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Joined 1 years ago

Everybody's pager went off in celebration!

I used to have my docker updates done automatically. However, as the services I used to run just for myself have started to be used by other people (family, friends), I am less tolerant of having things break. So, instead of something like watchtower, I run diun these days. I have it set up to ping me in a discord channel when a docker update is available. Then, I can actually perform the update when I have time and attention to troubleshoot any issues that may come up.

I don't have a solution for you, but I will be watching this thread. Currently, I use Sonarr for library organization, but it doesn't always work well with anime due to title differences and differences between how seasons/specials are numbered in different databases. So, Shoko was on my radar to try out at some point since it uses anidb.

I use Sonarr, but it does mess up sometimes for shows even when you mark it as an anime to use absolute numbering. It most often happens with older shows that have lots of OVAs that are sometimes listed as episodes and sometimes listed as specials, depending on the database. So, if you are having Sonarr manage your downloads, then it can grab the wrong episode if its database (I think TVDB) and the release (usually using MAL numbering) disagree.

As for whether he forgives Morrissey, Carroll said: “I guess I would have to say yes in the spirit of forgiveness, reluctantly. But if I had to be a smartass, I’d say her apology holds about as much water as my canvas bag.”


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This lines up with my experience. I have nextcloud and wordpress on two different vps's and just checked their ram usage.

  • nextcloud: 468 MB
  • wordpress: 120 MB

Caveat to the above is that nextcloud is installed bare metal rather than docker and I have both nextcloud and wordpress set up to use object storage as the media back end.

edit: To add to this OP, the reason we are only talking about ram numbers is that the cpu usage for these applications (with primarily only a single user) is pretty much zero most of the time, so you aren't going to be limited by the single core machine.

Also, depending on your use case (large amount of data on nextcloud or large media files in wordpress), you might run out of disk space pretty quickly. In those cases, you should consider using object storage as your nextcloud or wordpress media backends as it is cheaper than block storage (there are plugins/tutorials to configure object storage and Linode offers it).

I think that @SJ_Zero@lemmy.fbxl.net was referring to the fact that a large portion of Musk's net worth is tied to the Tesla stock price. The age of easy money that the US economy has been living in for most of the past 15 years has led to many stocks to greatly explode in value much farther beyond what makes sense at a fundamentals level; Tesla being one of the most egregious examples.

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Vancouver Carpenter is the best channel for drywall hands down. Guy is a professional drywaller, but still covers all kinds of basics and common mistakes. Drywall is one of those things that you aren't going to be good at when you first try it, even with the right technique. The only way you are going to be good (or good enough) at it is to just do it over and over. So, don't beat yourself up if you aren't happy with the first couple seams/patches you do.

I have a personal instance I run for stuff like testing bots, so it isn't very highly federated (I just sub to a couple communities to make sure it is working). However, I just checked and the whole docker compose stack is using 250 MB of RAM and ~1% CPU on a single core VPS and consuming ~300 MB of disk space.

Of course YMMV depending on how much you use it and federate.

I will paste what I answered in a similar thread from !anime@ani.social a little while back that might be of interest to you:

I usually watch an OP once for a show and then skip it each time afterwards. That being said, there are a handful that I remember making the choice to always watch each episode. In no particular order:

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The only Spanish-speaking community I know of is !anime_es@ani.social but it is new and only has a couple posts. I just know of it because I mod other communities on the instance. I recognize you as somebody that has been active in the anime/manga communities elsewhere, so I thought you might find it relevant.

I wrote a little bit about it a while back when I posted a clip for Thanksgiving. Overall, it is a piece of lighthearted fun that was perfect for watching an episode before bed. It also tried to be educational about how to properly work out, while at the same time using those educational segments as an excuse to include a bit of ecchi.

My isp doesn't support ipv6 in my area (Verizon). They claim to be in the process of rolling it out, but it's been years that they have been saying that, so idk. At least they don't use CGNAT, so it isn't a huge deal for me after I set up dynamic DNS.