
7 Post – 380 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Being a baby. What do they even know?

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I can’t even view it on mobile without logging in or getting an app.

He seems desperate to make Reddit work. It seems that he can’t take the ego hit to back pedal his decision and is trying to figure out a way forward.

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Some time ago people merged contributing to society and being productive with work.

Work is doing something for money, but there are things I would do for free if I didn’t need to earn money to survive.

Teaching, community gardens, organizing social events. These are all things I’d love to do but I have to work like 50 hours a week to survive and safe for the future.

Website has a link to a Reddit post which is just a link to YouTube. How many jumps did I need to make to watch the video at the source?😂

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Reddit declined to comment

I am guessing their comment would be something like, "FUCK!!!!!!"

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Florida kids are going to grow up and leave Florida and be like “What the fuck?” Why is the rest of the world different from what o was taught.

That’s a big nope for me.

Internet goes out? I can still do some amount of work, now I need power and internet to both work to do any work at all.

Not a fan of this and I will not embrace it.

Maybe he only wanted to watch Barbie. Oppenheimer may not be the kind of movie he is into.

So would this mean that cpus would not generate heat?

Would smartphone battery life skyrocket?

Can someone breakdown how this would affect computing?

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I make decent money working freelance from home.

I might consider working in a factory if they payed me like 150,000 a year and offered on the job training and promotions and pay raises yearly that beat inflation.

I don’t make anywhere close to 150,000, but I’m not willing to drive to a factory, work in a place that may be bad for my health, and give up the experience I’m gaining each day in my current field of work.

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I’ve hear something similar. I think I read that the US Air Force has a bunch of nodes or something.

Additionally I don’t really understand what I would use it for if I already have a vpn and how it might put me a risk of legal trouble if I’m using it and someone routes something bad through me while I’m using it…

I’m not even sure how to talk about it.

I am decently technical, I just don’t know this tech.

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I think google made the web worse with SEO. Sites have to be designed in ways that users and creators do not really care about so that they may show up in search results.

If I have a site about star trek and it has all the relevant information that the user is looking for, then do not derank my site because the text is not a specific length or whatever other unrelated stuff is there.

I think there are some things that are worth while, like I think https sites are preferred over http sites. I think that this is a good thing to promote.

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Gamer 1: Dude, if you preorder the collectors digital bundle, you get Denuvo+ for free.

Gamer 2: you know I preorder everything, but it doesn’t matter. I have denuvo ultra+. That way I have denuvo on games that do not normally have it.

Ad: A nerd walks up to his waifu pillow and asks, “you want the D don’t you?” Then you hear him speaking to himself in a high pitch voice pretending to be the waifu, “Please Senpai, I NEED the D right now!” Then he put a denuvo patch on the pillow.

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Sometimes I feel like things are just moments away from falling apart. I worry that the leaders are doing their best to cover it up, but one day it will fall apart and it will fall apart suddenly.

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I live in a third world country, but I am not from here and because of that I earn a pretty good wage compared to the local population.

The other night, I was walking home with my wife and it felt really cyberpunk at night.

On the street there were a bunch of little stalls and shops selling second hand clothes, or cheap quality phone cases and chargers.

In the distance there were these huge condo buildings and behind us were the skyscrapers of the business district.

The streets were filled with people walking to and from their destination as they don’t have cars, or can’t book a ride on their phone. The trails have huge lines and are packed. Packed so dense that I was once worried my wife couldn’t breath.

I hope it’s resourcefulness, but it’s hard to imagine a 14 year old making it on her own for such a long time. But who knows, maybe she was doing bug bounties or freelance work and having the payment go through a corporation to get around the age thing. For like $500/year you can incorporate in some places it might even be less.

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Maybe release 1 good game every year or two instead of 10 mediocre games a year to make as much cash as possible.

I don’t have a convenient way to play this game at the moment, but I’ll pick it up as soon as I get a steam deck.

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I think it looks like a butt sitting on a yellow table.

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Twice in the past few months I came across a site that would not work with Firefox. The other time it actually did work, but said that it recommends chrome to function properly.

The first one was a local government form that would not let me select boxes, but chrome worked without any problems.

The second was some 3d game or something like that.

