? Can you even imagine the response if a liberal Justice had flown a CPUSA related flag in the 1960s or whatever?

Things are rotten.

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For anyone confused about the MAGA-ese: Failure to make payments under Bankruptcy and repo man coming for what's due = federal government repressing muh rights

It's embarrassing how, if you say the magic words, the MAGA brain shuts down and just becomes compliant with anything.

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I may be missing something, but the article completely loses the thread when it starts grousing over "why won't the 3Ps pay up? " Because even if they pay, NSFW content is still not available for users. Reddit is attempting to force third party devs to charge for an inferior product, which is obviously untenable for all parties.

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/c/Leopardsatemyface ?

It's like Pleasantville, but in reverse and it's a horror film.

For me it's been pretty great. Lemmy and the fediverse kinda remind me of reddit circa 2007 or 2008 before the eternal September. I'm going to enjoy this for as long as it lasts.

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Cult people using the cult as an excuse/justification to behave like selfish assholes. A tale as old as time.

When are the rest of us going to get sick of this petulant bullshit?

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Yup. By and large, the SEO industry is a cancer.

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Trickle down wasn't invented in the 1980s. It was a rebranding of what was previously pilloried as horse and sparrow economics in that if you let horses gorge on oats, some undigested oat will pass through their systems and be deposited in the fields for the sparrows to eat.

Gee, I wonder why they rebranded.

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The rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate.

  • Zapp Branigan -Michael Scott

I guess he fits the kicker with an inferiority complex since he isn't a real football player.*

*All other kickers are real football players unless they hold similarly shitty views.

It's weird they are touting their sign up process.

I tried to sign up on Beehaw multiple times on multiple days and could never complete the process despite manually typing out answers to their inane questions several times. Some of the times it would just time out. When it would go through, I'd never get a response on my account.

So I ended up on lemmy.world.

And let's be honest, it's not like ChatGPT couldn't generate responses to those questions. In a certain sense, maybe them self-quarentining is a good thing for this and other reasons. I guess that's also part of the point of federation vs a single entity in control of everything.

Reddit never produced any content. The users did.

Users move. Content moves.

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ADA lawsuit incoming.

Purity-based movements that use hate as a weapon inevitably end in circular firing squads.

Wake me up if you've heard this one before: A president/PM/etc. who would face massive consequences for his criminality if he were not president holds an entire country politically hostage by giving special extra rights to religious fundamentalists.

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I know you were being metaphorical, but Tommy Tuberville nearly brings your scenario to life. It'd be hilarious if it wasn't real life.

Yeah, I've already moved most of machines over to various Linux distro because of Windows bloat, spying, ads, etc. For the one windows box I keep, Ameliorated Windows 10 has been treating me pretty well as it seems to strip out most of the crap that keeps getting grafted on to drive shareholder value or whatever.

I started using Reddit in 2007ish or thereabout. I'm done. I am sick of the drama there, the direction of the platform, and the people are nicer here to boot.

...and you just do that thing during stampede of wild elephants in Porky Pig's Russian estate between 3:55 and 4:00 pm on the Fourth of July during a hailstorm. Oh, and there needs to also be one baby zebra bringing up the rear.

Why face consequences for behavior someone else noticed?

Call Bobloblaw now!

Surely engineers have devised ways to reduce pier pressure caused by the flow of water.

And throughout the 1930s you had bootleggers and gangsters with Tommy guns terrorizing urban areas across America with gangland shootings and widespread abductions since they outgunned the police. What happened? The feds got bigger guns and passed gun control to get machine guns off the street. And this was actually possible back then because the NRA was still a legitimate civil society organization emphasizing responsible gun ownership and not yet a glorified marketing campaign for arms manufacturers.

The OPs question is basically a false premise born of forgetting history.

The original company is not.

On February 13, 1996, Atari agreed to merge with JTS Inc., a short-lived maker of hard disk drives, in a reverse takeover to form JTS Corporation.[4][2] The reverse merger was completed on July 30, 1996.[1] Atari's role in the new company largely became a holder for most of its properties. Most of Atari's staff members were either dismissed or resigned, and its Atari Interactive division was quickly shut down,[27] with the remainder of its employees being relocated to JTS's headquarters.[5][28] Consequently, the Atari name almost vanished from the consumer market.

On March 13, 1998, JTS Corporation sold the Atari name and assets to Hasbro Interactive for $5 million,[3] less than a fifth of what Warner Communications had paid 22 years earlier. The transaction primarily involved the brand and intellectual property rights, which Hasbro Interactive largely used as a brand name for retro game releases.[a][b]

On January 29, 2001, Hasbro Interactive was sold to Infogrames,[31] which renamed it Infogrames Interactive and then the Atari Interactive name in 2003. The present day Atari Interactive, through Atari SA, continues to hold and license all Atari trademarks as well as produce many new games, some based on Atari's original properties, to this day.


Shocking Murder Vic Confession: "I didn't even know I was dead.Thats how good they are."

Freshwater clams from the Cuyahoga River?

American left: "Might the noble job creators spare a pittance of their fortune that they, and they alone, earned and were entitled to based on their unique brilliance?"

Left anywhere else: "Bootlickers."

Yes because there are certain areas where paid actors, including bots, overwhelm any organic discussion. I have discussions about stuff like that in private chats with people I actually know.

Less truck vibes. More nonfunctional griddle on wheels vibes.

PCs as hybrid consoles really appeals to me. I love the switch form factor but I hate the walled garden. More competition in the space is a good thing for us. I almost can't wait for the switch 2 so I can upgrade to a PC-based hybrid console.

I'm not super familiar with Bacon reader nowadays, but Sync has a list view and a compact view that cram quite a few posts onto the screen. Hopefully its comparable.

In a certain way this feels like Sega of the 90s decided to make an add-on for the PS5 after playing a whole bunch of WiiU.

Yup. It'll be Trump's surrender tour.