
2 Post – 127 Comments
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I don't think the goal is to convince the people stuck in the artificially created traffic about Gaza. I think it's to get news coverage from sites like nbcnews.com so as to raise the profile of the Gaza war so that politicians must address it. You are welcome to argue whether that's an effective strategy, but I think that's the intent.

Also, side note.. Social progress rarely comes from rule following.

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Unlike Twitter, Mastodon seems to rely much more on stable hashtags for discovery. That's probably because there's no "the algorithm" like on Twitter. So with Mastodon you very well can subscribe to hashtags and expect them to get reused over time.

A grand?? You can pick up a used Lenovo Tiny for 50 bucks (US) on EBay.

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It hasn't always been exactly there though....

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borgmatic dev here. First of all, if Vorta is working well for you to recover files, then by all means use Vorta! Right tool for the job and all. Having said that, a couple of thoughts on using borgmatic in Docker and recovering files:

borgmatic has a search feature that makes finding a particular file in an archive or across archives pretty easy. So that might be step one in restoring an accidentally deleted file.

Once you've found the file and archive to restore, you can either use borgmatic extract or borgmatic mount. With extract, you copy one or more files out of a backup archives. The challenge though is that with borgmatic in a container, by default there's not an easy way to copy those files into their original locations. However I think the "fix" is to mount your source volumes as read-write instead of (the documented) read-only. That way you can easily copy extracted files back to where they belong.

As for borgmatic mount, you've got a similar challenge and fix. You can presumably mount backup archives (or a whole repository) within the container, but then you need to copy your recovered files out of that mount into their original source volumes. So that probably also means those volumes need to be mounted read-write.

Let me know if you have any questions!

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I think you're right about the ease of spinning up a cloud server, but I respectfully disagree on the rest of it—and it's for one simple reason: IP address reputation management. Spinning up a server such that the Big Guys will actually trust it and willingly receive mail from it is not a trivial thing to do. I've been running mail servers for years and I think there are still blacklists I'm on.

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Wait. Signal was an SMS client. It wouldn't cost them anything for a user to send an SMS message. IIRC, they nixed the SMS feature for security reasons, not cost.

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IIRC Honda isn't unionized, so it's probably not about striking directly. Rather, it's likely a lame attempt to not have them unionize as well.

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Since this is on a home network, have you also forwarded port 80 from your router to your machine running certbot?

This is one of the reasons I use the DNS challenge instead... Then you don't have to route all these Let's Encrypt challenges into your internal network.

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Lots of hotels tack on "amenity fees" or "resort fees" separate from those. It's pretty obnoxious, especially since they don't show them to you til you're halfway through booking.

Some of the most condescending, man-splainy, anti-social, but-what-abouty contrarians I've ever had the displeasure of encountering online have been technical users.

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Maybe I'm being naive, but it seems like the biggest threat of unchecked AI is "just" the further concentration of wealth (among humans). Which, ironically, poses a catastrophic risk to humanity....

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  1. There are companies you can pay to physically shred your disk drives. You have to be able to trust them of course for this to work.

  2. Or if you want to DIY, you can drill or smash your drives. Just wear eye protection, etc. Making the drives inoperative like this is the only thing I'd trust, but you can also software-wipe them first.

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Wait, when did the action happen??

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Except email is hugely centralized now (with Google and Microsoft) even though it's technically a federated protocol. So there's a huge barrier to entry to spin up your own federated server if you want to actually send/receive any mail with it... I think the lesson here is that we need to be constantly vigilant about potential centralization in the Lemmybin Fediverse as well.

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I'm not sure I understand the question. By "data" do you mean "configuration"? If you've got multiple devs working on a project (or even if you don't), IMO your Docker Compose or Podman configuration should be in source control. That will allow multiple devs to all collaborate on the config, do code reviews, etc. Then, you can use whatever your deployment method is to effect those changes on your server(s)... manually run Ansible, automatically run CI-triggered deployment, whatever.

Why are you not a fan? I'm genuinely curious, as I'm vaguely evaluating such software.

I don't think Docker's API and CLI are historically where it's had problems...

