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Joined 6 months ago
  • talking to my european friends
  • talking to my african friends
  • talking to my asian friends
  • talking to my south american friends
  • talking to my north american friends (exceptions apply)
  • talking to my oceanian friends
  • talking to my antarctican friends
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We also use two different alphabets. Lower case and upper case. Upper case is basically Latin script optimised for stone carving, lower case was developed for ink writing (I think in the Carolingian era). Now we use both at the same time without batting an eye.

Add cursive in the mix and we also have 78 letters instead of 26.


are really i be fartin cool. i think i loud af have feelings on for u metal chairs

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I guess you're talking about psi.

(No offense to you, dear Buffaloaf, I just looked it up and thought I might share).

For everyone of the 191 non-USA countries, 10 psi is 0,69 bar or 690 hPa. That's pretty low.

By the way, why is psi written in such a weird way? It should be lbs/ in^2

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Yeah... the -40° and the opened abdomen

I sometimes use the alphabet method. When a conversation gets stuck I think of words starting with a and form a question from that.

Example : angler fish, amazon, aeroplane

-> do you like travelling? What's your dream destination? Do you like the deep sea/ocean/swimming?

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Die you know, that ß is more frequently used than x, y, q and even j?

The article clearly says that 8k people in a town of 30k took to the streets.

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They still do that here. Not every Dönerladen has an app, only chains have dedicated apps. Some shops have websites with an online order possibility, but it's mostly calling.

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Er soll weggehen ich will die Liste sehen

Well Wagner is a surname, so you might associate it with a famous person, whereas Sigurd is just a normal first name.

For me, the Felix takes away the nazi allegations, since it's a Roman name. But you never know.

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There was a short boom of all different kinds of Fassbrause here in Germany. Fassbrause is a carbonated drink, that gets its carbonation from brewing, is made of grain malt and fruits and non-alcoholic (literally barrel-fizz).

It was then followed by a short trend of every rapper and streamer making their own iced tea and now the trend still going on is energy drinks.

I miss the selection of Fassbrause. It was not to sweet, malty and fruity, just perfect. Now I have to look for what feels like the two last brands still producing.

Thanks, friend :)

I know how it comes to be, I just think it's stupid.

For example, kW times h is not the same as kW per hour. That's why kWh means kilowatt times hour.

If I wrote ms to denote meters per second that would create massive confusion.

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Drop in the bucket of this countries history and, in the end, nothing's going to be done. Significant portion of our population still believes this was a good thing. Of those that even remember this that is.

Significant portion || of those that even remember this || that is.

The "that is" is a clarifier, similar to "is what I meant".

Significant portion of our population still believes this was a good thing. Of those that even remember this, is what I meant.

Maybe a comma would've helped.


What about @melonhusk and @skulnemo?

You're right, I forgor Nazis defining trait is their stupidity. For me being proud of germanic/ Scandinavian stuff (Wolfgang/ Sigurd) would exclude being proud of Roman stuff. Because defying and defeating Rome is an important pillar of the German national mythos.

((Just in defence of the names Wolfgang and Sigurd, they are perfectly normal names when worn by a normal person))

Some years ago I stumbled upon this Norwegian artist (I'm not Norwegian). This is a very beautiful song.

Eva Weel Skram - Evig Eies

A finch is is a unit I made up in my head to make sense of the weird customary system. It's 4 inch (four inch -> finch) or rather 10 cm. Makes converting my instinctive scale to USian easier. It helps, that it's also a plausible size of the finch bird.

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Plus it explains like the reader is kinda dumb

I can give you one more that can make me seem either a lot superior or a lot inferior in the tea snob world.

  • Loose leaf
  • Collected and fermented by myself
  • But it's not from the tea plant, it's herbal tea
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Borotalco is my favourite

Have you seen our world?

Britain returning on legal grounds wasn't on my bingo card xD

Behold my children:

Saylor Class, Dance Lesson, Computer Science Tutorial and Intro To Biology

I personally find peanut butter and jelly don't work together at all. But I love a good open top bread slice with butter and jelly/jam. My favourites are quince, plum, raspberry and black current jam.


Also pelts can mean fur or yeet

Recessive isn't always bad. In fact, many (maybe all) genetic traits have a dominant and a recessive information.

For example peas. Let's say there is a gene for colour. The dominant variation of the colour gene carries the information "green". Let's call this gene c for colour. Then there is a recessive variation with the information yellow.

We'll write the dominant information as capital C and the recessive as lowercase c.

Now there is a pea with the genetic information CC (one from each parent). That's a green pea.

Then there is one with Cc (father green, mother yellow). But you see the pea and it looks just like a green pea. Because the green gene C is dominant and the yellow c is recessive. You don't know, that this is a mixed variety.

If two seemingly green peas pollinate each other, but under the hood, they are Cc, then they might produce a cc yellow pea.

For a lot of genetic information that's not a problem, they are just different characteristics and not harmful.

But if you have B = your blood coagulates normally, and b = your blood doesn't thicken, you just bleed out and die when you have a paper cut...

Then inheriting b from both of your parents is a terrible fate.

This happened in the House of Saxe-Cobourg and other nobility in the 19th century.

Edit: the last part is actually a bit more complicated, but the explanation of dominant and recessive still works.

If you may ever feel an interest towards collecting your herbs, apple tree leaves are a tea that's totally slept on.

Oxidise/ ferment them like one would black tea by freezing them to burst open the cells. Then thaw them and roll them in your hands into little balls or cigars. With enough pressure so that water comes out (your hands will turn yellow from the juice). Then rest these balls for a few minutes under cover, roast them quickly in a pan (not until it smells toasty, just to lose some moisture quickly) and dry.

Actually when I lived off grid for 80 years, we used 7 AAA batteries on a rotation and recharged them by rubbing them on our wool sweaters, so those guys are totally right.

Atomic blonde in atomic blonde.

She's "totally badass" without ever having a reason to do anything. No strong convictions or stakes, just action.

I really hoped the film would switch perspective midway and follow the Berlin dude. It would be special, having such an elaborate introduction and then forgetting the character atomic blonde completely, but it would have made a better film imo.

How many McDonald's are there compared to general tso's chicken?

Both comparisons are irrelevant. It is about how much control and access China/US have over tiktok/Google and the user data and algorithms.

I got another one:

The -40° acute angle of your neck


Or more like white, fluffy, sweetened, crustless sponge ≠ bread.

what we need

Yes, but they only deliver in s radius of 3 villages anyways. You can learn to navigate that turf quite quickly, I bet.

I would even say, it reads as pounds times seconds times inch

Or pikoseconds times inch

Or pikoseconds times square root of -1 but now I'm being silly

Well, I don't have to get used to it, but some people seam to handle it well.

Yep, no bread on that board, no butter and cheese and no vegetables.

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Mashed potatoes are sometimes eaten for breakfast in Ukraine.