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Joined 7 months ago

I hate ASUS. Used to be way in on them -- well not way but relatively. I had the ASUS ROG Phone. The screen unfortunately broke and needed to be sent into service. More unfortunate, it was just about 1 month out of warranty.

So I get it set up to send it. ASUS charges me $300 for the phone screen replacement. It took over 8 months for them to get it back to me. When the phone finally did arrive, the RGB lighting didn't work, the NFC didn't work, and the screen itself had an orange hue in the upper right corner. To boot, it would only connect to AES Wi-Fi networks, so I can't even use it without a SIM card because who the fuck uses AES. They didn't even fucking fix it properly. I never got responses, sending e-mails for months after it was finally returned to me.

Now, in this time I was really patient. I was using a temporary phone. Around month 5, I just needed a new phone and was looking into the newly released ROG Phone 2. I figured the ROG 1 would still get plenty of usage as a spare device. Well I had the ROG 2 until AT&T decided that the phone didn't have the supported bands anymore, so my >1 year old phone is now as effective as an iPod 3g. Just 6 months later, screen itself just died, no fall, no nothing. I can use SCRCPY to use it, the screen just doesn't work. I really, really tried to give them a shot and the benefit of the doubt.

Now, in between these ~2 years I'd accumulated a few accessories for the phones, keycaps and backpacks. Just little things -- ngl, the bag and the keycaps are still really good quality. I also decided to upgrade my PC, and was looking at a nice new motherboard to rebuild my existing PC with.

So I get the ASUS B550 or something like that. Stupidly bought it from Newegg, first time. The motherboard arrives and upon building the computer I just cannot get it to POST. I reach out to the 2 likely culprits, the PSU and the MoBo. EVGA sends me an entirely new PSU, free of charge, and tells me not to bother shipping it back. ASUS on the other hand would not accept that the motherboard could have been the point of failure! And when I FINALLY was able to fully prove that every single component in the board works EXCEPT the MoBo, they told me to take it up with where I purchased it from, Newegg. So I would get to pay some ~20% restocking fee on a broken motherboard, instead of the manufacturr just replacing a defective board. Oh, the best part? The motherboards USB-3.0 header was broken, came right off when trying to plug it in. No wonder it wouldn't POST.

Fuck you, ASUS. Fuck your shitty warranty, your awful customer support, your horrible treatment of customers who put their trust into you. I will never support ASUS again and I will always vehemently suggest anyone else. It's really, really simple to be a good OEM, all it takes is replacing things that break. ASUS treats every single customer like a scammer who is trying to get free stuff out of them, which IMO just goes to show that's exactly the mindset ASUS has as well.

I still have the motherboard btw. If anyone knows how to repair a USB-3.0 header I'll either be glad to be guided through a repair or I'll just send it to you for cost of shipping. It's just going to sit in my garage otherwise.

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Yeah and when the Republicans have a president they use trucks to run over peaceful protests, among other things.

Just because they don't federate with .world doesn't mean they're not part of the fediverse.

I'm sad that a Lego set came with her minifig. I'm more sad an almost badass Star Wars chick fell to the dark side.

They just changed the rules so that if smaller artists don't get a certain number of plays they don't even get a payout.

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I feel like the historical connotations make that difficult.

If there were ever to be some form of this, maybe a humanitarian and empathy focused measurement instead?

Have you seen the state of the world lately? I'm surprised we don't have the football stadiums converted once a year for this

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The American dream is killing me

Production/stage hand at events fits up this alley!

They’ve pretty much saturated the U.S. market; there’s not much room left to grow here

That... doesn't make sense to me. So because there's no room to grow, they pull out of the U.S. and lose the likely ~$1 bil spent on digital stickers for live streamers?

From my understanding when you click on the lemmit.online link it brings you to a redirected archive, not the actual link.

Even still, I agree because it's annoying having posts with guaranteed no comments. Those posts only work if there is engagement surrounding it. No engagement and it's just spam.

They've gone down that far... Lol

It's the butric acid

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I agree with all of this, the entire thing is inconsistent from the costuming for everybody to the accents to the slowmo to the character "development" to the sound effects for the lasers from guns to the world building with scifi and magic but also regular real world snow elk to the literal star wars shuttle crawl opening to blade runner but in the desert to the showing "good" characters because they're against sexual assault who then never show up again to characters who get backstory in the last 35 minutes of the movie after having been with them for 2 hours, to characters motivations directly contracting themselves. So many scenes of faces just looking, no words, no help, just watching...

The slowmo is so awful, from scenes that are inconsistent through themselves - full speed, 60%, 30%, back to 60%, move to the next scene *still at 60%. Later? Eh, these four action scenes just set a 70% slow. They are so exhausting it genuinely feels like a chore to sit through. Oh, but the final fight has no slowmo from what I can remember, so there is one scene at least that doesn't have it. The first half of the spider fight was okay outside of the racist music. Mostly everything else is literally just slowmo movement/shooting and closeup faces.

