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Joined 11 months ago

I don't think cramming a 40h week into 4 days is what a 4 day work week wants to accomplish.

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It's a depiction (celebratory?) of them being purposely driven away from the land. The Native American is fleeing.

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Calm down, Adolf.

It's slang grammar. The family are getting the notifications.

The "not" just shows that it is embarrassing for oop (see also the crying emoji).

Imagine oop covering their face with their hands and saying "oh no! Not this! Not my family getting these notifications!"

But it's systematic. In English, it's systemless, complete wild west out there smh

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UA special forces now include:

  • spotted polecat
  • trench beaver
  • strangely well-fed bakh-mutts
  • cats
  • artillery owl
  • shark
  • nuclear grade boar
  • not to forget the door of a disco

Yes, but a flag is not the place to tell history. It usually depicts your ideals.

If Germany had f.ex. a shattered David's Star on their flag, that would accurately depict history. But it would read as antagonism and a current stance on things. As if it was their goal to destroy Jewish people.

Well, good decisions aren't his forte, so what else is left there?

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I think you misunderstood the title. Australia will not sign the death certificate of small islands like Samoa. They will suffer heavily if we don't stop with fossil fuels.

Nah, not writing month

I always go around and attack from the back so they don't see it coming

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Come on dude. We didn't leave all our joke sensors on reddit, did we? I mean reddit had enough missed pointes on its own already, but you're smarter than them.

Mask out the vandalised area and put up a posting "free space available for graffiti art, email your sketch to blabla to get it approved "

New day, same problems

That's typically more of a native speaker error, but I guess it could happen.

I am beef stroganoff but the beestanoff is silent

I love these charts and this one especially

In which nation?

Out of the languages I know, non have the nonsensical letter-sound pairings that English has. French has some combinations you wouldn't expect (like eaux= o) but they are consistent in every word they appear. Irish also has some wild letter combinations, but I know to little about that to know, if it's as confusing as English.

To illustrate, I would say you could write the words above a lot easier and understandably:

Taut, thou, thaut, thru, thruout, thorou, tuff

Grammatically, English is pretty easy. But the pronunciation is so inconsistent, that it is necessary to hold spelling bees in school. My language doesn't need spelling bees for example.

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I don't think you understand how much of a difference it makes to speak another language.

You are far less likely to marry someone with a different language or move somewhere with a different language. From what I read on the internet, Americans move between states several times in their lives. That is a very equalising factor for the culture and general way of life. There's much more exchange and assimilation if there is constant mixing.

How a French person and a German person view life, work and public conduct can differ greatly. And the differences won't be equalised soon, because of the different languages and therefore less mixing.

Surely the states have differences between them, but you have one traditional Thanksgiving dinner nationwide for example.

What an Italian considers a traditional Christmas meal would not be considered "christmassy" in Finland.

On the political sphere, there are constitutional monarchies, presidential republics, parliamentarian republics, oligarchies and dictatorships in Europe. Personal freedom and safety might differ greatly. But even within the EU, where personal rights are more or less equal there are still so many cultural differences. At what age you move out, how prestigious it is to go to university, if cooking at home is a great value.

Even architectural trends are different in each country.

Not to diminish the diversity in the US, but two different countries is just another level.

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The term "check mate" literally means "the king is dead".

We know the word for king from other known forms like "sheikh" or "Shah". I don't think the word for "dead" was loaned to English from Persian or Arab in any phrases or sayings except "check mate".

Yeah, but it's about killing the king. It's also about protecting your own king, so not a game of republicanism.

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Norse is old Norwegian/Danish kinda.

Norman is old French.

The Normans were northmen (aka Scandinavians) that were allowed to settle in the Normandy (north west France). (They were the ruling class, the inhabitants from before continued to live there).They then adopted the French language.

Arguably Georgia as well.

If you're socially not allowed to people watch, bring a newspaper or a book.


Looks a little like BIrCB

I honestly thought the fifth one was a second Brazilian flag kkkkkkk

Where I live (Germany) 40h is the legal maximum. Edit: actually 48h/w is the legal maximum, but 8h/d. Exceptions per day only if you can average it out to 8h over time. Edit over.

Although many workplaces have that, there are countless employers who offer 38,5h 37,5h or 35h weeks. 35h is, for example, union standard for the metal industry union.

So gunning for anything less than an 8:45h day would be a step back.

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It's not about you personally, more about the education system in some countries versus others.

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It's like RAAAiAIIIN


Yes, it would be different but not necessarily better. There is no moral value in the US owning that land. If it was owned by Spain, or maybe have many different independence movements and be owned by native peoples, would it be worse?

The Great plains would also still exist (as would Louisiana and Florida)??? They don't vanish if someone else governs them.

Are you making a comparison to Napoléon or to 1930s Germany? Because the Rhineland was actually German and part of the German empire whereas Crimea and the Donbas do not belong to Russia but are internationally accepted as Ukrainian territory.

The horsies are en dormant

Yeh just gimme a cat fur and a plastic rod. I'll demonstrate electrostatic on a balloon.

There is no date on the graphic, but it must be older since I see no Ilyushins.

Btw, why is Crimea on this?

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We rather use Night of Broken Glass or November pogroms, since crystal night sounds euphemistic.

Sorry for the thought police moment

It's a culture of trying to get away with whatever makes the most profits. We also have that, but there are some reasonable laws working against that. One of my favourites is the duty to display per kg or per litre price. Before that, shops made the package sizes deliberately confusing.

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Which wouldn't be too bad.

The citizens didn't gain much through the conquest.

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I was expecting some surströmming posting

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