
0 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Life is too short to be sad on reddit

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Douchebag incorporated

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Instructions unclear I am now lonely

An already overpriced subscription service wants more money 🤣

I find steam os to be very user friendly

China has always been against gaming it's the money they like.

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I have more fun pirating games I own from EA than actually playing their games.

You guys have money?

I used to love HBO Max until they disrespected animators so fuck em a pirate's life is for me too.

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In my experience the presets work and the handbrake reddit agrees that the bigger the file the better the quality. 1000001399

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At least 20, most of them are political or I can't understand what they're saying so I don't want to post because of an incorrect translation to prevent unnecessary offense.

You can do this browser wide in the all site settings if you prefer to not be bothered just set it to block all new requests.

Librewolf is not for noobs I love the look you got going on here

I've listened to worryingly loud music throughout high school and didn't know until I got a smart watch yelling at me about it

Why not use backloggd?

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You can import your subscriptions using the Google takeout feature. Tutorial on freetube's website.

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Assassin's Creed is not relevant enough to justify a live service game but I'm not surprised ubisoft didn't stop halfway through production to change course.

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I think it's neat too I use the movies version more. Enjoy your games!

Yes it runs. It'll have some dips here and there which is expected it's a gorgeous game.

Site your source

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I'll buy one if it's "jailbroken" i.e. built like it's a thing you own not a subscription service. Everyone I know who owns the 5 like I do use it for exclusives. Bloodborne is the biggest selling point for me so ffs just unlock the fps already it's been 9 years.

Although this is half the price of the steam deck I'd recommend that because it'll last a whole lot longer and you can put whatever version of android you want on it or just stick to Linux. The streaming is top notch especially with the oled model having a more powerful wireless chip.

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One Finger Death Punch

As long as you can download flatpak I see no reason why this wouldn't become the best option for normal people besides immutable rolling distros.

I've been using mouse and keyboard in gaming mode on nobara Linux and I find the home, end, page up & down and the arrow keys as the most consistent way to navigate the game library. Mouse scroll is just so buggy and when the mouse "goes to sleep" as I call it I find it annoying.

Qubes and opensuse are great for any VM needs. Not sure what the issue with privacy is exactly you can pretty much reconfigure any distro to be oriented the way you want it.

It's possible it just has a random defect like you said. My q3 had a battery failure and I didn't notice until it stopped working without the charger. RMA is really straightforward and nice about it.

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Reimage is the way to go

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Dead god

I hate subscription services

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Thank you! It's gonna be an awesome lock screen 🌌

Absolutely it's great value paired with the dock.

I did that with the deck I received last October because the battery was broken and wouldn't perform under load. I've always treated my systems mobile and desktop as simple computers I can tinker with so personally I'm not bothered with using a different than stock os.

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Holoiso works okay if you're frustrated and don't mind starting over.

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I use Rufus

Love the meme. Sauce image?

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That's unfortunate. Better than buying a whole new unit though.

Novacustom looks pretty good. Wish it had amd GPU options but other than that the prices are right for the hardware.

YouTube critiques pops off but another good option is fmovies