
2 Post – 33 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I mean, I do understand him saying: “don’t cut off water and power to over a million civilians, because it will be counterproductive in the long term”.

But what he should really be saying is “don’t cut off water and power to over a million civilians because that’s fucking evil”.

How did we get to this position where no leaders of the West will stand up and call this out for what it is?

I understand it’s a complex situation, but treating an entire people like they’re subhuman is morally unacceptable. And I can’t fucking believe that the sodding Israelis - of all people - don’t know this.

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Even if the former Twitter engineers were working on Threads - so what?

I have had to demonstrate relevant skills and experience for every job I’ve ever applied for (beyond junior/trainee). This is just how the world works.

It’s almost like Musk doesn’t understand how enormously normal it is to use skills and experience gained in one job when you go to the next one.

And it’s not like Twitter has special IP - it’s a fairly straightforward system; the only difficulty is scale which Meta will already know all about.

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Israel is seriously losing the plot. And possibly it’s grasp on reality.

Don’t they have a super right-wing government right now? This kind of frothing at the mouth sure sounds like it.

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I’m old enough to have witnessed the early beginnings of the Internet in the 90s - and what’s happening now with the fediverse feels like coming back to its roots.

We may well find that the implosion of Twitter and Reddit - within 6 months of each other - is the beginning of the end for “big tech”. It’s unlikely that it will go away entirely but I do feel a seismic shift happening. I seriously hope that it’s not a false dawn.

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Makes you wonder how often stuff like this happens … it seems that they were only caught because they accidentally shot one of the victims.

I remember seeing a film years ago called Mississippi Burning (set in the 1960s) about how entire communities and institutions condone behaviour just like this - and thinking “thank god such stuff doesn’t happen any more”. That now feels like a remarkably naive attitude.

Pretty grim reading.

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Couldn’t agree more. The reason I came here was to get away from the algorithm driven inanity of big social.

And I can’t help feeling that the only reason Meta wants to federate Threads is to kill the threat of the fediverse off.

Man I wish we hadn’t all fallen for the “don’t be evil” motto all those years ago.

This move from Google is utter, utter bullshit.

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No shit, Sherlock.

Interesting how little mention there is of lemmy/kibn/the fediverse in these articles about Reddit’s demise.

Interesting. I noticed an uptick in pro-Reddit comments that just didn’t feel “real” around the time of the blackout.

Most Reddit users are fairly irreverent so it felt really odd to see comments “toeing the company line” so obviously. At the time I just assumed they were Reddit bots/astroturfing, but tbh I didn’t really expect any better from Reddit at that point. One of the many reasons I’m here now!

Interesting to see my assumptions were correct!

Why not subscribe to them all? Content will still appear on your home feed …

There were a bunch of subreddits I was subbed to on Reddit that were effectively the same thing, even if they had different names.

Honestly, in this post-truth world … I don’t believe a freaking word of it …

Man, if I could upvote this comment more than once I would.

Expresses my sentiments exactly.

I visited Israel years ago - shortly after the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin - and remember coming across a class (girls, around 7-8 years old) out on a school trip … and they had 3 guys carrying assault rifles to protect them. And I remember thinking: “whatever it is you’re fighting for … isn’t worth it if you have to live like this”

And sadly I think it’s only got worse since that time.

Man, when we (2 Brits) lived in Sydney a couple of years ago, we unwittingly went camping during a mass cicada hatching. The cicada grubs were coming out of the ground and crawling up everything (tent, chairs, us!) to hatch.

We were 2 hopeless pommies fairly new to the Aussie bush and didn’t know what on earth was going on. Utterly freaked. Coupled with all the other crazy wildlife we encountered (stick insects the size of your forearm, lizard things the size of me!) and it’s amazing we didn’t pack up and leave. And also, I mean, the fact that half of Aussie animals can legitimately kill you.

But we stuck it out and had an awesome time. Cicadas were pretty amazing in the end - left fantastic exoskeletons (a bit like Geiger’s alien) and were deafening.


That looks more like a polar bear to me!!

So a question from a non-American …. How likely is any of this to lead to actual conviction/incarceration?

What’s the feeling in the country? Is this all just likely to be brushed off?

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Completely anecdotal, but looking back I believe I had very mild “long covid” after my first bout - slight brain fog, slight fatigue, etc - but nothing unmanageable. (Also, I couldn’t be sure they were Covid related - I am, after all, getting older!)

However, after I recovered from my second bout of covid, these lingering symptoms completely cleared up. Like my body had a lightbulb moment “oh this is how I reset”.

So this article really makes sense, and hopefully it’s a step to a cure for all those people still suffering.

Always fully open! More airflow, less stuffiness. Having said that, we don’t share a home with anyone else.

Jesus. We’re fucked.

This can’t be true.

I’m not American but does 6th grade mean about 11?

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Who’s a good boy?!

Steve Etches will put the skull on display next year at his museum in Kimmeridge - the Etches Collection.

I love that they’re going to display this in the local museum!

The best thing about breaking up with someone is that you’ll get to fall in love again.

Obviously don’t rush that or seek it out, but it will happen at some point.

I always think that breaking up from a decently long relationship is like losing a part of yourself - take your time and make yourself whole before trying to fill that void with the “easy fix” of starting a relationship with someone else.

How do you do that? It just takes time. Do things you love doing. Spend time with people who bring joy to your life. Embrace life! Say yes to new experiences. Be brave.

And then - probably when you least expect it - you’ll meet someone who makes you realise that breaking up was the best thing that could have happened to you.

Please please please please do so

Yeah, this bit stood out for me also!

Good grief.

I’ve been a developer for nearly 30 years, started my IT degree when I was 24. No, you’re not too old to start!

This is the funniest thing I’ve read in ages. Bring on the cage fight!!

Fair point!

I’ve been pretty much shocked by a lot of the things that have happened in the last decade or so … kind of like “nobody would ever ever have predicted that, before ….”

Terrifying that we’re in this state tbh. Those in power really do just get away with it …

Too cute!!!

Damn, have an upvote!

TIL Netflix does DVDs

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