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Joined 1 years ago

Praying the Xperia 5 VI is a bit more compact that the previous iteration. That and Sony actually start supporting their services for at least 5 years -_-

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Moved to Protonmail earlier this year, just cancelled my Drive sub and am looking at switching to Mega

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Sad how far Android Police have fallen, as well as Google themselves

I feel fortunate that I don't rely on software that's not on Linux, unfortunately very much not the case for all

I've never had this come up and travel abroad a fair bit. Though now that I think about it I always use it through a VPN set to my home country lol

Thanks for the post, just sent $30 through

Doesn't exactly reflect well on Asus' customer service but good to get confirmation at least (especially as someone who just bought a ZF10!)

Are there any plans for a new flagship HTC phone? Still remember being blown away by my colleague's all metal M8

Probably just temporary image retention

Read enough there to make me never consider Moto again. I miss the Moto X days

Darkest Dungeon is probably top of my games not already mentioned, Slay the Spire is definitely up there too!

Happy running Linux on my SP8 but this actually makes M1/2 Apple hardware appealing

I used Pixel Experience on the Pocophone to replace MIUI, pretty much flawless experience. Many thanks to José and other contributors for their hard work!

I've got a SP8 which I've been running PopOS on since the start of the year. The cameras don't work but this isn't a deal-breaker for me, it runs smoothly and is perfect for my needs as a media consumption device (music, movies, comics) with some browsing. There were some issues I had on installation but nothing that couldn't be resolved. Many thanks to the Linux surface team!

If I had to get a replacement for my current laptop that'd definitely be it

Something like Slay the Spire should be easy to run, essential roguelike deckbuilder

Definitely shocked Pikachu vibes

I use it on my Surface Pro 8 with PopOS as Xorg doesn't work properly

Functionality is also nonexistent on administrating uploads in YT Music. At least on GPM you could edit basic tags and upload/edit album art. None of that on YTM

Very interested in this, my refurb Dell laptop with Pop has been perfect but I'd love to support Linux first hardware

PopOS has an ISO with Nvidia drivers included, no issues gaming straight away on my old 1080ti. As I'm a simpleton who just likes their system to with I've stuck with it even after upgrading to an AMD card

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Very interested in this considering the specs for possible price. Would love to know exactly which cirrus logic DAC is in this device though. Also I'd be fine with sticking to Android 13 for an audio focused phone but wish they'd at least commit to security patches

To be fair I've had no issues, just trying to degoogle slowly

My fave too as it's closest to foobar, critically with the tagging interface I prefer. Have you added any additional plugins to your install? I tried adding a few (music library, Discord Rich Presence) but must be the right sort of stupid not to understand the instructions. facepalm

I like mine, mainly small gripes for me like I wish the shielding was a bit better on the headphone jack, Meta apps weren't bundled though ofc you can disable/remove them and the screen could be both brighter and get dimmer (to agree with the other review). I'm also a bit disappointed it doesn't support e-sims, though does support dual physical SIMs.

Performance is great as expected, battery is solid and the camera is good whilst not matching Pixels imo. Asus' skin is pretty light with some nice customisation options (like being able to switch between stock android and their version for certain parts of the OS). I also love the fingerprint sensor on the power button, just makes sense for me and reminds me of my old Xperia Compact phones. Whilst retaining the SD card slot would be handy, I went for 512GB so it's not an issue for me

I personally haven't but just from reading the Pop OS help page on BT I expect issues at some point

Getting a surface pro 8 soon, looking forward to getting Linux on it!

Edit: installed Pop OS on my SP8, had to switch to Wayland and also needed to do some tweaks to get the keyboard to work to decrypt but it's running well so far. I believe you can get the camera working with the proprietary camera stack but it's not a priority for me right now

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I'm on Pop too, mainly looking forward to Cosmic because... It's got a cool name. The actual features are gravy to me

It's not fanless but I was also thinking of the Lemur Pro. Apparently System76 will be bringing out a new design though next month

Pop OS from the start of the year. The Steam Deck showed be his far Linux gaming has come, no issues running the things I play. Glad to be rid of Windows

I'm also having this issue on my desktop with Firefox flatpak connected via Ethernet and Librewolf deb on my Surface Pro 8 via WiFi. On the SP8 it opens immediately on disabling WiFi or switching off my VPN which seems bizarre but at least partially lines up with your experience.

I'm an uninformed casual on Linux but if I can help diagnose/resolve this lmk

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Assuming Asus deliver on the improved software support, I'm strongly considering jumping to the ZF10

Dom Joly moment

I wanted to like the 8 but the discrete modem meant battery life on 5G was still awful. It shouldn't be an answer to have to disable 5G for a phone this expensive so until Google sort that I'm steering clear of Pixels. Hopefully they'll resolve this for the 10 when Tensor G5 comes in

How's Mull's stability recently? I prefer it over Firefox too but switched back six months ago due to bugs cropping up here and there

It's got it's faults but I love the speakers on my Zenfone 10. Very loud with good bass, especially for a relatively compact phone.

I'd love a phone with a dedicated DAC and decent shielding like the old LG V devices. Whilst there are dedicated DAPs with these features at this point I'd prefer an all in one device. Although the ZD10 has a headphone jack I can hear humming with no music/sound through them -_-

I've not had UI issues but agree on the Pop Shop. The next iteration with Cosmic looks to be significantly improved at least

Can confirm, love my SP8 which I got recently and promptly put Linux on it