The movie is atrocious. I went into it with an open mind. I liked the self-indulgence for ZS:JL because it's DC and it was a vision brought back from tragedy.

This?? He couldn't get it right the first time that is on him. This is likely the most unoriginal, most predictable thing I have ever seen and the fact that there is a four hour version for part one is sad. I have never felt such disdain watching something. And honestly, that 4 hour cut could simply be Jimmy getting 45 minutes frolicking in a field getting his horns, an extended griffon flight sequence and 4 more added fight scenes with 2 dialogue scenes. Boom, 4 hours. I wish I even felt like this was being facetious.

I wanted to write a "the good" and "the bad" but... Genuinely, just watch James Gunns Suicide Squad instead. You'll feel more emotion, get a deeper sense of the characters with actual fucking pacing, there's actual set ups and payoffs that are meaningful instead of just... "Everything" and best of all you won't have to sit through Rebel Moon. Oh, and if you want a sense of good use of slowmo, watch some of the Rocky movies, or Creed. As a slowmo comparison only, although thematically these movies are so much more impactful.

On the other hand, don't wait. Watch it now and just see exactly how terrible it is. Maybe get really stoned or really drunk, watch it with someone who is familiar with Star Wars and its homages and prepare yourself for the rejected Star Wars story ZS presented to GL.

I'm not a hater, I'm not somebody who writes scathing reviews about movies because of stupid reasons, I generally like most movies even if they are bad. I generally like most things even if they're mediocre and predictable, if it's something done well it's got merit.

I cannot recommend this movie. After seeing it, I can't even see why anyone would want to see what 2 more hours even holds. At least 40% - being very generous - at least 40% of it would just be slowmo. It seems to contribute absolutely nothing of value and has absolutely no point to any of the decisions being anything. The entire thing is pointless drivel and I can't believe I ever thought it might be worth watching. I haven't called out so many sequence of events in a row since The Eternals (which I liked) but none of them were even meaningful or interesting. It was stupid shit like "oh she has a rope and fell, time to get it around and knock him down". All of the background fire lasers are individual streaks, there's no differentiation of weapons but there's apparently multiple different weapon pulse fire noises. Sounds of 3 and 5, but nope, all just individual bolts.

And oh my gosh, the stupid fucking. The amount of talk about sex, that test where women talking about a romance and it failing? 15 minutes in, not even kidding. The main character apparently sleeps around, so does everybody the whole farm town is just an orgy. There is more talk about sex than plot in this movie.

The plot by the way is runaway on a farm imperials appear and create an army after surviving an ambush and the heroes ride off into the sunset. And everything is A-OK.

There's no underlying theme. There's no attempt at trying to make claims about philosophy. There's no stitching of unique elements to create a fantasy world. It just babbles fake history at you and character repeat the fake history and we just get to accept that there's random fantasy creatures in scifi space settings while we get philosophy babbled at us - it's not positing ideas of making conversation with the audience, it's just "my robot sentience is from magic and I feel bad".

So yeah. I'm conflicted. On one hand, I don't think anyone should subject themselves to this. On the other hand, I think everyone needs to see this so that ZS never gets another job, or at least severely reduced creative input.

Anyway. If you do watch it, I highly recommend Suicide Squad right after. Because for every deep chasm that you will find from Rebel Moon, this movie actually delivers something impactful. There is meaningful development. The conflict feels real and organic, not contrived. Even these ridiculous fantasy her- er, villains are more likable, relatable, and give you actual edge when they make a decision with actual consequences.

All of Rocky including Creed is also a good contrast. I don't even watch boxing.

I know this is for Jeroba but boost for lemmy has a filtered words list, you can definitely add spider to it.

It also used to have hide on read/downvote for the reddit version but it may not be implemented yet, as I can't find it in the settings. Anyway, sorry for suggesting a different app!

If it unwraps when you aren't holding it, is it really a burrito?

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Gonna sideload a browser while I mainload my game

CW, an image example of the content described in this thread. Hateful content. Linking to a comment of mine where I post a screenshot. My spoilers are iffy on mobile so for now please consider this link a spoiler tag for the CW


This was shown to me on my personal Instagram, my partner is heavily involved in our queer community. I was shocked when I saw this post on Instagram, then I saw it was from Threads. Way to fucking validate my position about every reason I've been giving to defederated from Threads.

I was searching for hours today for somewhere to post this. I ended up finding just a random community with a somewhat relevant post just to get it off my chest since there's nothing to really do about it. But thank you for this post, I only hope that this is the push people on the fence need to realize that Meta shouldn't be embraced.

