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Joined 1 years ago

thank mr skeltal

I don’t blame them. I expect viewership is down, as well as the other factors. Heck, when I click a link that goes to a tweet and it tells me I have to login… I press the back button.

I have a login. But nah.

While they have other not-friendly practices, Apple does well on the software side. The iPhone 8, going on 6 years old this September, is still running the latest version of iOS.

I've been away from Android for a while now. Is it still the case that there is a lot of fragmentation and updates end prematurely? Or is there another OS / software you're thinking about?

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Electric toothbrush.

Invest in your teeth. Trust me.

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Regarding the first two, I find charging my EV at home means I rarely have to consider public charging. I’ve started to find stopping at the gas station way more inconvenient.

When I lived in the city, I maintained charge with a standard 120v outlet. In a rural area, I am doing well with a 240v (15a).

12 hour+ road trips are the only thing I hesitate on much anymore — sometimes I love the EV road trip, and other times I’m just looking to make good time.

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It’s these types of moves that get me workin’ my way out of an ecosystem. I’ve already been strongly considering not-a-Mac as my next laptop.

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This dude hasn’t wrapped with the good shit. Serious creases. No unexpected rips. Scissors glide smoothly for the cut.

Spend a few extra bucks and be a wrap god.

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Irrelevant, unless your pihole is running on your DHCP server. Does the server running pihole have a statically assigned IP that is within the DHCP range being assigned to other devices?

Static addresses should be outside of your DHCP range, ideally. If you can’t change the range, and assuming sequential handouts of IPs from your router among other things, you can try setting the server’s static IP to a bigger number.

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I think your response answers the question.

If configured correctly. Can be fast. IMO, once those statements are less conditional and prone to error, we might see the pro of privacy carry more weight.

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Perhaps your experience with “crazy big beards” is actually with unkempt, long beards.

My face friend is smooth AF and garners trust at the workplace. But ya gotta take care of it. Ya know — hygiene and shit.

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I heard it put something like this once:

We used to all live around each other, and on the weekends we’d go to the bowling alley and have to listen to each other. It didn’t matter if I agreed with who was talkin, and it didn’t matter if they agreed with me. We talked. We argued. And then we bowled and had fun.

Today, we talk, we argue, and, after the “fuck off”, we get angrier at each other.

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It grinds my gears so hard. At first I submitted feedback, thinking everyone wants good documentation. Then I realized the ploy.

Also, chat bots. Fuck me for being able to think through the basics and needing real help, right?

Maybe the content reached its peak, but I’d argue we are in a better place now UX-wise.

Full disclosure: I type this from a network running pihole. Flashing banner ads to other people’s blogs were definitely better than todays adverts — and I’m looking at you, most recipe sites.

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It’s still free to you. It’s not a paywall.

Mind you, you’re not contributing at all to support the material you’re consuming — there are other humans trying to make a living off the stuff you want for free.

Support things you value, otherwise they might disappear. Or worse, they introduce a true paywall.

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Are there really zero stakes? Does the work a child does in K-12 not impact their opportunities post K-12?

Sex has been a long-standing issue in organized sport. The IOC has their own challenges with it, even.

Club sports, as opposed to organized sports, are more of the “for fun / zero stakes” type of sport IMO.

I wish the issue was more black and white, but holy cow is it a tough one when you dig your heels in.

Classic, “what the fuck did I do here and why did I think this was a good idea,” material.

We want someone different. But FFS.

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Hey thanks for your work. QBT and Jackett are super stable and well done.

Miss_brainfart might go with a traditional “woman bun”.

Or, the genderless alternative of just a “bun”.

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Came here to say this. If you do a 360, you turned around twice.

From my SOFII days: “Shut your cock holster [anti-Semitic slur]”

Cock holster. Genius.

The other slurry bit was cringe then and still is.

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I've heard and repeated this one as, "It's only temporary, unless it works."

