
2 Post – 30 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yeah I agree. They've been quite open about everything so far and their main issue was the modding implications of open sign up. The tools just don't exist yet to manage it effectively and keep the kind of community they want, so it's just easier to defederate for now until they do. They have a dialogue open with shit just works and said that the admin of lemmy.world hasn't replied to their message, but that it's fine if they don't want to talk too.

I am a bit disappointed that inter-instance sniping has started so early though. I personally am on both instances and am going to try and treat both in good faith for now

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I would recommend against doing this because you will end up feeling awful. We poo for a reason. Please be careful.

That said, immodium and low strength codeine both bung you up- depending on where you live you may be able to get both from a pharmacy.

That was just a typo. Beehaw has advertised itself as being a largely positive, safe online space. People who sign up for it would generally be considered to want that same ethos.

It's not ideal at the moment but until the moderation tools improve it's the best way forward if they want to stick to their ethos. I enjoy Beehaw and the admin do seem like they want to refererate when it's possible to.

I'm on both Beehaw and Lemmy.world so I between the two I can interact with everything I would want to see.

Oh good that's promising. Ultimately this platform generally is only going to work en masse if everyone tries to work with each other. I know they don't have to necessarily, but it's nice to get along

As a member of Beehaw I haven't seen any reason not to trust them so far. They've been transparent about why it was done and they've spoken with other instance admins.

Think we have to be conscious that this is all still at an early stage and generally it's wise to give people the benefit of the doubt at first. I get the cynicism but this isn't a privatised space- people across lemmy have been constructive and open so far, so maybe give them a chance?

Not just them either. Netflix has an ad based tier now and I wouldn't be surprised if other platforms have them too as they realise there's a limit to how much they can realistically charge people. It seems like we've circled back to the start of cable

I find Jerboa times out quite a lot, never quite sure if my posts go through

Just to say that I didn't edit anything to sensationalise it, the headline is the title.

I was going to say that I wish there was a decentralised way of sending messages... And then I remembered text messaging is a thing.

Incredible how quickly these things become embedded in everyday life

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That seems so unnecessary. Why do they want to interfere with screen density??

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It's a chatroom

Yeah I would agree with this. It's good to know for anyone new coming in but should be taken in good faith unless and until a reason crops up to change that. Not seen anything like that so far.

Yeah this is definitely a risk if this platform keeps growing. I can definitely see this being a reason to switch off downvotes (some instances have already)

Vbulletin boards and general forum sites before the likes of Facebook and Reddit got big. Made a lot of friends on there.

Neopets was great as well. Loved the minigames.

I'll be honest, I think I understood three words of your OP. Sounds like the general gist though is Woo so great 😃

Thanks for all your efforts, glad someone knows what they're doing

Yeah I think there's a lot of value in hearing from non-celebrities and to be honest, people being here because they want to be rather than they're promoting something is just more interesting.

Clueless. It's one of the few films I can actually sit and watch all the way through at home. Witty, campy 90s fun. The fact it's actually an adaptation of Emma by Jane Austen is the icing on the cake.

Not sure if you've seen the various Reddit cross posting bots but the threads they post aren't very active. I think people see that it's a bot and switch off.

By the nature of the community though there will obviously be questions on here that have been asked on other platforms. I think it's mainly about trying to keep this place active and let it develop its own vibe (for lack of a better word)

It depends really. If I lived somewhere where natural disasters were a common occurrence then I probably would. Luckily I live in the UK which, while not great in other ways, has a temperate climate. That said, if the south gets too much warmer then I am tempted to move to Scotland. I don't cope well in temperatures above 19 Celsius. It would be one of several reasons though, not the overriding factor.

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I love the rain and cloudiness! It's peaceful (flash flooding aside, that can suck depending on where you live)

Oh yeah good point

Things that help me:

  • Having a routine- every Sunday I walk into town and get a nice coffee/cake and read for a while and just be around people. If I stay inside for too long I will start to self isolate.

  • Hobby- I go to a couple of choirs during the week. It helps me get out of the house and it's an activity that stops me dwelling on things. You're usually too busy focusing on the music to think of anything else. Singing also helps you regulate your breathing which is supposed to help with relaxation and sleeping.

  • Spend time in or around nature, even if that's a pet. Being around green space can help ground you. Being around animals can be a massive boost. Go to the park with a book and spot dogs.

  • Medication - this has helped me more than anything but isn't for everyone. I also had a few rounds of therapy but didn't get loads out of it, but it may well work for you.

Thanks for asking OP, I had no idea either.

I know on Tumblr it means 'if you laugh you have to reblog', but judging from the posts on here I didn't think it was the same

We have social housing in the UK which is rent capped and it gives people an element of stability. It can work well

I'm never one to usually tip or donate to these kind of things online (only recently been in a position to afford it) but I've chucked in some cash to my instance. If we want this concept to work then we need to support it if we can.

I think as long as instance admins keep being transparent then people will feel comfortable with donating.

Is there a way of removing the comments from Google? I'm wondering if a GDPR request would do it

Being able to eat a wheel of cheese without putting on weight!

From the choices in the OP though, probably skill check. Would help with imposter syndrome and job interviews

Good point. I know SEO isn't the be all and end all in a federated world, but if we do want this place to grow we do have to make it easy to find.

Both 'Lemmy' and 'kbin' aren't the most memorable names

Do we know of this will impact Power Delete?

I love the smushing! Find it so hard to learn though