
2 Post – 39 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It’s feeling a bit like 2008 all over again, the community feels smaller, more engaged and with a main sense of purpose. It’s refreshing.

I’m glad to be journeying on this spaceship with y’all.

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Come on over to https://kbin.social/m/chess - we've already played E4 and started the clock.

Subsidies - Unrestricted Capitalism

Choose one.

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In a way, you could say it was a blunder by the king.

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I want to converse in a place where most people are civil and tolerant of ideas even if these ideas challenge their view of the world. People don't have to agree, but I think most people should be treated with dignity and respect. Further, I would love to converse in place where people are rational actors and free thinkers, rather than just simply aligned and regurgitating their group's thought leaders' talking points. A place where people have been taught the scientific method, fallacies, how to discern most propaganda and advertising, and also have at least a minimum understanding of philosophy, psychology and sociology.

In other words, I want to converse in a complete fantasyland.

Joking aside, these arts were once taught to all students at most universities. I'm not sure if they are anymore, but the news paints a picture that they've been exchanged for more "employable" skills. I hope to see more pushback against those efforts.

Don't tweet it, just exit.

Not a fan of Chik-fil-a, but this requirement seems ridiculous. The article states that accommodations have been made at rest stops to ensure a hot item is available on Sundays.

What other national business can you say gives their workers a guaranteed day off each week? Seems like a worker win to me.

The port authority should have negotiated this stipulation into the contract from the start. If Sunday operations was required, then it’s unlikely CFA would have bid on the contract in the first place. If moving forward, NY does require 7 days operation, I hope they honor the current contracts until they expire.

Ugh, I came into this thread with the argument that we should be inclusive to other platforms, but you’re right and you’ve changed my view.

These companies do have a habit of open source capture and then killing them. I’m sure they would have made sending an email cost a stamp if they would have been mature enough at the time.

I don’t want capture to happen to this great little platform here, but I also don’t want the developers and admins to get jaded either. We’re going to need to find some way to incentivize the folks that are willing to sacrifice their time and resources to keep this going.

I was more of a lurker than a contributor on Reddit, but I’ll fight for the Fediverse because I believe in it and I don’t want to see it corrupted. I hope others like me will too.

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One of the things that I think made our exodus site so endearing is that we had a cute logo from the start. In that vein, and with many folks thinking about us collectively calling ourselves kbinauts, I thought to make a little logo with a spaceship. What do ya'll think? Can someone with more skills doctor this up?

Also, for those with their own ideas, feel free to post your own in the comments. Maybe we can settle on one and make it ours. I'd like to start seeing these logos all out in the real world one day.

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Did you read it to the bottom? They’re using 3D printing to build the organic shapes and have already done so to build space vehicles, airplane parts and dune buggies. It also mentions where parts are too complex to manufacture, they ask the AI to account for it and break it into components.

If you think people aren’t already using this for civil engineering, then I’ve got a bridge I want to sell to ya.

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So the likely scenario is that two stars continued to cannibalize each other to the point where neither got close enough to that super Jupiter sized planet. Neat.

Glad you’re feeling better, Ernest. Where’s the best place to donate to your efforts? Is it still buymeacoffee?

I'm sorta sitting here in that same scenario. My iphone screen was severely broken last week, I don't use any other apple services. When I tried to get into it, my phone went into security lock mode. Coincidentally all of my 2FAs for my other accounts did their monthly checkin. No phone, no checkin so now I'm locked out of nearly all of my work accounts. Apple ID will renew in a few days, but I didn't think to take my broken phone with me on a trip, so my SIM with my phone number is now 1000s of miles away. So now I'm boned til I get home. 2FA works well until it works too well.

Powerful insight /u/DogPeePoo

While I agree with your sentiment regarding people losing faith in their government, we have been on this road before a few times (antibellum era, William Jennings Bryan era, Joe McCarthy era). After a time of painful soul searching, we've always come back from these low periods. I have no reason to believe we won't overcome it again.

WTH is going on at the Mexicali/Calexico border? And also middle of nowhere Nebraska!?

So now it will likely go to the State's appellate court. I'd venture it won't be resolved by Election Day.

And now we get to find out if the US citizenry have the audacity to elect a convicted felon as president. Oh, what a precedent to set.

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And Boring and that chip-brain company.

They’re the worst.

You don’t have to hold political office for it to be political. Being persecuted by someone with political power due to your religion, status, ideals, protest or actions happens on the daily.

Moreover, the whole reason Hunter is in the public spotlight is due to Trump and the GOP trying to tie his actions in Ukraine to his father. Otherwise he’d be just another schmoe who lied on a form to get a firearm.

By God! (He?)'s broken in half!

Tangentially related to the title, one of my favorite songs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vl3Ib11lIIA

I’m going to answer this honestly, because on the internet I can’t tell if you’re being funny or curious. Kanye referred to Jesus as Yeezy. Once he became so grandiose in the music industry, and his mental disorder started to take over, he started calling himself Yeezy. So Yeezy should be pronounced like Jesus, I suppose.

In any case, the man has a God complex.

And this article confirms what we all already knew - he likes fish sticks.

Thought I’d login one last time before bed, and I’m so glad I did. Well done, @digitallyfree.

This is like saying that LLMs are not AI, they're just incremental probabilities to determine what the next most probable word is in a sequence of word combinations.