It's sickening. I'm so sorry for everyone who is just looking for a place to express themselves as they are, now on the verge of being hoarded by these type of people.

On an aside but regarding Threads federation - are people's smaller servers even equipped to be able to handle the potential traffic of Threads users? Or would it not work like that? Like, if a link to my comment above for example were posted on threads and it blew up and 25m people were trying to view it... Wouldn't that effectively DDoS my instance if it's not able to handle that kind of traffic?

And threads is supposed to be a good thing somehow. Psh.

Why not? Not you, I mean but why not have it as an option?

Frankly I wouldn't use it either, but I can absolutely see the appeal. Sometimes you want some warm tones, sometimes you want cool tones. Maybe you're having a Green party for 4/20 and you're playing Green Day and watching green videos idk.

Lol dumbness aside, my immediate thought was "this seems like it could be nice for those who sleep to videos" - I know that I don't always want a white-blue heavy video but something darker and red

Counterpoint: things like this drive him so crazy that he lashes out, further embarrassing himself.

Also, I don't think they believe he wears makeup. Ex's mom believed his tan was natural. You're right that they won't really believe or care, but I don't really think it's about convincing his voters at this point.

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It can be totally tonally jarring. I swear all the time, but if I threw some swears in my comments from my history then the messages behind them would be weakened.

For reference, the Steam store of the gaming distributor Valve charges 30% of each sale, however the Steam service provides quite a bit of incentive. Having community and discussions easily accessible, cloud storage that links to screenshots and saves, branches, I'm sure there's more.

Meanwhile Spotify gives you, what, playlist creations?

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You think he will go from Mike Pence to Nikki Haley?

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Reading through the lemmy.world responses is just disheartening.

Nice, looking good! Are there ways to customize it to a users liking? You could get a pretty good theme store going I bet!

It's mostly about how mindful I'm being, but it's always about the perspective. Although, I have always been very laid back and easy going - I don't have a problem being the leader but I also don't mind just letting things play their course.

For something like your example - the things that get me the most are say, the towel I'm using to wipe my dogs feet gets caught on every edge imaginable, hanging and tugging. It's frustrating because I am doing something that I expect to be a certain way and I'm meeting resistance over something so simple. I'm just trying to dry the dog, why does this little thing get hooked on everything?

And same, not just the towel for the dog but everything - putting back a wooden spoon and it not going in, repeatedly. Any of that sort of thing will get me. Something about the task supposed to be taking 5 seconds but then taking so much longer, compounded with the fact that like come on it's so simple just get in there! Oh man, when a jacket gets caught as you're taking it off? If I'm already on the verge of a bad mood that ruins me.

For other things though, it just doesn't matter. Like, what does it really matter?? So I went to the store and forgot something. Yeah that does suck. Oh well! Unless it was something absolutely necessary and it was the last opportunity - fuck man, yeah it's unfortunate but I mean... Nothing to be done about it now. Why focus on that? It's funny because I legitimately have gotten more upset about my jacket getting stuck as I take it off than when I forget something at the store. What gives with that? Lol.

I am generally an optimistic, outgoing person who looks for the best in things. That doesn't mean I don't get set back for a few minutes, sometimes half an hour, over something pointless. Another example that happens to me often - you have a project or a plan, you know exactly what you want to do and how to do it. Then you go to look for X, Y, and Z. X is gone, Y is broken/not charged, and Z is there but the other two are fucked so what now?? Then you either have to half-ass it around the jank or give up the plan and do it later, but the motivation hit you 10 minutes ago so now you're just set stuck seething about a project you wanted to do but can't finish.

For me it's all about perspective. When I am most easy going is when I care the least, and when I am able to go with the flow or quickly get over something, it's almost a sort of contentment from nihilism. It's not that "nothing" matters, it's that what matters is that I'm right here right now - what I'm doing is sort of irrelevant? The core details exist and the little ones don't matter.

For example with the dog again, when I come back from a walk in the winter time I know what you mean. The dogs feet are soaked, so are mine. I'm all hot and bundled up with wet socks. My jacket just got stuck as I was taking it off. But man, then I grab that towel and I start rubbing down my dogs legs, she hands me her paw all dainty and pants and then hands me the other one. Licking the air and looking at me. She's just so damn precious that all I can focus on is how cute it is to clean her paws after our walk, with the added benefit that now the entire floor and furniture doesn't get wet/muddy. It's not so much the result of dry cleanliness I'm going for as much as it is living in the moment with her.

Each of these are rooted in plans with expected outcomes, or the results of something else unplanned. If you are able to shift your perspective about these things, that truly can help.

When plans with expected outcomes don't go your way, I find myself looking at whether it was in my control or out of my control, and to what degree if any. Sometimes things are just entirely out of our control. If that's the case, then so what? What could we possibly have done? Absolutely nothing, so why fret?