Had a few ideas for ya:

2 coins

A fake AirTag

A couple pieces of chiclets gum

Coiled wire or string

Fresh air (or a fart), in a tiny ziploc bag

A tiny hair doll

Two very tiny hair dolls

Let me know if you need any more!

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It was always weird when I’d add WordArt and it had an extra finger in it.

It’s fast food. Not wait-for-surge-pricing-to-come-down food.

Imagine it? Living it.

FWIW DuckDuckGo sources the traditional links / results from Bing. Their Instant Answers info does come directly from other sources, e.g. Wikipedia.

Source: https://duckduckgo.com/duckduckgo-help-pages/results/sources/

I’ve seen that name pop up a few times. I should give their 100 free searches a try. The 1.5 cent / search fee seems reasonable enough.

That being said, I find it a bit of a stretch the way they try to reason their value add.

. . . Google generating USD $11 revenue per user per month. However the value you receive is well below USD $11 because your results are influenced by ads. Choosing to subscribe to Kagi means that while you are now paying for search you are getting a fair value for your money . . .


And a smaller volume capacity. I finally grabbed an air fryer and we use it most days. I didn’t expect to like or use it so much.

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You’re sending our guy on the High Fidelity path. Be careful OP, Cusak thought he wanted the feedback, too.

Huh, I might need to restore my bookmarks backup from IE5.

What up, Lycos?

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I didn’t see it mentioned specifically — Mosquito Barrier is a black garlic-based spray that works super well. I’ve used it at high concentrations to handle a yard.

I also use Essentria IC3, another non-toxic-to-mammals spray. Works better than the Mosquito Barrier, I think.

Both are safe for people and pets, and I think both smell pretty decent to boot.

Same reason a remote control is handy for a TV — convenience.

Motion or presence sensing. Timers. Virtual buttons. Physical buttons in places I wouldn’t normally have them. Garage door opening automagically when I pull in the driveway with a specific vehicle. Etc.

Plus I get to check in on my kitty from far away.

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Agreed. It’s less about how much I care about his opinion, and more so regarding his influence.

Bystander effect / not caring about things outside our immediate views or perceived sphere of influence can be a dangerous path to trod.

But, you know, uh, that’s just like my opinion, man.

I was there for the single process Firefox when everyone else went multiprocess. It was then that I also switched away from FF, too.

I’m back on it now though (for past 9 months or so, since I heard about Google’s intention with Chrome.)

Firefox and Safari are my daily drivers, and it’s pretty chill. Edge is my backup if I must.

That’s fair.

Maybe Reuters is finding that “end users” are becoming their new customers, especially in the current media climate.

At first blush, I think it’s ok to want to track that type of impact more.

I want to look at the pictures and respond, but the formatting of the links as “1”, etc. make it terribly difficult to tap on in my mobile client. I just keep collapsing your comment instead haha

I was able to tap on two of them. I agree that kind eyes help, no doubt. Kind eyes make most people more approachable, bearded or not. So what if we focus just on the beard itself? Is there anything intrinsic to the beard hygiene or perception that matters?

Based on the two pics I could get to, it seems like dramatic angles, beard balm, and lighting might be beard-specific differences between your groupings. Those factors all can significantly impact the beard vibes.

Way too much thought on this this morning. Thanks for hanging out with me on this one! :P

Don’t forget that sunscreen can be expensive depending on your destination. Going to a family or friends house and the beach? NBD. Flying to Cancun and into a resort? That on prem sunscreen is gonna cost ya mucho dinero compared to BYO.

I’m a fan of the Apple TV because I’m in the ecosystem. Plex works just fine for me there. And I love that my Apple TVs don’t seem to rot out as fast as Android or Google TV boxes I’ve used in the past.

That being said, someone else mentioned the Onn box, and that thing seems to have pretty solid value. I’d start there, too, if I was trying something non-Apple.

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And don’t forget divorce parties! And other people’s kid’s birthday parties!

OP must be between 25 and 30, that’s my totally biased and judgmental guess. 🥳

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