
1 Post – 47 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Musk and Trump are chaotic evil.

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+1 for kdenlive

So other people have your data.

I tired a bunch, but current state of the art is text-generation-webui, which can load multiple models and has a workflow similar to stable-diffusion-webui.


Technology wise, Usenet abuses decade old Mailbox protocols and software for file downloads it was never designed for. Torrents are modern, decentralized and redundant. Usenet was always a huge PITA. Especially if some parts were missing.

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Drag your preferred option to the top wtf is this UX...

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Piracy is never stealing, since you are not removing anything from anyone. This does not include actual piracy, the one with ships and rum.

How can it be still legal for Trump to run for President after the capitol attacks and his numerous impeachments and indictments?

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But I was supposed to be the product!

How was the photo made then?

How do you select files? Probably double click?

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The left one should say "fruits", while the right one should say "fruit"

For the record, I also found that turtl is FOSS and seems to have a decent UI. I will give it a try.



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I asked this a couple of weeks ago, there were many solid suggestions: https://lemm.ee/post/4593760

I ended up with Joplin and am very happy with it.

Both engineers are working on it.

Right, obsidian didn't appeal to me since it's proprietary.

I probably will look into setting up a Joplin server and maybe write a frontend for it. Also didn't try frontend options on PC yet.

Until now I only tried the Android app and while it looked quite mature, I didn't get quite the UX from it I was anticipating.

Some things that bothered me:

  • Creating a note requires 2 clicks, 1 should be fine.I want to start writing and decide whether its a todo later.

  • Tag management. In Keep #tags are parsed from text automatically. Although there is a conflict with markdown syntax, having to issue 3 clicks to add a tag seems bothersome

  • Tags are not shown in the main menu, but are another view.

  • Didn't figure out what notebooks are supposed to be, but i guess some kind of directory system. Don't see the point when having a tag system. In the end they are too prominent in the UI.

But the synchronization options and markdown capabilities are a big plus. mardown is actually a feature missing in keep.

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AOSP is not GPL

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what about emacs?

I guess it does a job, but will lack some features like tagging I am accustomed to from keep. Also I would need to maintain a whole nextcloud instance for it.

I actually stumbled upon it, but even though they have an active github account and there is an Arch Linux package, the software is proprietary. So I would rather patch the FOSS alternatives to my desire.

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Why is everything a folder? What does a debian or android folder do?

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Hmm, latest commit 7 years ago... It was also not easy to find the "upstream" repo, the link on the website 404s. https://github.com/cognirel/Quillpad-Server

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I wouldn't have bought the stuff I pirated If I couldn't have pirate it.

I'm doing both on AMD, while I contribute to a bunch of ROCm packages. Stable Diffusion XL and training runs great.

This would only be possible if it installed Linux.

Applications updating themselves... must be a Windows thing. Didn't they want to copy package management from Linux? Maybe AI can help.

I don't see the point of PluralKit, you can just use multiple accounts.

Is there a reason why most of the EU is missing from the data set?

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Oh, I didn't realize it was open source from the look of the website. But it actually is! And it's active. https://github.com/standardnotes/app

I will check it out.

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I also hate wireless headphones and use wired USB-C headphones. One fewer thing to charge.


Actually the Ethereum blockchain was created from this very motivation https://www.polygon.com/22709126/ethereum-creator-world-of-warcraft-nerf-nft-vitalik-buterin

It would make more sense to switch to a calendar with a different year 0. Like when human civilization started, which would make.the current year to 12k+. Or when earth started, which revolutions around the sun we are counting. Which would make the current year something with 4.5 billion.

SPSS has a Linux version and is Java, so no Windows required.

that would be only limited to one device though. screenshot looks good.

This was a marketing post, not a technical one. Unless we see any git branches or ROM teardown we won't know what they were doing. I highly doubt that they did any kernel patches though.

The whole point is that the certification of ownership will even surpass the death of the game. It still work in 3rd part apps and still can be traded.

It's simillar to a banned magic card. You can't use it in tournament play, but you can sell it on the secondary market.

Also someone can implement and host an alternative game client to the item ownership data.

Obviously you should only play decentralized open source games to prevent the scenario of shutdown.

You mean like things the YouTube API, where the centralized owner can decide to not show downvote data anymore?