Lol, I really appreciate your thoughts! These are exactly the sort of insights I came here for. I hope this is useful to others too who may be wondering about the same thing.

A used Pixel can be had in that range.

I haven't used an out-of-the-box self-hosted solution for this, but I agree with others that blog or static site generator software could work. I think the main challenges you'll find though are: 1. Formatting the content/site for long-form readability, and 2. Adding a table of contents and previous/next chapter links without a bunch of manual work.

Fortunately blog and static site software have plugins that can add missing functionality like this. Here's one for WordPress (that I have no first-hand experience with): https://wordpress.org/plugins/book-press/

I also want to ask: What's your plan for discovery/marketing? Because one of the benefits of the non-self-hosted web novel sites is that readers can theoretically discover your story there. But if you instead just post it on your own site, how will readers ever find it?

You mentioned Borg and all of its command-line options, but have you taken a look at borgmatic? It should be much easier to learn and use than Borg, while still retaining Borg's features. Just note though that borgmatic probably doesn't hit all of your stated requirements (e.g., no GUI).

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Who still pays for certs?? (I say this as non-snarkily as possible.) I just imagined everyone self-hosting uses Let's Encrypt.

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Ehhh I would say then you have probabilistic backups. There's some percent chance they're okay, and some percent chance they're useless. (And maybe some percent chance they're in between those extremes.) With the odds probably not in your favor. 😄

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Makes sense.. Fedora, Red Hat, Podman.. All one big ecosystem. Fortunately for other users, Podman runs fine on other distros too.

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Who is trying to get away from electric? Electrification is the future, because it's not reliant on planet-killing fossil fuels (even if much of the electricity today comes from them).

I use rootless Podman, because security. A container breakout exploit will only impact that one Unix user. Plus no Docker daemon to worry about.

I don't seperate services into separate users, although maybe I should. The main impediment with separation is that you give up the conveniences of container networking / container DNS and have to connect everything on the host instead. I don't know if that's even possible (conveniently) with a service like Traefik that's supposed to introspect running containers. Also, with separation by Unix user, there's not one convenient place to SSH in and run podman ps or docker ps to see all containers. Maybe not a big deal?

Auto-update of containers: No, I don't, because updates somtimes break things and I want to be there in case something goes wrong. The one exception is I auto-update the containers I develop myself as the last implicit deployment step of a CI pipeline.

Intolerance of intolerance is essential to a free society. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance

If you do try it out, let us know how totally obnoxious it is for you!

I'm just glad we now have multiple container engine choices. For a while there, Docker was the only game in town.

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Also.. and here's the fun part.. aluminum cans are lined with plastic.

Using Ansible to spew out systemd service boilerplate seems like a good idea. I'll have to try that if I can ever give up my Docker Compose security blanket. And I wish you luck with your mega-container Podman conversion. That one sounds like it'll be... a learning experience.

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Probably shouldn't look up any car companies then...

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It's about the public discourse. If an issue (e.g. the U.S. giving Israel weapons and enabling their war) disappears from the headlines, it's much easier for politicians to ignore it. But if the issue keeps coming up, politicians feel pressure to act--or they risk getting voted out of office. Especially during an election year.

Well feel free to make a post about any problems you run into with it.. Someone here may be able to help!

Come join us over at https://lemmy.world/c/writing !

Yeah, the constant Docker breakage was one of the main reasons I switched to Podman. FYI you can use Docker Compose directly with Podman.

Oh, thanks, but I'm familiar with Kubernetes. :) I was just asking what the multiple flavors of K8s have to do with Podman vs. Docker.

I've had similar experiences trying to send mail to Microsoft-hosted email addresses. My current "solution" is to send all outgoing mail directly from my VPS-hosted Mailu server... EXCEPT for Microsoft-destined mail. For those messages, they get transparently relayed from Postfix to a third-party email sending service that Microsoft apparently trusts.

The upshot is I can still use my own Postfix daemon for all mail sent to sane (non-Microsoft) providers.

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Podman respects UFW?? That's awesome to hear.

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