Sometimes it was something in our control. Well, if it didn't happen and it was a mistake then it's something to learn from and work on. If it wasn't, then whatever still? Most things in life hardly affect us for more than 6 hours, so realistically why let something small affect you for even that long in the first place? If it was in your control then now you've learned how to better navigate it next time.

There's all sorts of things that I could say, I understand and relate to this. Nothing that I'm saying by the way is meant to be negative, I recognize the same things and these are how I am about it.

My partner is very different from me, a cap to a soda could fall and the next 20 minutes are stressful. The disappointment from not getting something expected will last the rest of the day. But the in/out of control still remains true.

My only real "suggestion" among all this, since it's mostly just validation, is that where possible try to set yourself up for success. Make routines that make your life easier - I've started setting a towel down as part of my W.A.L.K. preparation so she walks in that and I fold it round her when we're back.

Follow the 5-5-5 rule, does it take 5 seconds, 5 minutes, or 50 minutes? If it takes 5 seconds to just put the can away, just do it. If it takes 5 seconds to put the dog food away, just do it. If it takes 5 minutes, plan it around another 5 minute task. Give yourself 15 minutes of dedication to something specific, with 45 minutes of room behind it. .

After 15 minutes, you have either finished your task and you can move on, or you have gotten heavily invested into it and you have the next 40 minutes to continue it. And of course if it takes 50 minutes, then you just know it's a weekly task you have for that day.

And remember, if it's something (small) that would get a negative reaction out of you - why? Is the loss of whatever happened really so much of a setback that taking 5-10-30 minutes more time to react to it worthwhile? But I know that it's not just that easy, but it can always help to have reminders.

Think that's about all from me, but I feel you. As a very happy, bubbly, uplifting person I still understand and resonate with this. I hope what I had to say is able to help, but even if not I hope it helps knowing someone else understands exactly what you are talking about and that this is a sliding scale that people exist on.

Raising Arizona is something pretty different of his that I like a lot as well.

If you look at a light, when you blink there is a shape that appears.

For example, look at a light for a couple seconds, then look at the cover of a book dead center of your vision and blink. You may notice that it's hard to immediately read the text, due to something missing in your visual field.

OP is saying they are able to imprint objects on their field of view, the same way they do with light.

I was wearing loose boxers... For real lol.

Not to confuse you more, but with your phrasing you are correct.

If you're up for it, or being up for something, you are interested. Similarly, if you're down for something, or you'd be down for it, you are interested.

But if you are feeling down, you are not up for it.

The former 2, the verb is the action of being ready.

In the latter, the verb is feeling and down is the state.

For example, despite me feeling down I'm down to go out and party tonight.

He would never, he can't even look at her in a towel

What's the opposite of fascism?

A few, a silver Pikachu Gameboy color, some synthesizers from the 1980's, a unique guitar that I've only been able to find documentation of 1 other one online (Ibanez Nitro full wood body finish - it's certainly a custom). And I think the last pride and joy is my Sony MDR-V600's.

Anybody remember Cube World? Those little electronic cubes that you could magnetically attach to others and they could interact? Got a set of those too.

The music stuff is the oldest but it's mostly second hand so it's harder to claim. The headphones were a gift and new back then though, so they're for sure, same with the Gameboy color and Cube World. Heh :)

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NorCal as well

One of the few actors to actually have differentiation between his characters.

Who he is on The Bubble vs. WW84 vs. TLoU vs. The Mandalorian are all very different, much moreso than many of the "repeat cast" actors.

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I remember that. Along with the distinct smell they all had, the scent of whatever the portable materials were used.

And because of the compact size, all the sound has this sort of reverb to it. It's not really an echo, just an elevated hum of busy noise, with only the higher pitched ticking current going through the fluorescents.

And how that size also affected the lighting. Somehow even with the florescents it all was oddly sepia toned, no doubt because the only colors on the inside were white, grey, tan, and beige...

It might be an okay outcome. No T means split R vote and no B means Kamala becomes first female president. Maybe she runs again, maybe there's a new nominee.

I don't think much changes other than losing the spearhead of the MAGA bullshit, although someone will inevitably take that place.

I think GTA Online might be still going for 360. Maybe not though, but I do have a friend who was playing it

Damn. You just made me realize some of the scope of background interest - that's the sort of thing that Skyrim, GTA V, and Cyberpunk 2077 like to claim about NPC's existing in a living breathing world on their own schedules.

You ever think about all the lives of the individuals next to you on the freeway? How all their lives are as complicated as our own? We don't have that in games right now because it's so complex and needlessly complicated for so little return.

But man, imagine a Shadow of Mordor connected NPC world. Friend groups, rivals, coworkers, bar patrons, they all have individuality that could affect other elements of the social game.

You are very right my edible friend.