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Someone said that valve does not want to upgrade the Steamdecks cpu regularly that way it can act as a baseline for games to target.

I kind of like this approach. I think so many devs focus on making everything bleeding edge when most of us would be happy playing with low settings.

Maybe the steamdeck will lead to further optimizations to these games down the line and maybe games that are early in development will try to target the steamdeck for the minimum spec.

Starfield and bg3 were too far along in development when steamdeck game out for them to optimize for it.

I’ll be happy to see how it runs though.

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How long until we can a browser extension that lets us know when we are on a site written by AI?

I don’t mean AI detection, but instead, sites that announce they are laying off editors in favor of AI.

Steam as it’s more straightforward to running it on Linux.

I bought cyberpunk on gog and it’s just a bit more work to get it installed and running.

If possible, I’d exchange it for a steam copy.

I was on a conference call with this guy I work with an HR. We had to go on a work trip together and she was getting out contact info for the flight.

She wanted our personal emails due to work email limitations. I just give the first initial last name thing.

The guy I worked with paused for a moment and said…”Iliketurtles” haha I’m pretty sure he made an adult email after that.

I’m from the states and I’m always a little afraid they will find some strange reason and then put me in jail.

Like, in 2005 you downloaded a movie… jail!


You made a mistake on your taxes 4 years ago… jail!

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That’s pretty insane. Who is paying that kind of money?

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Windows has been a pretty garbage os for years. Linux is so much better in many ways. The only thing windows has is a few applications that have yet to release a Linux version.

If we could get office, Adobe, and autocad on Linux, we could see droves of people switch.

Gaming is basically all set on Linux at this point. Just a few games that have not setup to work due to anti-cheat, but screw it. I don’t need them.

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Exactly this. After seeing what proton can do on Linux, devs will probably just wait and hope apple gets on that level.

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I don’t play Minecraft, but I really hate fandom. The site is really so annoying to use. I typically avoid it at all costs.

Thank you, people like you are the reason I always read comments first.


Seriously, what the hell went wrong? I’m from the states and my wife is from a third would country. We are both just living here. Living in America seems like a nightmare now.

I’ve been here for like 5-6 years now. My sister decided to homeschool her children due to shootings. Luckily, she used to be an elementary teacher and her oldest son is easily completing the material he would be learning at his current age.

But still, why would people go there at this point?

Sell it to who?

1 dollar is about 98 rubles at the moment.

When I visited Russia like 15 years ago, it was 1 dollar to 33 rubles. Although shortly after I visited it went to 66 rubles.

That’s a pretty significant drop in value.

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It’s what I have to remind people when they are trying to change their diet to get in shape and lose weight.

I tell them, your not eating for enjoyment, your eating to fuel your body.

I was very fit, but I was eating like canned tuna and Greek yogurt, not mixed but one after another. That’s not a delicious lunch, but it was just the nutrition that was needed.

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You need money to run and young people done have the money.

I forget who it was, possibly Andre yang, who said that the money spent on campaigns should come from a pool and every vote you get in a primary translates to how much federal money you are granted or something.

I forget, but there are plenty of options, but it will only take power from the people who have it , so, of course nothing will change.

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It’s totally a gamble though. The fact that you have to state that there is nothing wrong with it proves that it is a concern.

So it’s good there was nothing wrong, there was a chance you would be stuck with a $350 brick.

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I don’t know what your talking about 80% is pretty big.

Sadly this is super accurate.

I read these books in the past few years and if you haven’t or haven’t for a while, you should and think about how current society mirrors these dystopian societies.

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As an iOS user the bloat on android is a huge turnoff for me.

I’d potentially switch to a Samsung if it didn’t have all that stuff pre installed on it.

It may be the second biggest reason I’m sticking with iOS. Of fact, if they got rid of bloat and iMessage was available on Android, I’d jump over in a second.

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I think the only thing that could have been done better if for mods to more rapidly migrate to other plate forms and leave a detail message on the locked subreddit about why and how to move to the platform.

I’m not saying that it has to be Lemmy, but it would have been nice if it were.

They will probably introduce some dock to monitor mode that is super limited in functionality and talk about how they just couldn't get it working right with lightning or something.

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