
1 Post – 10 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Everyone going mad and many suggesting “if you have it use Safari instead!” when Apple implemented essentially this same thing quite some time ago in Safari 🤔

That said intentions are important. I have little faith that Big G’s goal is anything other than self servin.

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While I don’t disagree, YouTube won’t care. Currently folk like you and I who evade their ads are freeloading. We get all the content and YouTube gets nothing in return. Having those who block ads abandon watching doesn’t lose YouTube anything, and maybe saves them a little bandwidth bill I guess?

I think it also fundamentally changes the conversation. Valid but "unpopular" comments can't get buried in downvotes. The voting system on Reddit was based on a sane logic that totally neglected to consider how people actually behave.. the idea of up and down votes to crowd-source relevance and quality of content makes sense, but all anyone did was use it as an agree / disagree button which broke the idea entirely.

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Kbin has entered the chat

Lol I jest especially as Kbin and Lemmy play nice with each other too!

I’m pretty uneasy about the association, but the attitude of Beehaw is the antithesis of it so I guess it balances out..?

I did play with Kbin first but the interface felt kinda broken to me, buttons not reacting and the like..

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Ego. Tremendously inflated ego, perhaps stoked by watching Musk and thinking “great idea, I can do that too!”..?

We had a Google speaker thing. Got rid of it because it was crap. All we could reliably use it for was asking it to play a radio station or play Spotify, but frankly it even got that wrong enough that grabbing my phone and connecting to the Bluetooth speaker was easier.

Even privacy invading problems aside they’re just a little bit rubbish.

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Your ID doesn’t need to be tied to any given server. You can move around and change your “home” server at will. Or if preferred you could stand up your own server for your usage, hold your identify on there, and still engage with the rest of Lemmy / fediverse.

It’s less a design mistake and more a technical constraint. A users identify exists as, at a minimum, a database entry. That database needs to live somewhere that the various fediverse servers can talk to. But you have complete freedom in where that database entry is, and can change your mind later.

So it already doesn’t matter if you’re on beehaw, lemmy or some random mastodon or kbin server - they all federate with each other (to varying degrees but that’s a slightly different conversation)

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it’s a disservice to people who do use Reddit as a resource for work or otherwise

While true, between this and the Twitter fallout I’m hoping more people are seeing the folly of making dependencies of centralised services that they do not own and have zero sway over management decisions of.

There were many people pleading with folk to stay on Twitter because of the communities they had built or the activist work they had been achieving.. but that was all built on a house of cards.

Now is the time to do the work to shift away from depending on platforms that don’t care about their users real needs & embrace a better way of being!

I appreciate I’m likely preaching to the choir here 😂

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It’s something of a manual process for Lemmy right now, you’d need to set up on another server and manually add your communities but the point is you can still “move home” and still interact with the same communities and people. If you don’t like having your stuff on Reddit, on the other hand, your options are put up with it or no longer be able to be part of that community.

So if you join a fediverse server of any flavour and the admins reveal themselves to have view incompatible with your own, or the server goes to shit, or it just has to shut down due to lack of funds or whatever you don’t get locked out of the places you have been hanging out in.