
7 Post – 34 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

So you're saying i have to write tests for my test cases now? Ooof.

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I just don't understand why they moved to discord instead of Lemmy. Discord is just a dumb platform for thread based discussions.

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I tried all the reddit apps I got aware of and Joey was just miles ahead of the pack.

There have been so many customization settings, custom themes, well-impoemented navigation features like skipping posts/comments with the volume keys of the phone etc.

I'm currently using 8 apps for Lemmy and none of them seems even close (yes, I know these are mostly alpha releases).

I really hope the joey dev creates a Lemmy client.

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You can pry my cup of coffee from my my cold, dead hands.

Will donate anyway, I really want this project to keep going.

only time will tell but there is no downside in creating accounts in 3 or 4 instances (or one for Kbin and one for Lemmy). It's not only downtime but also defederation of instances or complete shutdowns why you should create some additional accounts.

Fully agree. Power mods like him are a huge problem on reddit and I hope this will not repeat in the fediverse.

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Bookmark folders as a built-in solution. The OneTab extension if you'd like a little more advanced features.

Yeah, I can't fathom why people work for a for-profit company as volunteers, especially in time-consuming and high-profile jobs like this.

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This is an old one for many countries...but I fear a housing crisis in Germany.

Right now it's not as prevalent as in the us for example but there are no steps taken to prevent it becoming a major social issue.

  • Construction industry suffers from high prices and a lack of workforce
  • The only housing that is being worked on are luxury properties
  • Infrastructure development in rural areas where housing is still affordable is not progressing
  • Regulations and hurdles for new buildings are more difficult and complex than anywhere else
  • Real estate ownership is often only possible through inheritance/generational wealth, as income is extremely highly taxed

let'sSwitch overTo camelCase!

I'm a simple man. I see Stargate reference I press little up arrow.

I see, I wasn't aware of API changes.

Holy smoke, thanks for taking the time to write this comment. I wasn't aware there are practical implications of using gendered nouns. Learned something new today.

Knowing that up and downvotes are public (if not on the user profile through the API, so any crawler/3rd party app has access afaik) I avoid voting at all. I think it's bad design and really hinders my engagement with posts.

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Research shows again and again that it doesn't work that way. Smartphones are tools at work or in university. For children they are neither useful nor necessary in school.

Getting rid of pen and paper also isn't something we should advance in school as hand writing also helps the cognitive learning process.

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How exactly does federation on Nextcloud work? I use a hosted Nextcloud instance but it's just an OneDrive alternative for me.

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If you don't mind buying another tool - there are unscrewing tools, which you apply like a screwdriver and hit it with a hammer. They form a new cross-slot profile in the screw head and at the same time give a rotary impulse to loosen the screw.

Anyone know what they are called?


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I have currently 9 Lemmy clients on my Android phone and this one feels the smoothest right now.

Great work, looking forward to the further development!

This comment says it all.

To illustrate op’s point I’m going to spin up an instance, federate with everyone, and not tell anyone what that instance is.

Then I’m going to feed all that data into my new website, called Open Lemmy Stats, where anyone can query the user data ive accumulated. The homepage will be ripe with insights, leaderboards and all kinds of data on prolific users.

Additionally, I’ll display a snapshot/profile of a random user by feeding that users data to GPT4 to make inferences about the user’s political affiliations and display the results.

Worst of all, I’m not going to out my instance for everyone to know it as the one to defederate. In fact I’m spinning up a few instances that will host innocuous communities that I plan to mod and support to give my instances cover for their true purpose: redundant fediverse datastreams for my site, Open Lemmy Stats.

I’ll also have a store where anyone can buy my collected fediverse data for a handsome sum.

Just kidding I’m not doing any of this. But someone absolutely will or already is.

Sure, I just hope it plays out like that. I can easily imagine a situation where instances or communities get too big to fail. What's the point in creating a splinter community where 10 or 100 users migrate to when all the content and discussion takes place in the original community.

I don't understand why they're in the fediverse at all. At this point they could just be a phpBB forum.

There already is pyxll and xlwings which likely maybe does what you're looking for.

You just wanted to show off your post score, didn't you?

That's true but they annoy you with a persistent banner to add an email address later on. But it's working nonetheless.

Nice! If only it had a syncing option - only possibility seems to be syncthing.

Hm, it throws an error for me when looking for a specific twitter handle.

Currently trying this and it looks good to me. Also has Google Drive and Dropbox sync which is great.

laughs in Huawei

You just make another account on a preferably smaller instance.

It's a new account though, that means you're not migrating anything.

I expect there will be some tools in the future which allow to migrate/sync your subscriptions between accounts at least but comments and posts will always be tied to the instance your account belongs to, I guess.

You wanna get poor? Cause photography will inevitably lead you to a point where you start justifying spending thousands of dollars for a piece of glass to make a difference in your photos nobody but yourself will notice. I heard.

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Jerboa is Lemmy only, is it not? There currently is no app for Kbin.

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Thanks for this well-written roundup of what's going on. I think you've hit the nail on the head. I just hope the dev doesn't rack up debt in the time the app is free...

Have a look at https://wefwef.app

It's a Webapp which works pretty good.

Spotify has more than 8000 employees. I can't fathom what they could possibly contribute to the product.

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