Machine learning is machine learning.

Yep, I think a lot of us are trying to coalesce under a flavor of this name. @digitallyfree even created us some mascots that I think we could sticker out in the real world! https://kbin.social/m/kbinMeta/t/40257/Introducing-the-Kbeanauts-my-idea-of-a-Kbin-mascot

He should setup a Go Fund Me.

I grew up during this time. You know what I remember? Being bored...a lot. We didn't text or Google the Internet, instead we played cards, poked at leaf fires, ran around, but we also read ingredient labels, shampoo bottles, captured and then mutilated bugs, and we watched the same episode of Fred Rogers for the 42nd time. And we just sat there on the porch, sometimes in silence.

Fortunately my Dad was a yarn spinner and could keep us occupied with jokes or little quarter magic tricks or talk about literally nothing for hours. But even he would get exhausted of talking from time to time, and so we would sit there, bobbing our legs about, itchy or tired. Or we'd go be mischievous in mildly mischievous ways...and other times not so mildly.

And then the driving, good gravy so much driving. Some conversations could be held over the phone, but real business had to be done in person, especially since credit cards were an oddity and not considered as safe as cash. Bills were mailed, but more often than not paid on the very last due date in person through the teller window. We drove half the days away sitting there inhaling second and third hand cigarette smoke with the car windows shut or cracked ever so slightly.

So, maybe it was different for the wealthy kids who could shop at the mall food court for hours or the big city kids who could bloviate with film producers downtown, but for us growing up in the Styx life was fucking boring before the Internet. And I wasn't even that far in the Styx.

And don't get me started if your weird ass didn't match up to the rest of your communities opinions. The Internet literally gave these people community.

There certainly is middle ground on those policies. The US had the Brady Act but still allowed people to own firearms. Most people favor access to abortion with some term restrictions. It's disingenuous to say there isn't a middle ground, particularly when most things in life are a compromise. Moreover, we disenfranchise a lot of people when we say that something is either black or white.

Regardless of what you may think of Lieberman, McCain, Murkowski, Sinema or Manchin, these are the folks that are willing to cross over to the other side of the aisle and make those compromises. They are the big tent people. Why do you think they are villainized in the media? Particularly because they don't fit neatly into one pigeonhole or the other, and more particularly because it's a great ad seller.

We have got to stop thinking we're Republican or Democrat, we shouldn't be aligned to one party at all. We should be voting on the issues of the day, the candidate's platforms and our representatives voting records. Aligning to one party is a poor proxy and it's a cop-out of civic responsibility.

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I use it to ask questions I’d otherwise google, I also had it tell me some jokes and also present a list of interview questions for a candidate in our field.

That’s cool and all, but I do want my “show desktop” button back.

Turn On. Tune In. Drop Out.

To put it simply, this is just not how the legislative branch works. Most of their power derives from the power of the purse. People who are only in power for 2 years are not going to cede the main power that they invested so much time and money in order to obtain.

Moreover, 10 years is a lifetime in politics. Our government already moves slow enough as is.

Instead, I propose a few changes:

  1. Get rid of the debt ceiling fight. We already agreed to the commitment of funds.
  2. 3 people per house seat, based upon top 3 ranked choices. This will encourage minor parties and cooperation.
  3. I get that laws need to be long so that they cover loopholes, nuance, interpretation, sausage making, etc. but laws should have simple summaries that the general public can understand. At least one of these summary pages should read like a change log: new features, bug fixes, changes to existing stack, deletions, etc.
  4. Robust Sunshine laws for office holders and staff, except where classified for national security
  5. Continuing ed: Politicians or at least their support staff should be educated and qualified to understand what they are legislating on.
  6. Computer generated, panel approved district maps
  7. The fed has a dual mandate, something similar should be developed for politicians. Spend I’m lean times, save in boom times, but never stop aspiring to do great big things.

We gotta stop thinking that everyone that doesn’t think exactly like us is our enemy. This guy probably did an untold amount of things to obfuscate what Cheeto knew during his presidency and what his actual options were. Remember that huge bomb in Afghanistan or the killing of Iran’s head of CIA? Or completely backstabbing our allies, the Kurds? Or when he met and then fell in love with Kim Jong Un?

When Cheeto was presented reprehensible options, he chose them.

Sounds to me like it's the opposite of how an LED works. Instead of creating a small gap that discharges a photon, the material creates a small gap that collects an ion. The ion is then run downstream to the thing that is being powered, making the gap available for another ion.

In other words, it kinda works the same as clouds do to create lightning, the material just facilitates this in a way that can be reliably consumed and at a much, much lower energy scale.

Interesting, what's your take on contango?

Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins also blocked the repeal of ACA, McCain was just the last vote needed, and his vote was so dramatic due to his circumstances.

Any chance it could be a fragment of Theia?

Corporations are great for one thing, and that’s becoming a funnel for money. They bring people people together to optimize for work on that goal. Innovation just happens to be a consequence of that constant pursuit. I think they do have a place in the societal fabric.

However, we need the other pillars of society to be strong as well in order to maintain balance and democracy - strong government, strong workers’ unions, cultural cohesion , advocacy for nature and resources.

You weaken those, you may get some tidy profits short term, but likely at the expense of our future.